Communities that ruined the game.


Dec 25, 2008
warcraft4life said:
L4D possibly..

Does the community not being able to afford mics count as a problem? Like seriously, it's a tenner, it'd be okay if it was a rare occurrence but I'd say the current ratio would be about 1:4

Which is just not good.
People who rely too much on the mic are also a problem: they cover the many audio hints the game provide. If only I had a nickel for every "help help !" mic spammer that doesn't realize that yes, we already know that you're down, we're not deaf nor blind, but while he's shouting panicked, we can't hear the hunter and smoker ambushed that are waiting for you to get the guy back on his feet to attack.. :(


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Any game where mics are given to people who use them for swearing loudly to show displeasure in an outcome so ummm... *counts on fingertips* everything but Battle Field* and some servers on Counter Strike

*of course there are exceptions to that


New member
Jul 4, 2010
Oftentimes the League of Legends community is terrible, approximately 1-2 players (on your team of 5 total) will be players who want nothing more than to:
a) play the game for 10 minutes, instead of to its completion, and will then ruin the game in order to end it quicker,
b) Intentionally feed the opposing team (which can be as a side effect of option a), which a lot of the time is purely because they dont agree with how you are playing, aka 'why use X item, when Y Item suits my playstyle better'.
c) People who will give up on a game as soon as you start losing (which given the style of game, the balance of power will shift based on the type of characters each team has, and the portion of the game you are in).

I Kid you not, in at least every second losing game (which for people who have played a fair few games, should be about half of your games) I will get somebody who complains, or leaves, or feeds the enemy team kills, or a combination of all 3. Main advantage is that the reporting system is quite simple, and if you /ignore a player, you will be unlikely to be placed with them again, which for long term players, will grant you a degree of immunity from known game-ruiners.

That said; In terms of 'DotA' style games, HoN LoL and DotA, I find the League of Legends community on a whole to be much more sympathetic, as opposed to particularly the DotA community which seems very jaded, as if losing a game is always going to be lost by somebody who isnt playing it how it is meant to be played, or a disconnect, or some such other problem (players do not seem at all optimistic that they may get a good game).

tl;dr LoL Community is on a slippery slope due to the inherent flaws of bounty based team games, and the DotA community makes the map unplayable for me except with friends (where the community becomes irrelevant).


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Team Fortress 2, the amount of importance that hats, paints, and all that cosmetic crap has become is ridiculous.

WoW trade chat, do i need to say more?

Sexy Street

New member
Sep 15, 2009
squeekenator said:
DotA. Oh god DotA. Half the games don't make it past five minutes because someone dies once and ragequits, and three quarters of the players have no idea what they're doing. Still, one eighth of the games are fantastic, so I grudgingly continue to slog through the crap in search of those few shining diamonds in the rough.
You should play league of legends. It's by the same guys who made DotA, and has a much better community. I personally think that league is better than DotA, so try it out!
OT: Halo. Trolls trolls trolls. I hate all them trolls.


New member
May 4, 2009
Radeonx said:
I'd say Halo, but it isn't as bad as Call of Duty.
I've encountered many more 8 year old kids who scream "fag" at me in Call of Duty.

I'd also like to nominate many of the hardcore Valve fanboys.
sorry your point holds no water. you state in no way how valve fan boys ruined their games, and I assume were talking about multiplayer, other wise your just pulling stuff out of your ass because you feel like it.


New member
May 27, 2009
TheMann said:
Well, um, that's kind of harsh. Soooooo, anyone who plays Starcraft 2 is a dickhead with mental issues. Aren't you sort of doing the very thing you're accusing these people of? I will agree that if a player dumped a game because you're not sure what your actions per minute are, that is a real douche move, but I haven't experience that ... yet, anyway. The SC2 forums, on the other hand, are a different story. It's just when I think of idiots on CoD and teabaggers on Halo, it just seems much worse.

