Counter-Strike Cheater Stabbed in Brain


New member
Mar 5, 2008
I clicked the link at the bottom of the article, there's a picture of the knife going in his left temple. I don't know what's behind the temple, but it now has a knife in it. Also, the temple is the thinnest part of the skull, so that's why the knife went in so far/easily.

As for cheating. I won't even joke about this. I've never wanted to stab someone in the brain over cheating. Cheat all you want. It's a game. I'm not gonna hurt you, I'll just go play somewhere else.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
This is a perfect example of a "why not to cheat" video. Reason number 1, you'll get a large, rusty knife jammed into your skull and through your brain. Reason number 2, see reason number 1 again if that hasn't convinced you

Gotta say one thing, and don't hate me for it, but Atkinson was sorta right, Gamers are more hardcore and dangerous and threatening than Bikers, especially when they fuck with the norm we've grown to adapt and get used to

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
John Funk said:
Counter-Strike Cheater Stabbed in Brain

A 17-year-old Chinese boy was stabbed in the head with a knife during a fight that erupted over cheating in a match of Counter-Strike.

Counter-Strike is apparently very serious business. A game of the classic Half-Life mod turned near-deadly when a group of youths playing at an internet cafe in the province of Jilin in northern China noticed that the 17-year-old boy who was their opponent was using wall-hacks. A scuffle broke out between the accused hacker and his victims, and it turned violent - and at the end of it all, the hacker had a 30cm (~11.8in) knife through his head. The assailants fled the scene shortly after.

The boy was rushed to a hospital, where doctors decided to operate immediately. Miraculously, he survived through the operation: According to medical staff, the knife avoided major arteries that could have resulted in a fatal hemorrhage, and it also missed damaging any of the parts of the brain that deal with the body's motor control. On the other hand, it's still a foot-long blade going through the kid's brain, so while he may be alive it's impossible to think that there won't be any lasting repercussions.

However, after extracting the knife after a grueling 10-hour surgery, the doctors noticed that the blade was rusty, and so are keeping the youth under close watch in case the rust causes complications.

The internet cafe in question was reportedly popular amongst youth for not requiring ID, something that is common as China's internet laws grow increasingly draconian. With this incident drawing international attention, though, it's almost a sure bet that the owners and operators of this particular wang ba will probably find themselves in hot water.

I think we can all agree that cheaters should be punished, and knifing people in Counter-Strike is nothing new in itself, but this is taking it a bit too far.

(GamePolitics [])


It's official: We Westerners will NEVER be able to take video games as seriously as Asia does. People have killed themselves, starved their own families, and now somehow non-lethally stabbed each other in the brain over a bunch of 1s and 0s. I'm ashamed (or is it relieved?) to call myself a hardcore gamer, because I haven't even thought of going that far for my games.


Keep a hat handy
Jan 23, 2010
This proves my theory that some ITGs (Internet Tough Guys) are actually more than willing to carry out the threats they utter online with anonymity.

Watch yer ass, cause that could be the guy you just hacked against, and he could have a knife on him...


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Somehow I just can't take this seriously, or have sympathy for a cheater.

Then again the kid who did it probably just wasted his life, and will suffer severe mental problems even if he isn't caught by the police. Poor guy.

The Warden said:
See dumbasses, this is what happens when you don't RIGHT CLICK with your knife, they always live!
I burst out laughing when I read this!


New member
Dec 29, 2009
what is with counterstrike causing people to kill people.

I remember reading last year that some Russian kid shot a kid over counterstrike...

sad sad world we live in


New member
Feb 7, 2009
ma55ter_fett said:
This is painfully ironic

"Games don't cause violence!"

case and point^
Gotta realise that this happens about once every two months. Michael Atkinsons is exaggerating, don't take the side of propaganda.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Sorry, I'd like to say something but first I need to pick my jaw up off the floor.


That poor kid. looks like the knife went through his short term memory bank. Seems he won't be remembering this lesson...


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
Wow, that's just... brutal... Cheating is wrong (as I was told as a child: "Winners never cheat, and cheaters never win"), but did the kid really deserve... *that*?

He's lucky though, looks like he's going to pull through, the knife didn't hit any of the major arteries, and avoided the motor functions area... He can thank his lucky stars... Wow.