Can a game be too long?


New member
Apr 9, 2009
A game that is too long will most likely be a game with pleanty of side quests of some sort. Not that that is a bad idea, but when the main story is actually held up from continuing because of a particular item that you need to get from a side quest, than those side quests become less side quests and more main quests. Whats worse though is when it takes a series of side quests in order to move the plot along. One example I can think of is in Oblivion, where you need to gain the allegence of the counts around the kingdom, but for each one you have to defeat a oblivion gate. That shit was annoying.

Also, some games, like FPS and Racing games (im thinking NFS titles, not GT, PGR, or Forza), shouldnt be that long. Eventually, the repeditivness gets to the player, and they just dont care about the story or anything, they just want top finish it and move on.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Oh man, there are plenty, but the ones that I deem to be too "long" are often ones that just have too much to do. If I'm not set on a specific mission, I WILL wander off and do other shit. This gives me ZERO sense of urgency for the main quest at hand and makes me believe that my actions are meaningless.

Thank you for that Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Read Dead Redemption. I finished none of those games.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
definitely. but only if the game is not exciting or interesting.

but some really long games dont feel long enough, imo. like Mass Effect 2. long ass game but i really wish it was 10 times longer


New member
Jan 27, 2010
As someone who likes to play a variety of games, I generally won't finish anything that is more than 10 hours unless its REALLY FRIGGING GOOD. It also has to feel like the length is justified. Grinding is a big no no.


New member
Jan 27, 2009
Well, a game that is too long sends a message or gets to a point but then it keeps going even though it has nothing else to offer. I actually find a lot of games are too long, but I also find I'm too picky.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
One Hit Noob said:
inFAMOUSCowZ said:
Final Fantasy 13, my god I tried loving that game, but I just couldnt
I never beat the game and I never really liked it. I played for about a month and then I quit. Weird how my cousin beat it in less then a week when it came out.
I beat it in 5 days, it's all about immersion man.

If you spread it over a month's time you'll lose the connection to the events and things will be much less meaningful than they would if you had everything that happened before fresh in your memory.

FFXIII is all about the story, if you love the story you'll love the game. Oh and I played the Japanese import, maybe the rather pathetic dub ruined it in part for you. For me it was like the perfect mix of anime and FF.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
When a game seems too long it's simply badly done, mostly they run out of content then patch in some random sh*t to prolong it, mostly they do it for a better Metacritic score.

The most shameless game that does this is Far Cry 2, they had practically no content apart from the environment so they just repeated the same missions, and once you get half way through they reset the game and you haveto repeat all of it again, that was truly a jaw dropping moment.

Alan Wake has the same issue, what they had was very good, then they padded it out with forest fights trying to make it a 20h game just on that, and eventually all that is good is drowned out by the same damn fights.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Mr.Pandah said:
Oh man, there are plenty, but the ones that I deem to be too "long" are often ones that just have too much to do. If I'm not set on a specific mission, I WILL wander off and do other shit. This gives me ZERO sense of urgency for the main quest at hand and makes me believe that my actions are meaningless.

Thank you for that Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Read Dead Redemption. I finished none of those games.
Yeah, you do lose a sense of urgancy when you can put the main quest off and do other shit.

I think a game like Fallout could do good if there wasnt an actual main story, just a guy/girl leaves a vault because of some ritual deal, and from there what-have-you.
Nov 12, 2010
HankMan said:
Psycho Cat Industries said:
HankMan said:
Psycho Cat Industries said:
HankMan said:
Psycho Cat Industries said:
babinro said:
Games can easily be too long when the main story tends to lose interest and there is a lack of evolution in gameplay. I still believe that too much content is better than not enough...however, delegate tons of extra content to side quests...much like Dragon Age: Origins did.
Yeah, Dragon Age was bad.
It's even worse when you realize after all the ambushes and endless trekking back and forth for each mission, that the leveling doesn't even matter! I don't mind a long game but I would like to feel like I've gotten something out of it =(
Yeah,the combat wasn't really that great. Personally, all the talking killed me. I just plain don't care about the lore when everyone sounds stereotype 12th century drunk. Really, I don't know anyone from Europe who talks like that and some of the people I have known were from Wales and England
But do you know any Irish?
No,I can't say I know any Irish, though knowing me,I probably have known and forgotten of as is my bad habit in memory. Why, know a friend that moved to the states?
I do know some people of Irish decent, but no recent immigrants. I was wondering if it was Irish drunks that the NCPs were based on.
I would doubt that.It just seems to Rennfest to resemble real.This coming from someone who loves Renaissance Festivals

Colonel Alzheimer's

New member
Jan 3, 2010
Mr.Pandah said:
Oh man, there are plenty, but the ones that I deem to be too "long" are often ones that just have too much to do. If I'm not set on a specific mission, I WILL wander off and do other shit. This gives me ZERO sense of urgency for the main quest at hand and makes me believe that my actions are meaningless.

