Cerberus Gears Up in First Mass Effect 3 Screenshots


New member
May 20, 2010
Hertzila said:
Misho- said:
Jamaicob5 said:
Misho- said:
I know this is pure speculation. But my idea is: The Illusive man just needed Shepard to get to the Collector's base/Reapers Tech to further his pro human agenda. If you destroyed the base then he's after you because you basically flip him off at the end. If you saved the base he will be after you because you are of no use to him now and humanity doesn't need you (Shepard) but rather a more human centric hero (Illusive).

Also the fact that Cerberus has Ninjas now is (in my mind) because Cerberus spent the whole second game spying on your squad. Maybe they used the video/feedback recollection to train an army of Thane/Grunt/Mordin/Garrus/Shepards.

Anyhow that's my idea... Can't wait for this game.
I think if you save the base he (TIM) get's indoctrinated or something
That's also an option but I don't think so, if he were to get indoctrinated, he would regardless of the option you take. I think the Illusive man is a really cruel man (not evil mind) rather more like "whatever-it-takes" approach. And he's interested in the expansion of the human race throughout the galaxy... That's kind of supremacist... If not racist (specicist?)

I'm willing to bet (no money lol) that he will fight you (Shep) out of his own free will.
I think ruthless rather than cruel is a better way to put it. He's a follower of whatever-it-takes ideology, not let's-hurt/kill-him-just-for-kicks ideology.
Also, human superiority requires that there's a humanity that can be superior and a thing to be superior to. Which is why stopping a very capable team from beating Reapers that would destroy both of those requirements is a stupid thing to do from his perspective.

Thank you! Ruthless was the word I was looking for but couldn't think off. And yeah the "whatever-it-takes" was mentioned by me :)

And yeah, but my idea is: (Maybe a silly one) If he's looking to stop a team capable of beating the Reapers (ergo Shep's team) it's probably because he (the Illusive) believes he has more than what it takes to stop the Reapers by himself (Cerberus + who knows what else).

Ok maybe I'm wrong here, but if you were to stop the invasion of the Reapers and save the Galaxy, I think you would be held in a position of power unlike others (think the decisions of ME1 x 1000) you can make or destroy kings (or galactic Councils... whatever).

Maybe the Illusive Man is after something like that. But again I could be wrong... I'm not as thick that I can't be swayed of my own opinion :)


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Kingsnake661 said:
teutonicman said:
Holy Shit! Cyborg space ninjas..... One thought, so in ME3 there is a melee focused class, I wonder if I'll get a ***** sword?
I don't know if it's a "class" as much as a skill tree... And i don't think they'll introduce swords to a game world that's effectly never had them... I think people are making more out of this melee stuff then there accually is. BUT, i could totally be wrong. Either way, my Shepard will stick to his "guns" and use his Assult rifle. Can't see him magicly becmeing a super space ninja when he's never displayed any kind of skills in that department so far.
Awww but I want a lightsaber...err beam sword, whatever.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Misho- said:
Hertzila said:
Misho- said:
Jamaicob5 said:
Misho- said:
I know this is pure speculation. But my idea is: The Illusive man just needed Shepard to get to the Collector's base/Reapers Tech to further his pro human agenda. If you destroyed the base then he's after you because you basically flip him off at the end. If you saved the base he will be after you because you are of no use to him now and humanity doesn't need you (Shepard) but rather a more human centric hero (Illusive).

Also the fact that Cerberus has Ninjas now is (in my mind) because Cerberus spent the whole second game spying on your squad. Maybe they used the video/feedback recollection to train an army of Thane/Grunt/Mordin/Garrus/Shepards.

Anyhow that's my idea... Can't wait for this game.
I think if you save the base he (TIM) get's indoctrinated or something
That's also an option but I don't think so, if he were to get indoctrinated, he would regardless of the option you take. I think the Illusive man is a really cruel man (not evil mind) rather more like "whatever-it-takes" approach. And he's interested in the expansion of the human race throughout the galaxy... That's kind of supremacist... If not racist (specicist?)

I'm willing to bet (no money lol) that he will fight you (Shep) out of his own free will.
I think ruthless rather than cruel is a better way to put it. He's a follower of whatever-it-takes ideology, not let's-hurt/kill-him-just-for-kicks ideology.
Also, human superiority requires that there's a humanity that can be superior and a thing to be superior to. Which is why stopping a very capable team from beating Reapers that would destroy both of those requirements is a stupid thing to do from his perspective.

Thank you! Ruthless was the word I was looking for but couldn't think off. And yeah the "whatever-it-takes" was mentioned by me :)

And yeah, but my idea is: (Maybe a silly one) If he's looking to stop a team capable of beating the Reapers (ergo Shep's team) it's probably because he (the Illusive) believes he has more than what it takes to stop the Reapers by himself (Cerberus + who knows what else).

Ok maybe I'm wrong here, but if you were to stop the invasion of the Reapers and save the Galaxy, I think you would be held in a position of power unlike others (think the decisions of ME1 x 1000) you can make or destroy kings (or galactic Councils... whatever).

