Cartoon Networks Says "Go Planet" to Live-Action Captain Planet Movie


New member
Apr 13, 2009
This could possibly become the campest live action movie of all time.

Still, at least it's environmentally conscious for the kiddies. Honestly, the show sort of died at the worst time. An entire generation of kids seems to have missed it, right as climate change gets acknowledged by the adult world as a serious issue outside of the few sensible people who'd figured it out in the 1980's.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
You know who they need to get to direct this movie? The same guy who did the Deathstalker series.

Because if it's gonna be bad, we might as well go full blast into the impending fail.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Dr. wonderful said:
PowerC said:
AC10 said:
My favorite part about captain planet was the ridiculous things they routinely had to counter. I remember one episode the villians built a pollution machine. It literally just sits there and creates pollution. Why in the hell would anyone waste millions of dollars on something like that?
I don't know why Captain Planet never realized the source of the earths problems and turned on us in a murderous rampage where the only element of "heart" he would use is the one he ripped from your chest.
Actually, he's the most dangerous one.

From the Tv trope Article:

Captain Planet's Ma-Ti himself manages to elbow Hitler pretty damn hard that one time. Pre-pubescent boy vs. genocidal dictator. Power of heart vs. caricature featuring no heart whatsoever. It's probable the writers just stumbled onto this but...dude, Ma-Ti knocked Hitler to the ground. Give the kid his one-second victory. ◦

Heart IS an awesome power, besides. In one the It's A Wonderful Plot episode where Wheeler never got the ring, Ma-ti managed to get a snooty businessman to give him money. He can sense the location of seemingly any conscious life form, and if the comics are to be believed, he can read minds, knock people out, influence their decisions and command an endless horde of rabid wildlife to do his bidding. Screw fire! Heart is hardcore!

¡ Influence their decisions, indeed. One episode even shows a Bad Future where Ma-Ti stops playing around and becomes an unopposed dictator. Used effectively, Heart really is the strongest power, and Gaia wasn't just lying when she told him that in the first episode. However, Ma-Ti is so kind-hearted that he doesn't dare to use it to its full extent."

Did you read the last paragraph? He can freaking take over the world.


New member
May 24, 2010
Not G. Ivingname said:

I thought these guys were dead, buried, and long forgotten?
Believe me, Ted Turner's mental creations are like supervillains: They simply do not die, even with unfair play.

If this propaganda-fest even makes an ounce of profit, I will be pissed. Even comic book fans could tell it was preachy, no matter how much you spun it.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
I think they should make it dark, like the new Batman moives. Just to mindfuck people. lol

But really, all the show was was Greens propaganda. There is no way I want to see it made in to a moive unless you get some people who actully know that the planet is always corecting it self. If we had no poluiton, then there would be no trees, and there for no oxigen.

Then you have the whole thing where no one has looked at the Sun to be the problom.... I mean, if anything is going to heat the planet, its going to be THE SUN. Not some cloueds a puniy race has fated. lol


New member
Sep 19, 2007
At least the live action movie won't destroy the memory of Captin Planet like Avatar: the Last Airbender. Its already crap.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
I was about to say the same thing. Do you suppose they'll revive Captain Planet's evil twin? Forgot the name, only he thrived off of pollution.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
KushinLos said:
I was about to say the same thing. Do you suppose they'll revive Captain Planet's evil twin? Forgot the name, only he thrived off of pollution.
Its probubly the ONLY worth while guy to use. Unless they use that Sovit chick... Out of all of the villens, she would be the best choice for a moive.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Voltano said:
So, if "Captain Planet" is coming back in a live-action movie (which might suck), then does that mean they'll bring back all the characters? Even Ma-ti, who showed up on frequently...

Who died in their third movie? Man, I didn't think Ma-ti would be revived like this. o.o
as ThatGuyWithTheGlasses said on facebook,:
"Okay, so people want to know what I think of Captain Planet being a movie. It could work if they satirize it like The Brady Bunch Movie, but that's unlikely. My guess is they'll try to go hip and modern and end up with a silly flick. Don't worry though, they can't film anything until we bring Ma-Ti back to life. Ball's in OUR court, Turner! MWAHAHA!"

Scarlet Mongoose

New member
Mar 26, 2011
Beat me to it.
Being a screen writer is hard when you don't live in NY or LA.
Making connections is impossible.

I've had a script lined up for this.

I've been wanting to find a way to get it green-lit for ages.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Why even have 5 chumps with dime store bling? (can't believe I just wrote that...) Wouldn't it have been easier just to have Captain Planet out and about 24/7?

Seriously, who came up with the Heart power anyway? Outside of being a villain, it has no applicable use.

Can only muse on the irony if Michael Bay were to direct.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I can't believe this is getting made...

Barbie Boy said:
didn't Ma-ti die fighting Malachite recently?
I guess he only was a angry indian who really hated Ted Turner
He'll be back...Critic hired Bum to ressurect him.

sageoftruth said:
Moriarty70 said:
Cyberdelic said:
Heart is a power that can only come from within - that and cause heart attacks. Now wouldn't that be some thing?
Ma-ti: Don't worry guys I've got this. HEART (Bad guy grabs his chest and drops dead).
Kwame: Ma-ti, what did you just do? Captain Planet could have arested him.
Ma-ti: But this way his carbon footprint is stompped out!
Wheeler: (Pulls out a gun) Hey guys, he's right. This is a much more eco-friendly way to do our job!

Everyone: GO PLANET!
That was hilarious.
And so...the Planeteers became eco-terrorists and joined PETA

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Loonerinoes said:
It'll be funny seeing Milka no longer being 'of the Soviet Union' and I'm willing to bet that they won't figure out a good way to make 'Heart' be a power actually worth a damn without it becoming a form of Mind Control.

Seriously though, if you're gonna pick cartoons to revive from that era, then bring back ExoSquad!!! That show had TWICE more educational value than Captian Planet ever did, from things like racism, oppression, some actual military forethought...its depth was certainly moreso worth exploring with a revivification these days. Heck it could still work, with us exploiting our own resources to the point we'll have to start mining planets of our solar system eventually and which poor sods will we have for *that* shitty job?

If that kind of strife, leading from our own consumption of natural resources and exploitation of minorities, isn't an educational message for the generations to follow, I don't know what is.
You are, and I am not exaggerating, only the second person I've ever known who cared about Exo Squad (I am not included in the count though I do count as a fan). I would like to see the show revived. Sure I loved it, but it is almost entirely a product of its era. Even as a fan if I go back and watch episodes (a year or so back I found it on Hulu), I find myself a bit disturbed by how dated it is.


Old Man? I am not that old .....
Jun 14, 2008
I demand first off, all the characters needs to be aged to there current ages.

Captain Planet has to be Fat.

Here watch this flash Animation:

Now ask your selves about the potential of a Captain Planet Motion Picture

Murphy's previous work has included movies like From Hell and the Transformers trilogy
The Transformers trilogy, really? Okay this will be worst than the Dragon ball movie.

Be prepared to have the message of the movie jammed so far down you're throats that any semi balance of plot or entertainment would be non-existent.