Can we STOP spelling Microsoft with a "$" PLEASE!!!

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Micro$oft bought out companies by the truckload, only to fire their employees.
It's called "Business Torpedoing" and it's a downright dirty tactic.

You see, once Micro$oft (or anyone else) has ownership of a company, they own all assets developed by that company, which includes source code and trademarks.
So, they buy out a company who has spent time and effort on something that could compete, M$ gets whiff of it, and buys them out.
They ice/integrate the product they produced and fire all the employees to save costs.

Now that company has to start over from scratch, and cannot use anything that resembled the original code for their product, because it could be brought up in court by Micro$oft under charges of "Reverse Engineering".

Unethical, but technically legal and wildly profitable, since they were the only business left in town. Between that and bullying computer manufacturers into making Windows the one und only OS they can load, it's easy to see how Mr Gates (representing his company, no less) ended up addressing Congress in 1998.

Make no mistake, Micro$soft hasn't changed; it's just that there is actually a real market for them to compete with now (full of other underhanded unethical assholes).

I don't forgive Micro$oft, nor do I forgive the fact that they were permitted to continue their business pretty much unaltered after spending a short time in the penalty box.

You can say I'm petty for calling them that; fine, but I will call you naive' for defending them and thus their practices.

Chaos scorch NL

New member
Oct 27, 2008
headshotcatcher said:
PayJ567 said:
People can do as they like. How about YOU just don't get bothered by it. You're the problem here not the people who post it as you're the one making a thread about it and unnecessarily telling people what they can and can't do.
That's like saying "Nazi Germany wasn't in the wrong, it was those stupid Allied forces for being bothered by them!"
well if they hadn't all the jews would be dead now and if still no-one bothered then it meens nobody found taht they were doing something wrong

wrong or bad is always just relatives if everyone in the world would believe dead is fun we'd all be doing mass suicide


New member
May 6, 2009
PayJ567 said:
People can do as they like. How about YOU just don't get bothered by it. You're the problem here not the people who post it as you're the one making a thread about it and unnecessarily telling people what they can and can't do.

Chaos scorch NL

New member
Oct 27, 2008
Kavachi said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
(to the poster who called me an idiot, fanboy, or employee)

i'm none of those things. but if you think that Bill Gates personally had a hand in making, programming and developing the xbox, the 360, or hell, at this point, even the piece of shit that was Vista, then you're obviously the idiot here. a company that large is not an engine being moved by one man's ability to program.
You definitly are an idiot, and a fanboy, and maybe an employee, who knows. Bill Gates is IN CHARGE. That means that he is the boss. The team working for him are nothing more than tools to do the job. Whatever he says they should do, they do, but it's still Bill Gates' idea. Also, if he had no influence in the qaulity of his products, why is Windows 7, who has been made when Bill Gates stopped, better than Vista, who was still under the supervision of Gates?

You should read some history about this kind of thing before you make random arguments and random statements.
yes he is the head but believe me he really only approves certain things every now and then trust me even in smaller comenies like the martin gaus company the head (martin gaus) does very little bosses of companies are useually old and they just own it and approve things and do money stuff that's there job


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Generic Gamer said:
Arehexes said:
T_T someone I can agree with, I never had problems using microsoft made programs. But people install all this shit on their computer and when it crashes they blame microsoft. You get a virus it's microsoft's fault. But like you said apple is tight fisted with what you can and can't do (we needed a legal ruling to say we can jail break devices), and linux users are morons who bash microsoft like they are unqiue. I use windows and linux, both work great. But no one ever bashes Sony, Apple, EA, Acitivsion for the crap they pull and if you do fans will come and bash you for it.
I forget who said it but someone commented on Linux and said that it's appeal was that you felt so happy that you'd solved a minor problem that you forget all the major ones. Linux's one drawback is that it's largely unusable by the average computer user. Out of all the distros I've used Ubuntu is the only one that even comes close to being instantly usable, the netbook version especially, but even Ubuntu has silly little problems that make using it's features a little too difficult. I'm what I'd class as an experienced computer user so I don't mean things like "herp derp, how do I change my resolution?" but quite a few little problems with Ubuntu require a command line solution which not many users would be happy doing. Linux users seek Linux out and are happy to overlook it's shortcomings but most users want something that'll work easily.

Apple computers are just overly restricted. Not much to say there really, we all know the issues.

