"Lost" as in, like you couldn't find them? * make me think of losing my keys*I had wasps living in my side mirror one summer. They eventually all got lost, though.
"Lost" as in, like you couldn't find them? * make me think of losing my keys*I had wasps living in my side mirror one summer. They eventually all got lost, though.
My complaint is this beard/ mustache trend is lasting entirely too long and I Sooo wish it would just go away and never come back. Beards and mustaches on guys creep me out. Not just a little bit, but a lot. Like give me nightmares that they have lice/fleas/ maggots in them for real. I would very be happy if like all men evolved to stop growing beards ever again and then I could rest blissfully at night knowing that nothing is going to crawl out of their beards.
Just have a shave, that's what I do.My complaint is this beard/ mustache trend is lasting entirely too long
I am one of 10 kids and the one both of my parents claimed " gave them all their gray hair" growing up so I over my lifetime have heard about how this brother or sister could do no wrong, while I kept doing things like being in the hospital for this or that, falling through the ceiling at school, falling off roofs, escaping every time they sent me to my room, sleepwalking into the forest, pond and road, sneaking out to parties, sneaking people into the house ( both boys and girls), finding beer in my air vent, finding street signs under my bed, pranks involving chemistry and biology labs... Never fails every holiday I get to be reminded of something I did that caused all my parents ailments.Oh, and my complaint. I ate something yesterday. Don't know what (maybe crackers?), but I cannot get the bastard out from between my teeth. I've flossed so much I think I'm going to need a blood transfusion, but something is in there and it doesn't feel right. Fuming.
Yeah, and another one. I rang my mum a few weeks ago and told her I'd been very depressed lately (we don't live nearby, we only see each other in person every few months). She then spent the next hour telling me how good my brother was at everything and how much better than me he's doing. Thanks mum, but maybe don't take that job with the Samaritans after all, eh?
Lost as in they couldn't find their way back to the hive. Seeing as my car had moved since they had flown away from it."Lost" as in, like you couldn't find them? * make me think of losing my keys*
I feel ya. I hate my facial hair because it both gets in the way of my aesthetic and it actually hurts my face at times. It doesn't help my facial hair grows back really fast within a week that I would need to shave every day to keep appearances. I'm also just really lazy to shave all the time on top of it hurting like hell if I mess up. *sigh* I sometimes wish I could wish away my facial and body hair away because of how annoying it is.My complaint is this beard/ mustache trend is lasting entirely too long and I Sooo wish it would just go away and never come back. Beards and mustaches on guys creep me out. Not just a little bit, but a lot. Like give me nightmares that they have lice/fleas/ maggots in them for real. I would very be happy if like all men evolved to stop growing beards ever again and then I could rest blissfully at night knowing that nothing is going to crawl out of their beards.
If I shaved I would be bald headed. Being Native American, I do not grow hair on my body below my eyebrows They have a saying about Native Americans, they are either really hairy or have no hair at all. I am the latter. It is likely because I never grew up seeing any beards when I was little that made me fear them. (since the males in my family cannot even grow facial hair, or the females for that matter XD) Seeing Santa later was an extremely terrifying and traumatizing event from my childhood. Not only did they want me to look at the scary hairy monster guy in what appeared to be a blood dyed suit. Likely dyed with the blood of the millions of children he murdered, they TRIED to GIVE me to him by putting me in his lap. Needless to say the attempts to make me see Santa did not go as expected with all the photos of sheer horror on my face, from me crying, screaming and trying to kick him away with my feet.Just have a shave, that's what I do.
Edit: I wish to pre-apologise for a joke I seemingly couldn't help but make (I mean, I could, I just didn't), but didn't know how it would be received. I have a beard, but it doesn't grow well, so most of it's a comb-over from my back.
Maybe one day they will be able to research the gene mutation that causes some Native Americans to not grow face or body hair and be able to create a "cure" to make it stop growing for everyone else! Why hasn't Nair looked into this yet? XDI feel ya. I hate my facial hair because it both gets in the way of my aesthetic and it actually hurts my face at times. It doesn't help my facial hair grows back really fast within a week that I would need to shave every day to keep appearances. I'm also just really lazy to shave all the time on top of it hurting like hell if I mess up. *sigh* I sometimes wish I could wish away my facial and body hair away because of how annoying it is.
Keep at it, don’t be a worthless wastrel like me. The rewards will be great.Me, during and after a simple beginner's 15 minute bodyweight workout:
There's laser hair removal treatments to destroy hair follicles. Supposed to last for a couple of years at a time. I plan on getting it at some point to eliminate my "beard". I have super sparse facial hair, me growing a beard looks more like a 16 year old's peach fuzz. It's not possible to look good, so shaving is a required chore for me a couple of times a week. My skin is also sensitive, so those shaves usually result in acne and ingrown hairs. Annoys the shit out of me.I feel ya. I hate my facial hair because it both gets in the way of my aesthetic and it actually hurts my face at times. It doesn't help my facial hair grows back really fast within a week that I would need to shave every day to keep appearances. I'm also just really lazy to shave all the time on top of it hurting like hell if I mess up. *sigh* I sometimes wish I could wish away my facial and body hair away because of how annoying it is.
Yeah really.Why the fuck is organic peanut butter so oily? Go to make my cookies and open up my brand new jar of peanut butter to find to upper most portions of it actually liquid. I feel it is a bit silly when I feel like I need to stick a hand mixer in my peanut butter to get the proper consistency.
I think it would probably become a super dense object (like depleted uranium) that causes anyone with a peanut allergy within a 15 ft radius to have an allergic reaction.Yeah really.
I wonder what would happen if you just... poured out the oils. Would it be worse? Would it become like 'normal' peanut butter?
Because the peanut oil isn't mixed with other oils, so it rises at room temperature. Try mixing it up and then storing the jar upside down so it rises to the bottom.Why the fuck is organic peanut butter so oily? Go to make my cookies and open up my brand new jar of peanut butter to find to upper most portions of it actually liquid. I feel it is a bit silly when I feel like I need to stick a hand mixer in my peanut butter to get the proper consistency.