Can we STOP spelling Microsoft with a "$" PLEASE!!!


New member
Feb 16, 2009
hecticpicnic said:
short answer: No

long answer:
did you expect a long answer?
well, yeah, i kinda expected a zp reference to be honest i.e. or e.g. whichever one is appopriate "Long answer: Noooooooooooo"


New member
Sep 11, 2008
But Microsoft is a big faceless corporation that you can more or less say anything about short of insinuating that they literally eat babies and get away with it!


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Hubilub said:
headshotcatcher said:
PayJ567 said:
People can do as they like. How about YOU just don't get bothered by it. You're the problem here not the people who post it as you're the one making a thread about it and unnecessarily telling people what they can and can't do.
That's like saying "Nazi Germany wasn't in the wrong, it was those stupid Allied forces for being bothered by them!"
I am banishing you to a black hole of time until you realize your mistake, young man
Damn you, you magnificent man, I was caught in the crossfire


New member
Jun 24, 2008
martyrdrebel27 said:
Actual said:
Ummm breaching antitrust law? Monopoly?

Charging a lot of money for a product the average computer user has no choice but to use.
consumer ignorance is Microsoft's fault? and not really "charging a lot of money" when it comes pre-installed on most pc's. it only costs a lot of money if you're upgrading or building a comp...

but if that's the case than you're more than an "average computer user" and are savvy enough to be able to make that choice for yourself.
No, what is their fault is that the average user doesn't have a choice, because Micro$oft continually breaks the law to drive any would be competitors out of business.

Also; you still pay for it on a pre-built.


New member
May 2, 2010
hecticpicnic said:
short answer: No

long answer:
did you expect a long answer?
Short answer: no


New member
Mar 30, 2009
No I won't stop spelling Micro$oft with a "$" instead of an "s". I can't very well do this for Bioware, however I can do it for Luca$art$(the bastards).


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I spell Micro$oft that way because it's true. Before you say anything, I'm an Xbox User. I don't give a crap about who made it, all I care is if it has exclusives I enjoy. I don't care if PS3 is better, I bought an Xbox first. Micro$oft is a greedy company, but I don't care who I buy it from as long as I can play my favorite games on it.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
chemicalreaper said:
Atmos Duality said:
After that, I can say without a doubt that you're a P$3-owning Apple-user.
You have made a huge assumption, and are completely wrong on both accounts.
For that matter, I hold any company who engages in such practices with contempt.

oktalist said:
Slight correction: that's not reverse engineering. Reverse engineering is entirely lawful. That would be a simple case of copyright infringement. Similar to the SCO debacle. (Hah, remember that? When Microsoft provided substatial financial support to another company that would file phony lawsuits against IBM, Red Hat and others, to scare off businesses thinking of using Linux.)
Ah. Thank you for the correction. I hate misinforming people, as bias as I can be at times.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
LordCuthberton said:
You can't order people to stop quirks like that.
Well, he can. But no one will listen. In fact people, like me, will just start doing the quirk to prove he is powerless to stop it.

I didn't even know about this but now that I've read this thread, I'm going to use it.

OT: There is a technique I use when I encounter a popular saying/mannerism that I don't like. I "ignore" it. Novel idea, don't you think? You just don't look or read it. It is that simple!

[sub][sub]Micro$oft huh? Well, now I know what spelling I'm going to use when referring to that mean company![/sub][/sub]

[sub][sub][sub]I want the ability to change the Wallpaper damnit![/sub][/sub][/sub]


New member
Jan 18, 2010
I actually have never noticed this on the Escapist. However, I shall oblige to something I do anyways because those are the best things to agree to!

I'm also quite surprised that this forum hasn't turned into a sissy fight/flame war between the computer OS factions (Apple, Windows, Linux)


New member
Dec 15, 2008
maddawg IAJI said:
Why is it that EVERY conversation, no matter the subject, brings up Nazis or WWII in some way shape or form. There is a difference between someone expressing their views through internet slang and a faction that committed widespread genocide.
I don't know if someone has responded like this, but here [] is your answer.

OP: I know people who work for Microsoft and know for a fact that they have a fantastic human resources department, or so I'm told.

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
blinkgun96 said:
maddawg IAJI said:
Why is it that EVERY conversation, no matter the subject, brings up Nazis or WWII in some way shape or form. There is a difference between someone expressing their views through internet slang and a faction that committed widespread genocide.
I don't know if someone has responded like this, but here [] is your answer.

OP: I know people who work for Microsoft and know for a fact that they have a fantastic human resources department, or so I'm told.
Actually, yes, someone did point out Godwin's law to me earlier and when someone had quoted me wondering the same thing, I told him about it as well. Either way, it is a true and entertaining rule of the internet.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Wel, they finally released a console which doesn't require you to buy Microsoft brand wireless adapters to have wireless capabilities. But unless I'm mistaken, it still requires their brand of hardrive, instead of just allowing any hardrive to be used.
They've improved, but its still a bit cheap (not as in price) in my opinion.

I'm more concerned about a company that sells molded plastic and water based paints for ridiculous prices.
I'm looking at you Game$Workshop...


New member
Apr 6, 2010
PayJ567 said:
People can do as they like. How about YOU just don't get bothered by it. You're the problem here not the people who post it as you're the one making a thread about it and unnecessarily telling people what they can and can't do.
Actually, ALLOWING something and DISALLOWING something have the same weight. Nobody is the "problem". Freedom doesn't mean to live with disregard for others' rights or opinions. Certainly this debate over the sarcastic dollar sign in the rendition of the word "Micro$oft" is nothing at all to lose sleep over - I don't care. But then again, that's just my opinion. However, it's fair enough to find the exclusionary use of that dollar sign somewhat inconsistant with the reality of corporate greed. I think all company names could be written with some reference to the rabit collection of money in them.