Most people go for Windows because of the fact that it comes pre-installed on computers and that most products are compatible with it. There's nothing worse than wanting a neat little program and finding out it's not for your OS. Unfortunately if anyone can install anythign they want onto a Windows box that means they can install anything. Even things they don't really want there. It's not Microsoft's fault if a virus or malware breaks your computer, it's the fault of the virus' writer. A virus isn't Windows breaking itself, a virus is someone else breaking Windows.
Well I can agree with linux distros being hard to understand, I play around with them and still prefer Ubuntu just so I can install and work. I only use linux to program, but I just want ubuntu just so I can use the IDEs (pick click install).

"Most people go for Windows because of the fact that it comes pre-installed on computers and that most products are compatible with it. There's nothing worse than wanting a neat little program and finding out it's not for your OS."

I know what you mean I wanted Adobe Premiere (it was 70 bucks for the latest elements version), and it doesn't work on the new Mac we bought T_T. And yes windows has the most programs and the most viruses. But a lot of fanbois are so blind they don't want logic that is not on their side.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
As soon as people stop spelling "lose" (as in, to lose something, like your keys or virginity) with two "o"'s.

Lose = Opposite of find
Loose = Opposite of tight

Write it down!



New member
Feb 16, 2009
Atmos Duality said:
So, they buy out a company who has spent time and effort on something that could compete, M$ gets whiff of it, and buys them out.
They ice/integrate the product they produced and fire all the employees to save costs.

Now that company has to start over from scratch, and cannot use anything that resembled the original code for their product, because it could be brought up in court by Micro$oft under charges of "Reverse Engineering".
Slight correction: that's not reverse engineering. Reverse engineering is entirely lawful. That would be a simple case of copyright infringement. Similar to the SCO debacle. (Hah, remember that? When Microsoft provided substatial financial support to another company that would file phony lawsuits against IBM, Red Hat and others, to scare off businesses thinking of using Linux.)

Baby Eater

Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!
Aug 27, 2009
RandomWords said:
I don't put $ in the middle of words, that sounds retarded.
But using retarded as an insult is cool?

OT: I haven't even noticed so I guess it isn't that big of a deal.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Ummm breaching antitrust law? Monopoly?

Charging a lot of money for a product the average computer user has no choice but to use.


New member
May 9, 2009
M$ is still viable because of their constant FUD campaigns against open-source development. It's not so much about competition, but more about, "You know X will not work with Y, right?" even though it's completely untrue.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
Actual said:
Ummm breaching antitrust law? Monopoly?

Charging a lot of money for a product the average computer user has no choice but to use.
consumer ignorance is Microsoft's fault? and not really "charging a lot of money" when it comes pre-installed on most pc's. it only costs a lot of money if you're upgrading or building a comp...

but if that's the case than you're more than an "average computer user" and are savvy enough to be able to make that choice for yourself.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
commodorejohn said:
Okay: Mi¢rosoft.
Ooh,how about... MaH kr o s/.Ft?

(couldn't think of a currency for the o shame the kroner and the krooni don't use one)

martyrdrebel27 said:
Actual said:
Ummm breaching antitrust law? Monopoly?

Charging a lot of money for a product the average computer user has no choice but to use.
consumer ignorance is Microsoft's fault? and not really "charging a lot of money" when it comes pre-installed on most pc's. it only costs a lot of money if you're upgrading or building a comp...

but if that's the case than you're more than an "average computer user" and are savvy enough to be able to make that choice for yourself.
Being repetitively found guilty of just about every anti-competitive practice in the book gives you a deservedly tarnished reputation for a very long time.

Average consumers do upgrade as their the ones least likely to buy a whole new PC just because they want to run the new OS. And it's not like they do this to just PC users, look at the accessories for the xbox line.

When I wanted to put my HDMI picture onto my TV and the stereo sound to my (funny enough) stereo I found the HDMI cable had a connector head four times lager than the output socket obscuring the other outputs . Microsoft seem to think I would pay more than £50 for a cable that would do what I wanted, me I thought smashing the pointless plastic casing off was a better solution. A less aware user though.... that's just exploiting ignorance.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
headshotcatcher said:
PayJ567 said:
People can do as they like. How about YOU just don't get bothered by it. You're the problem here not the people who post it as you're the one making a thread about it and unnecessarily telling people what they can and can't do.
That's like saying "Nazi Germany wasn't in the wrong, it was those stupid Allied forces for being bothered by them!"
"Hey guys! I can find some obscure and completely illogical way to relate your statement to Hitler! That makes you wrong!"

Come on dude. Hitler was a vegetarian. Not all vegetarians were evil. Neither are all Germans.

And Nazi's were committing genocide. The people who say Micro$oft are using their right to freedom of speech. Not the same thing. Not even close.