Child Must Have Thought a Gun Was a Wii Remote, Mother Says


New member
Nov 4, 2009
well, at least FOX didn't blame video games in their report. but am I the only one that thinks that maybe the mother killed the daughter for some reason and just came up with an excuse that is linked to video games because she thinks they are evil or something? if I am, then I am officially a conspiracy nut.


[-Militaires Sans Frontieres-]
Aug 12, 2009
Polyintrinsic said:
Words cannot even explain... Thoughts of natural selection float through my mind, but no 3 year-old deserves laughter or malice from me or anyone on here. I'd sentence the mother to shoot herself in the brain; maybe it would function better with a bullet in it. Disgusting.
The idiocracy of the mother is something to laugh about, yet it's really sad and disgusting. You would think the little girl would make some struggaling sounds trying to pick that heavy thing up, and if the mother was paying attention, she'd probably notice "Owiiremoternawtshinyliekthat" and take it away. But no, she was probably busy texting or something. I hope someone fines her with Child Neglect, because they both deserve it. The father for leaving a gun out on the bloody table, with the saftey off, and the mother for not noticing her daughter wasn't playing with a bloody wii remote. The idioticracy of the last few incidents I've read involing parents and video games is's like twilight being "honored" with good movies like the exorcist....I'm loosing my faith in humanity....*ragequitsonhumanity*...


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Are you guys insane?

You people are quick to jump on the "LOL FAUX NEWS HOW CAN U MISTAKE REMOTE FOR GuN LOL!!!111111", yet no one actually thinks about it.

She was a THREE YEAR OLD. Things like that can happen when she was THAT YOUNG.

She thought it was a toy so she brought it to the TV, it's not improbable.

(whitty name here)

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Wait, even if the child thought it was a Wiimote, why was she poining it at herself?
Waterguns look like guns, could did she think it was a water pistol?
You better have a gaddamn Wii in that house....
If a Wiimote is gunshaped, I gues a chocolate bar is too then.

Fuck off stupid *****.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
The parents are to blame; this is what happens when you do not keep guns out of reach of little kids who don't know that they are dangerous- I've had guns around me my whole life, and they were/are always locked up, though my parents became slightly more lax as I entered my teenage years, though I was taught proper gun safety etc (though I don't often use them, I've only hunted twice, have never shot anything except a target).

I would like to point out that I find it interesting that no matter what a story is, if FOX news reports it, there is endless bashing for the network. Through the comments that I have read, I gather its not like FOX is saying videogames are to blame (I'm apparently having connection problems or I'd go to the site and read it myself), yet every other post seems to include at least a side remark on how FOX is a horrible news network, even though it was originally picked up by a local NBC station [link][/link].

Not to say that FOX news is right all the time; though I am conservative, I agree that FOX is biased in many ways, though virtually every major American news network is biased in some ways or another (had to do a bunch of research on this topic for a paper).

Just my opinion (wow, more than I usually write.)

Edit: Hmm, my paragraphs didn't turn out right the first time.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Okay I'm going to act like a bastard here, I feel sorry for the family, but honestly as a rare duck, a gun owner from childhood, and a gamer, I'm going to be blunt.

Fucking Idiots. That's it. They Are FUCKING IDIOTS. The Parents are FUCKING MORONS! Here is the rules of gun safety I learnt as a 5 year old.

1) Treat Every Firearm as if loaded, even when proven otherwise (that means don't point it at shit you moron)
2) Only aim at something you intend to shoot
3) When not using the firearm secure it safely in a locked gun cabinet of some kind, separate from the ammunition. YOU NEVER LEAVE THEM LOADED.

It's fucking simple, those are the core rules of gun safety, anyone who doesn't follow them in their own home is a fucking moron, I'm not blaming the kid, I'm blaming the stupid parents, you don't leave guns laying around you moronic twits, ever, you don't leave them loaded, ever, you don't let little kids touch them EVER.

The man should be locked away for life. fucking twit.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Austin MacKenzie said:
yet apparently failed to notice - or perhaps care - that her child was playing with the weapon.


What the fuck is that? You just randomly assume something completely out of the air. To actually not give a toss whether your daughter handles a dangerous weapon is pretty difficult. A lot of other things are to blame too: America's gun culture, America's lack of gun control, and many other things to do with how many guns a citizen may legally own.