Maybe the Illusive Man is after something like that. But again I could be wrong... I'm not as thick that I can't be swayed of my own opinion :)
That could be a case but it seems like The Illusive Man especially should know just how good Shepard is and realize that they would be looking to an early death by Shepard's hand, or Reaper's... tentacle... thing. Besides, a renegade Shepard would most likely leave Cerberus alone, if not actually work for them.

Of course, if TIM looses control of Cerberus and is left with barely enough resources to keep himself alive (say, a bunch of Cerberus elites, the QEC and a spaceship or two), Cerberus could very well do a 180. Cerberus is their leader, essentially, and TIM seems smart enough to not cross Shepard's path. That might not apply for a new leader and they could do whatever they want with Cerberus. Who knows why they would attack Shepard but whatever, they could then at least explain it without retcons.

Ben Legend

New member
Apr 16, 2009
So... Cerberus turns on you no matter what? Even if you take the option at the end of ME2 which seemingly sides with them?

Oh well, at least we have some news on the game! yay!

Undead Dragon King

Evil Spacefaring Mantis
Apr 25, 2008
Proverbial Jon said:
Lol. The first thing I thought when I saw those Cerberus goons was: Stormtrooper wannabe.
Stormtroopers don't have Eviscerators- long range, armor piercing flachette shotguns.

Shotguns tend to help with accuracy issues.

Alex the Pally

New member
May 29, 2008
Anyone else notice they seem to be using bulked-up Cerberus Assault Armor and shotguns similar to the Eviscerator?

Nice continuity nod, there.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
teutonicman said:
Kingsnake661 said:
teutonicman said:
Holy Shit! Cyborg space ninjas..... One thought, so in ME3 there is a melee focused class, I wonder if I'll get a ***** sword?
I don't know if it's a "class" as much as a skill tree... And i don't think they'll introduce swords to a game world that's effectly never had them... I think people are making more out of this melee stuff then there accually is. BUT, i could totally be wrong. Either way, my Shepard will stick to his "guns" and use his Assult rifle. Can't see him magicly becmeing a super space ninja when he's never displayed any kind of skills in that department so far.
Awww but I want a lightsaber...err beam sword, whatever.
Take heart... the old republic will be release... someday....maybe....




New member
Sep 2, 2009
Hertzila said:
Misho- said:
Jamaicob5 said:
Misho- said:
I know this is pure speculation. But my idea is: The Illusive man just needed Shepard to get to the Collector's base/Reapers Tech to further his pro human agenda. If you destroyed the base then he's after you because you basically flip him off at the end. If you saved the base he will be after you because you are of no use to him now and humanity doesn't need you (Shepard) but rather a more human centric hero (Illusive).

Also the fact that Cerberus has Ninjas now is (in my mind) because Cerberus spent the whole second game spying on your squad. Maybe they used the video/feedback recollection to train an army of Thane/Grunt/Mordin/Garrus/Shepards.

Anyhow that's my idea... Can't wait for this game.
I think if you save the base he (TIM) get's indoctrinated or something
That's also an option but I don't think so, if he were to get indoctrinated, he would regardless of the option you take. I think the Illusive man is a really cruel man (not evil mind) rather more like "whatever-it-takes" approach. And he's interested in the expansion of the human race throughout the galaxy... That's kind of supremacist... If not racist (specicist?)

I'm willing to bet (no money lol) that he will fight you (Shep) out of his own free will.
I think ruthless rather than cruel is a better way to put it. He's a follower of whatever-it-takes ideology, not let's-hurt/kill-him-just-for-kicks ideology.
Also, human superiority requires that there's a humanity that can be superior and a thing to be superior to. Which is why stopping a very capable team from beating Reapers that would destroy both of those requirements is a stupid thing to do from his perspective.
Personally I think he's just cruel. Turning a child into a weapon for his own personal use (or at least trying to), setting a thresher maw loose on civillians for research data (don't ask me how that could be useful). I never got the vibe that he wanted to make humanity stronger, I think he just wanted power for himself despite his flimsy justifications. My paragon Shep said it best, "Strength for humanity, or just Cerberus?"


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Kingsnake661 said:
teutonicman said:
Kingsnake661 said:
teutonicman said:
Holy Shit! Cyborg space ninjas..... One thought, so in ME3 there is a melee focused class, I wonder if I'll get a ***** sword?
I don't know if it's a "class" as much as a skill tree... And i don't think they'll introduce swords to a game world that's effectly never had them... I think people are making more out of this melee stuff then there accually is. BUT, i could totally be wrong. Either way, my Shepard will stick to his "guns" and use his Assult rifle. Can't see him magicly becmeing a super space ninja when he's never displayed any kind of skills in that department so far.
Awww but I want a lightsaber...err beam sword, whatever.
Take heart... the old republic will be release... someday....maybe....


But I want KotOR 3..........

