Critical Miss: Erin Hawke: Explorer

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
The comic was funny, but it revolves around something that is actually fine when seen from a rational prospective.

Daystar Clarion said:
As much as I like DA2, it reeks of laziness. They didn't even try to make the maps look at least a little varied.

At least the dialogue is varied enough. It's like they spent all the dev time on the character scripts and about 10 minutes on the maps.
I actually don't see it as lazy; I see it as a look at realism.

Let's just say I make a game about the city I live in and a few of the surrounding areas. Now because I am only making a game about those places, I have a finite amount of space. Things will look similar if you live in the same place for awhile and have traveled the area in that time.

Lets change the cave from the comic into a house that is just outside my city. First when I came to my city, the house was owned by a person that was running a crack house, then a few months later after the guy and the people that stayed there are busted and go to jail, the place is taken over by a violent street gang, it is their base. Then, several months after the gang has been arrested or run off by the police, kids now explore the place on dares and hide there important stuff there.
The house may stay the same, but over time, different people use it.

Now, in Dragon Age 2, each chapter of the game is equal to one or more years in the game's time. If I were to actually spread out each of the first chapter's missions into amounts of time to add up to and equal that year or more for that chapter. Each one would have at least a few weeks. So, I go do a job in a cave, I take care of some raiders in it, then I trek back and get my reward and do other missions. Then later I get another mission to remove mages from the same cave. In the possible game time, a month or more has passed since I removed the raiders from the cave, so why can't mages have found the cave and started using it for themselves.

The place they selected for DA2 is a very small area. The land and places are finite. They do change with the people and items that are in them, but look wise, the only way they are going to change is if BioWare puts in that there was some great earthquake and the cave looks different because some parts have been caved in.

See, all better, a rational look shows that BioWare was actually thinking logically when making the game.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Now that people mention it I do remember when ME 1 came out and people accused it of the same problem and I defending it as being realistic or some such nonsense. I would like to apologise for my earlier position. It was bullshit then and it continues to be bullshit now.

Therumancer said:
Maybe for your next strip you should do something with the monster spawn. Dock thugs jumping off roofs like ninjas, or walking into an area to find a spide the size of an elephant appearing out of nowhere to surprise you. :)
That is a fairly good example of a small thing that has huge, annoying consequences. It undermines the entire combat experience by making tactical positioning and choke points, which should be important absolutely worthless because your mage and archer/swarthy dwarf are going to get ganked by enemies that spawn behind them regardless. At least they hide the spawning with cool but also kind of amusing (Ninjas in plate armour, you're right) animations.

Sonic Doctor said:
The comic was funny, but it revolves around something that is actually fine when seen from a rational prospective. Etc etc
No honestly it isn't. The areas you explore are not the same area repopulated, that would make sense, as you said. But these are different areas in different zones of the map. The abandoned mine on Sundermount, is the "Cave" in the wounded coast only with different wagons covering the doorways. Sometimes the maps are reversed too, which makes even less sense.

GrizzlerBorno said:
On a side note, it'd be trippin awesome if you actually COULD have a pet hamster with you. I know you had the caged one in ME2, but I mean like a real little hamster riding your shoulders. Not attack or anything just scuttle about you.....
Well there's no Suchong but you could get an ARACHNOMABARI SPIDER DOG []


New member
Sep 2, 2010
On a side note, it'd be trippin awesome if you actually COULD have a pet hamster with you. I know you had the caged one in ME2, but I mean like a real little hamster riding your shoulders. Not attack or anything just scuttle about you.....

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Eatbrainz said:
Since the game is a story told by Varric, could it be possible that HE'S just uncreative with dungeon designs?

Incidentally, using Varric to lie to NPCs is BEYOND a good idea, Varric is by far the single best improv bulshitter who ever lived.
One of my favorite parts is at the chantry in part two when talking to the Lord Mother(or whatever she is called, can't remember) when Hawke tells Varric to stop narrating after he talks.

Varric, "Hawke says angrily to the dwarf."


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I would have had no problem with visiting the same cave over and over. The worst thing, though, was that half of the time I'd visit different caves that just had the exact same chambers in them... The writing is first class, Kirkwall itself is amazing, but these "random" environments... Ugh!


New member
Jun 8, 2010
"She's got baggage and its of the emotional kind"
I love it when I get the small references at the bottom of the page like this one about the Offspring song.

Anyway, funny one. I haven't played DAII, but I have heard all the complaints about the same cookie cutter dungeons for everything.


New member
Nov 18, 2008
tbh Dragon Age Origins had the same problem (especially with the God-awful Witch hunt DLC) and that had a 10 year development cycle...

The thing that got me was the map display was the same with areas just physically blocked off, they could have removed pointless parts from the map display and disguised it more as a was just so unashamed...


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
lol nice touch with the Mirror on the last pane XD

I haven't even seen a mirror cave yet. I've only been through the same cave every time.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Therumancer said:
Sad, but true, I chuckled since I was commenting on this since almost day #1.

Maybe for your next strip you should do something with the monster spawn. Dock thugs jumping off roofs like ninjas, or walking into an area to find a spide the size of an elephant appearing out of nowhere to surprise you. :)

Admittedly though the monster spiders (the really big ones) do make me kind of miss the old D&D "Phase Spider". That wasn't intended here, but it was a cool monster. It would be interesting if they do a "Dragon Age 3" and decide to actually come up with a spider that moves in and out of the fade or something and actually uses that abillty while fighting. :)
Yeah ... not so bad if you're a druid and accidentally walk into a cluster of them though.

GM: " A creature seems to fade into existence, but all you see is two monstrous fangs glistening with a vile toxin as it's fangs sink into your bodies and you feel your hearts grow somewhat colder ... number... Everybody, make 2 DC 17 fort saves"


GM: "Except Paul who only takes 7 damage"

Me: "Yesssssssssss #.#"

Poison immunity, I love you #.#


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Yeah, I seriously haven't seen this much recycling of locations in a game since Soul Calibur Legends. Though otherwise DA2 is infinitely better than that game.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
This made me lol and reminded me of the one dismally awful thing about DA2. Yeah, cheers Critical Miss!

Phoenix Arrow

New member
Sep 3, 2008
That's the only real problem I had with the game. It's basically just a few caves and areas you explore over and over again.
They should've taken the whole second act outside of the town really. Expand on the Deep Roads expedition. Would've also been interesting to see how the characters changed and how your relationships developed when you're out on the road for a long time. How they react to different things and such. Also, would've taken away the stupid "3 years later" gaps or at least one of them.
They could've made a bigger deal about the Quonari or whatever in Act 1 so that when you come back after your epic voyage, thing's have changed and they're starting their uprising. You defeat them, get your gold from the Deep Roads and the reputation from beating the Arishok at the same time and then set about balancing the mage/templar situation. It also could've given a better justification to Anders going batshit crazy. He leaves, comes back and the oppresion is worse/he forgot how bad it was. I mean, the important shit in Act 2 could've easily happened in Act 3 or Act 1.

I enjoyed the game, but there was a lot of wasted potential.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
midnightalone said:
Now is that a Rogue Mage, as in a person who has both the talents of a rouge& a mage. Or a rogue Mage as in a Mage who has gone awall?!


Absent WithOut Leave

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I APPRECIATE the comic's intent, but it didn't amuse me that much. It just made me nod, sympathetically.