Sure, the parents seem pretty god awful at keeping their child safe but still. To randomly assume something like that is also pretty terrible.


New member
Dec 2, 2008
Xanadeas said:
Here's a question... If she thought it was a wii-mote why would she be pointing it at herself and not the TV?
This. Also, not sure a three year old would be able to properly point a handgun at herself and pull the trigger. I thought you had to have a bit more digital strength for something like that. Something fishy.


Senior Member
May 17, 2009
This story puts my faith in humanity in the red.
crimson5pheonix said:
Now, to be fair, here are the pics of the gun and wiimote.

I can see how a three year old could confuse the two. If she used her thumbs, she might have been able to pull the trigger. I'm going to go ahead and assume that the gun was loaded and chambered because I wouldn't put that past this stupidity...
Okay, I see how a child could confuse the two, but THE MOTHER WAS RIGHT THERE! If she couldn't tell the difference, now we have a problem. Dumb ***** is probably going to sue the makers of that accessory for making indistinguishable from an actual gun.
Call me a horrible bastard, but if this is what she had as parents, then maybe this was the merciful option.


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
Austin MacKenzie said:
So, imagine you're home and you hear an intruder. Like any good homeowner, you grab your gun to deal with them...
Is this how americans tick? Any good homeowner doesn't own a gun because he knows that the gun itself poses a bigger, more consistent threat than the vague possibility of intruders that are out to kill you.

Austin MacKenzie said:
Who would expect that when your three-year-old step-daughter is playing the next day, she would find it and shoot herself?
Who would expect? I would expect and crap my pants about that possibility every day, if I had a gun in my house, which is exactly why I would never have a gun in my house in the first place. What is it with you paranoid americans, seriously? Get rid if your bullshit gunlaws already.

In Germany we have very strict gun control, but almost every time some kid goes crazy on a killing spree at school its with a gun that his parents had at home.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
It's sad to see this kid die, but if they really did mistake the gun for a Wiimote, well then it's just natural selection doing it's work. Either because the parents had a gun in the house and never taught their kid about gun safety the moment they learned to walk, or the kid's fucking stupid. Take your pick.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
anthony87 said:
ethaninja said:
Surley she couldn't not feel the weight and texture of it. The cold steel against the palm of her hands instead of a plastic coated device...
She was 3.

Three year olds are idiots.

Hence the shooting of oneself.
It's not surprising she shot herself. The brain of a three year old child has not even developed enoughed to perform basic mathmatics. Who could expect her to be capable of rational judgement? That was also most likely the first (and unfortunately only) time she had even seen a gun. She likely had no way to know it was dangerous. Fact is, it's the parents fault for leaving a loaded weapon in easy reach of a small child.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
I think this accident has less to do with the Wii and more to do with the right to carry weapons (I don't know which amendment or law is that). Ban public firearms like most sane countries and you'll have less "3 year olds shooting themselves" headline news. Just a tip. Or at least don't allow retards to get weapons as easily as buying a burger...

By the way, I fail to see how a 3 year old child could use a gun like that to shoot herself. The gun had to be loaded, chambered and the safety off, not to mention how a 3 y.o. could as much as lift a gun let alone pull the trigger. I'm no gun expert but I handled guns before (though not a kind like that), and they are heavy, especially when loaded, and pulling the trigger is not easy, even to an adult, not to mention a small child.

I smell shenanigans...


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Oh shit guys, if we don't outlaw videogames, how in the world will we prevent all our small children from shooting themselves?? Because it's totally the Wii remote's fault.

Also, yesterday I just took a bite out of a cow shit because I mistook it for a hamburger, because someone left it on my plate where hamburgers usually go. I blame hamburgers for creating all these erroneous associations. Goddamn hamburgers.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Video-games will be rejoiced again, once some tard mistakes a wii-mote and a gun and tries to rob a bank with the former.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
This mother should be locked up for ten years for being stupid enough to leave a LOADED GUN on the table, then another ten for actually having a chance to PREVENT THE CHILD FROM SHOOTING THE GUN.

Stupid people like this make me sad.