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
You know that line Zaeed says when you start his loyalty mission? That's how I feel about Cerberus thinking it can take down Tenel Ka Sheperd.
"Bring it on you son of a *****!"

Can't wait for this game.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
teutonicman said:
Kingsnake661 said:
teutonicman said:
Kingsnake661 said:
teutonicman said:
Holy Shit! Cyborg space ninjas..... One thought, so in ME3 there is a melee focused class, I wonder if I'll get a ***** sword?
I don't know if it's a "class" as much as a skill tree... And i don't think they'll introduce swords to a game world that's effectly never had them... I think people are making more out of this melee stuff then there accually is. BUT, i could totally be wrong. Either way, my Shepard will stick to his "guns" and use his Assult rifle. Can't see him magicly becmeing a super space ninja when he's never displayed any kind of skills in that department so far.
Awww but I want a lightsaber...err beam sword, whatever.
Take heart... the old republic will be release... someday....maybe....


But I want KotOR 3..........
I did too.... but by god i'll take what i can get.......


New member
Apr 5, 2010
archvile93 said:
Hertzila said:
Misho- said:
Jamaicob5 said:
Misho- said:
I know this is pure speculation. But my idea is: The Illusive man just needed Shepard to get to the Collector's base/Reapers Tech to further his pro human agenda. If you destroyed the base then he's after you because you basically flip him off at the end. If you saved the base he will be after you because you are of no use to him now and humanity doesn't need you (Shepard) but rather a more human centric hero (Illusive).

Also the fact that Cerberus has Ninjas now is (in my mind) because Cerberus spent the whole second game spying on your squad. Maybe they used the video/feedback recollection to train an army of Thane/Grunt/Mordin/Garrus/Shepards.

Anyhow that's my idea... Can't wait for this game.
I think if you save the base he (TIM) get's indoctrinated or something
That's also an option but I don't think so, if he were to get indoctrinated, he would regardless of the option you take. I think the Illusive man is a really cruel man (not evil mind) rather more like "whatever-it-takes" approach. And he's interested in the expansion of the human race throughout the galaxy... That's kind of supremacist... If not racist (specicist?)

I'm willing to bet (no money lol) that he will fight you (Shep) out of his own free will.
I think ruthless rather than cruel is a better way to put it. He's a follower of whatever-it-takes ideology, not let's-hurt/kill-him-just-for-kicks ideology.
Also, human superiority requires that there's a humanity that can be superior and a thing to be superior to. Which is why stopping a very capable team from beating Reapers that would destroy both of those requirements is a stupid thing to do from his perspective.
Personally I think he's just cruel. Turning a child into a weapon for his own personal use (or at least trying to), setting a thresher maw loose on civillians for research data (don't ask me how that could be useful). I never got the vibe that he wanted to make humanity stronger, I think he just wanted power for himself despite his flimsy justifications. My paragon Shep said it best, "Strength for humanity, or just Cerberus?"
I think at this point that we have to agree to disagree. In my opinion TIM is ruthless in trying to find ways to make humanity stronger. Failures and human rights violations stay underground, successes are published and patented through front corpotations. Sure they are cruel and, for the lack of a better word, evil but I don't think he did the tests because their cruel or evil, but because they could net results. And look at them: Jack is an extremely powerful HUMAN biotic and the project Overlord nearly completed successfully
had the scintists had more time to not plug the poor guy in. Though I think Legion made that project obsolete.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Sniper Team 4 said:
You know that line Zaeed says when you start his loyalty mission? That's how I feel about Cerberus thinking it can take down Tenel Ka Sheperd.
"Bring it on you son of a *****!"

Can't wait for this game.
I hope one of them Cerberus space ninja's is Kai Leng... been wanting a pic of him for ever since i read the 3rd novel...


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Ok let me get this straight, Cerberus wants to help humanity. the reapers are invading and we have one person who has the most experience fighting them and has been proven so effective that at least one reaper is on name terms with Shepard. so why would cerberus try to kill sherpard?
(spoiler alert Mass Effect 2 ) i guess TIM would be annoyed if the base was destroyed at the end but even then he would want shepard to help destroy the reapers. But i guess if the base was saved, being surrounded by reaper technology would cause indoctrination.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Given how effective the Cerberus crew I had on the second Normandy where when they got kidnapped by Collecters I say only one thing.
Changes are if they look like stormtroopers they most likely shoot like stormtroopers.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Ugh...so let me get this straight: the people who brought you back to life and provided you with the resources to save the galaxy from a gaping plot black hole (please don't try to explain to me how ME2 had a great story; it didn't) now turns on you while terra firma is being penetrated invaded by the space tentacle things? Even if there were some sort of indoctrination involved, it still doesn't make any sense. I can't possibly imagine how Bioware can come up with an explanation without leaving plot holes the size of planets behind. Yeah, I'm going to buy the stupid game, for the same reason I occasionally watch those Sci-Fi original movies: I know it'll be bad, but that's the entertainment!


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Soooo... Cerberus turns on Shepard? Regardless of what you decide at the end of ME2? Choice, the illusion!