Thank you for that Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Read Dead Redemption. I finished none of those games.
It sounds like you're just talking about open world games in general. Personally, if I'm interested in the story (like I was in RDR) then I don't get distracted by the random shit that the game had to offer. I would just jump on my horse and book it to the next mission. Basically what I'm saying is that it helps to create your own sense of urgency, even if the game doesn't offer one.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Colonel Alzheimer said:
Mr.Pandah said:
Oh man, there are plenty, but the ones that I deem to be too "long" are often ones that just have too much to do. If I'm not set on a specific mission, I WILL wander off and do other shit. This gives me ZERO sense of urgency for the main quest at hand and makes me believe that my actions are meaningless.

Thank you for that Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Read Dead Redemption. I finished none of those games.
It sounds like you're just talking about open world games in general. Personally, if I'm interested in the story (like I was in RDR) then I don't get distracted by the random shit that the game had to offer. I would just jump on my horse and book it to the next mission. Basically what I'm saying is that it helps to create your own sense of urgency, even if the game doesn't offer one.
Trust me, the urgency was there for the first portion of the game, but when I hit Mexico...the game fell apart for me. Just couldn't be bothered anymore. Fallout on the other hand, just completely falls on its face in terms of trying to get you to do anything massively important in regards to the main storyline.


Sep 7, 2010
Sniper Team 4 said:
feauxx said:
Sniper Team 4 said:
Hm...the only games that I think can be too long are those games that allow you to play after you have beaten the story. Now, MMOs are the exception to this rule, but a game is about getting to the end of something. For me, this end is the completion of the story in the game. A clearly defined goal of "Save world/rescue princess/claim treasure/get revenge." Once that is accomplished, the game is over. Games like .Hack and Mass Effect 2, which allow you to play after completing the storyline, are too long because there is no longer a driving force. I have seen the ending, and doing anything more just feels like work. When a game feels like work, it has become too long.
mass effect 2 doesn't 'finish' / allows you to roam around after the suicide mission is because of the DLC mostly.
Agreed. However, none of the DLC directly affects the main storyline. Because of this, I play the DLC before I launch the suicide mission, that way they feel like they have context. Playing them after just doesn't feel right.
aha, but there is still more DLC to come :)
i did kasumi, zaeed and overlord before the suicide mission in my last playthrough, LotSB feels better to me after ME2 though, esp if liara is your love interest.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
A game is too long when you just want it to end, and that means it's a mediocre game. If you want to continue playing a game, whether it's an hour in, or 50 hours in, it's a good game and the only "long" game is the one that's overstayed it's welcome to the point of exhausting

Dimensional Vortex

New member
Nov 14, 2010
Fallout New Vegas seems bloody damn long, and it gets painfully boring if you try to do the story and side missions in moderation. The side missions are often just go here, kill him, or go here, talk to him and if the latter was the case it would always turn into, go here, kill him. I'm not saying Fallout New Vegas is bad, but with what we were introduced in Fallout 3, it just doesn't seem as good, Fallout New Vegas just seems quite bland and fruitless in efforts to please, although it can be fun at good times.

I think a game could be too long if it was repetitive, hard and spanned over 4+ discs.

Colonel Alzheimer's

New member
Jan 3, 2010
Mr.Pandah said:
Colonel Alzheimer said:
Mr.Pandah said:
Oh man, there are plenty, but the ones that I deem to be too "long" are often ones that just have too much to do. If I'm not set on a specific mission, I WILL wander off and do other shit. This gives me ZERO sense of urgency for the main quest at hand and makes me believe that my actions are meaningless.

Thank you for that Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Read Dead Redemption. I finished none of those games.
It sounds like you're just talking about open world games in general. Personally, if I'm interested in the story (like I was in RDR) then I don't get distracted by the random shit that the game had to offer. I would just jump on my horse and book it to the next mission. Basically what I'm saying is that it helps to create your own sense of urgency, even if the game doesn't offer one.
Trust me, the urgency was there for the first portion of the game, but when I hit Mexico...the game fell apart for me. Just couldn't be bothered anymore. Fallout on the other hand, just completely falls on its face in terms of trying to get you to do anything massively important in regards to the main storyline.
I haven't played New Vegas, but from my experience with Fallout 3 I think you're right. I get really easily immersed in most games though, so I was still pretty much rushing to find Dad, or clear Jefferson Memorial or whatever.
As for Red Dead, I thought that the game did a decent job of giving you a constant, concrete goal to aim for. In Mexico it does kinda fall apart a little because the antagonists don't really come up as much in the plot, but I thought that was forgivable because the shit that was going on was still interesting.


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
CoD Black Ops wasn't too long IMO, but at one point i felt like "When will this end!?", then when it did end, i felt "That's It!?", i wouldnt say game length is the problem with CoD but more of the content in it. CoD has a hidden sense of repetition in its story mode. It also ended on quite a sudden note, and seemed a bit incomplete.

Iron Lightning

Lightweight Extreme
Oct 19, 2009
A game can not be bad just because it is too long. However, there are a few games that are bad because they're loaded with filler material. Those games aren't bad because the filler makes them longer, but because they're full of filler.