Church Protesting San Diego Comic-Con For "Idol Worship"


New member
Jan 23, 2010
SomeGuyNamedKy said:
Demongeneral109 said:
and they didn't mention Haruhi Suzumiya...seriously? crazy nyoro~
Oh god...

Just imagine if they got wind of the SOS Brigade..

Actually, I can't.
Haruhiism is pretty much popluar enough to be an official religion by this point nyoro~! If these guys found out about the one true god, I would be laughing as loudly as humanly possible... It would be fun... the Anti-SOS brigade pretty much describe these guys, while being far less likeable than the actual anti SOS-dan... and thats saying somthing nyoro~!!!


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Wow these people need to get a life!!!! they are like little attention whores. Jesus Christ!! (please don't smite my 0.o) why? why can't we be major fanboys for some of the great comic-book superheros of all time just for a little bit. They take it seriously and think that this is going to hurt their religion, that people are going to get superman mixed up with God?!? This is why I F-ing hate religious extremists.

Jacob Montgomery

New member
May 28, 2010
it seems to me, everytime I hear about these people protesting/complaining about something, they think god will decide to send the whole world to "hades". examples: they hate homosexuals, military, Jewish people, and alot of other things/people. so if your the type of person that's ok with other humans beliefs then you should realize by now, that the Westboro Baptist Church is full of hypocritical morons and are WAY outnumbered in there belief that anyone who is not Christian shouldbe burned at the stake.


New member
Mar 2, 2010
I think I have an idea on how to get rid of these people once and for all. We just have to tell them there's going to be a gay pride pro American festival in North Korea. I believe our good friend Kim Jong il will take it from there.

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
Oh damnit, I dident want to start my sunday with a rant...

Anyone who knows me knows I hate WBC with a passion Shara Conor hates Terminators.

These people give my religion a bad name, Plus, Im pro military, and anyone who is willing to put there lives on the line to save us and keep us safe has my respect.

And these idiots dare downgrade there honor? there pride? Fuck them!

And the whole 9/11 thing... I dont want to get banned, so im going to keep my curse word filled rant to this part off of the forums.

I want to be the bigger man here, but I have a bad feeling if they come to my town to protest a service to a friend or family member (I live in a big military town) I sware to God im grabing the nearest object and Ill start swinging at this cult.

Sorry guys, I really am.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
The Batman is my Hero; I shall not want.
He maketh me to stay away from supervillains:
He leadeth me to protection from the Joker.
He restoreth my safety:
He leadeth me in the paths away from danger from His enemies.

Yea, though I walk through the streets of a hazardous city,
I will fear no evil: For Batman art with me;
Thy Batarang and thy kicks, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a rescue from rooftops in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou annointest their heads with punches; the asylum runneth over.

Surely justice and safety shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the Cave of the Bat forever.

Our Superman who art in Metropolis,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy justice come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily saving,
and destroy us our evildoers,
as he destroys those who do evil against us,
and lead us not into hazards,
but rescue us from evil.
For thine is the city,
and the flying, and the sunlight,
for ever and ever.

In Nomeni Spiderman et X-Men, et Captain America.



New member
Mar 23, 2009
Ih8pkmn said:

Since when does going to a convention about comic book characters-who's powers, abilities, and exploits are no more real than, say, Noah's ark or Jesus walking on water- Idol worship? And even if it is idol worship, what ya gonna do about it? Freedom of religion!

Who the hell started this church anyway? 4chan? I have 5 dollars saying they worship the patron saint of trolls.

And just in case anyone's curious about their goals:

If you have a browser that enables it, You'll notice that their little site logo displayed in the address bar is the American flag, upside down.

If Theologists and Psychologists want a REAL challenge, try figuring this place out.
My connection can't get to the site apparently lol.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Paragon Fury said:
Eldarion said:
The destruction of this nation is imminent - so start calling on Batman and Superman now, see if they can pull you from the mess that you have created with all your silly idolatry.
Praying to batman does exactly the same amount of good as praying to your god. I hate these people so very much.
Actually, it does more. Batman made God stop believing in himself. God now believes in Batman.
Of course, all hail batman in all his glory. We must worship him that he may smite evil with his fists.


New member
Sep 5, 2008
SnootyEnglishman said:
What's next for these assholes..protesting a McDonalds because an Indian man got sick off a french fry and had the liquid shits for a day?
No, I'm guessing they would take that as evidence that McDonalds is a weapon of God, because the WBC are famously racist.

Back on topic: These people make me absolutely sick. They are the reason that Christians (such as I, I know, gasp and shock) are all regarded as intolerant pieces of bullshit like they are. Seriously, people: we're not all like that.

My proposed solution? Get our cosplay on and stage a counter-protest.


Robot in Disguise
Mar 22, 2010
These guys are harmless. I know a lot of people get annoyed by there protests are stuff but when I hear it, I can't help but laugh at them.


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
Wow. Just wow.

The problem with faith has always been organized religon: It never ceases to amaze me that these kind of people can't grasp one simple fact: if there is an omnipotent and omniscient being that created all of reality, human beings would have as much a chance of understanding its thoughts and motives as a paramecium would have of thoroughly understanding quantum mechanics... and I'm probably being charitable.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Here's a bible quote to think about extremists: LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. Ever heard of it or are you deliberately avoiding certain parts of the bible? That doesn't sound all that holy now if you're centering on certain points that you believe in and casting the others aside like they didn't exist.

On topic, who REALLY worships Superman, let alone ADMIRES him? He's like the most broken superhero of all!

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
People from the Westboro Baptist Church are what give Christianity and other religions bad names. I hope a bunch of people dressed up as comic book characters go out and beat the crap out of them. It would be funny to see and the westboro baptist church people deserve it for the way they act.
Feb 17, 2010
and they are dissin the Army. well this is what should happen to those Extremist "Christians"
EDIT: they are right Homosexuality is an abomination


New member
Nov 2, 2009
dfphetteplace said:
KiruTheMant said:
My Uncles Funeral.

Dios Funeral.

Comic Con.

I am truly sorry they did that at your uncle's funeral. These are the type of people that make life miserable for the rest of us and have no true heart.
I got back at them, the cops on duty looked the other way when I chucked a rock at the cultists leader, and hit him in the head.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
*scoffs* Silly "church", the true gods are the gods from the Warp! All hail Chaos!

Alright, all jokes aside why is that these people are still alive? I'm pretty sure it's just a matter of time till someone pisses them off and they go postal on their racist asses. Gods it's crap like that this that make me hate my own religon....


New member
Nov 22, 2009
I honestly just feel bad for these people. They must have suffered some serious griefs to become this completely batshit insane