I guess this is just a personal preference thing.
Yea, that was a tad harsh, like 2 minutes after I posted I said to myself "Someone will call me out on that". It's a bit of a misunderstanding however, what I actually said was self-diagnosed "mental issues" implying that the starcraft 2 dick stereotype will claim to have mental issues -aspergers or ADHD or the like- to justify being a dickhead to themselves, which I've seen some people do.

But you are right, all I know is the Beta gameplay, I joined in the final stages of it though so I can't imagine how they could improve it that much, so consider all of this in my opinion. :)


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Drummie666 said:
CD-R said:
Drummie666 said:
Bad Company 2.

For fucks sake people. Stop fucking camping when you're the attacking team!
I've been playing Bad Company 2 since it came out. What are these campers you speak of?
First, what system are you playing on? xbox, ps3 or pc? I was on PS3 and was normally playing rush. When I was attacking, Most of my team was in the back, sniping, or on the front lines, camping and not moving forward to try and take the objective, which left me to do it by myself, making me quite pissed. When I was defending, I bored out my damned skull because there was nobody on the attacking team trying to move forward. Which meant that I had to go to the attackers to make something interesting happen.
I play on the 360. And the only time I've seen what you described happen is when there's nobody on the attacking team, or when they're trying to shell the objective from a distance with tanks, rockets, or mortar strikes. Which isn't as effective anymore since the last update doubled the number of hit points on the MComms.

Generally when you're playing rush it's best to not advance too quickly. Especially when the defenders are crowded around the MComm. When that happens usually one person hangs back and acts as a mobile spawn point for the rest of the squad.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Accountfailed said:
One time during the beta, I had an opponent leave the game because I couldn't tell him how many "operations per second" I could do, It was my second game.
If it is any consolation, that means you won that match.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Smash Brothers. Why?

No items. Final Destination. I quit playing online because 75% of the games ended up in Final Destination. Mix it up, for goodness sake.

Dr. Feelgood

New member
Jul 13, 2010
ash-brewster said:
Camping noobs using ghost pro in cod. Also noobtubers. Srsly infinity ward/trayarch stop adding this shit to your games and add something useful like being able to set different killstreaks for different maps

Camping only works if a fool runs into it over and over.

Can't you just change your killstreaks yourself? Or is that too extreme for you?

OT: I can't really add much here, but if you want to have a good online community, music games are usually a good choice.


New member
May 27, 2009
Canid117 said:
Accountfailed said:
One time during the beta, I had an opponent leave the game because I couldn't tell him how many "operations per second" I could do, It was my second game.
If it is any consolation, that means you won that match.
It was a little at the time xD "what the hell could oper- hey he just bailed on me! Oh, I won.."



New member
Mar 27, 2009
Radeonx said:
I'd say Halo, but it isn't as bad as Call of Duty.
I've encountered many more 8 year old kids who scream "fag" at me in Call of Duty.

I'd also like to nominate many of the hardcore Valve fanboys.
I'd have to agree to a tee. I don't even play CoD, but I know kids online who play it and they are turdbags.

With Valve fanboys, they don't allow you to like a game. You have to worship it like it's a gift from the maker or something.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Lately Left 4 Dead 2 on the 360 has been dead for me, no expert campaigns and I have only ran into kids playing it. What happened to it over the last few months?
Also Gears of Wars 2's community can be pretty bad. Cheating, Lag issues and bitching are very common.

Dapper Chap

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Oct 4, 2010
Reece Stevens said:
anyone here ever attempted to play metal gear online?

don't do that, the vastly widespread eleitist attitude coupled with the overload of cheaters really forced mediocre players (like myself) to basically quit the game with no hope of improvement
Truer words have never been spoken. Unless you're playing an unranked game where it doesn't matter, it's pretty much just lag switches and cheap skill sets (such as slitting someone's throat. There's literally no defense against this.)


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I would say cod but the problem with call of duty is everybody is going to camp because their is no other reason not to.