Crysis 2 Will Have the "Best Graphics Ever"


New member
Mar 24, 2010
I could run Crysis just fine, but I spent my time in the Sandbox Editor creating my own stash
of weapons and causing havoc all over the Island. Or, downloading maps and filling it with explosive fuel tanks and enemies nearby. You can guess what happened next. Gameplay would be
the best improvement for Crysis 2.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
digitaLbraVo said:
And Camarillo says that in spite of the challenges of getting the game to run on consoles, Crysis 2 is going to set a new benchmark in 2010.
Hahahah! Best graphics, running on a console? Don't worry guys. Any PC made from 2007 and later will have no problem with the game.
Oh please as if Crytek can discipline themselves to a console benchmark. I think the amazing graphics of thier games serves only to emphasize what an embarassment they are to the gaming industry when you take into account the gameplay itself is utter garbage. Its the embodiment of the stereotype about PC gamers that theyre not so much gamers as people who like to go to lan parties and wank off to thier hardware power. Crytek is becoming the gaming equivilant of minstriling(Blackface). Yesum mammy, them graphics sho' is shiny, Iz can' wait for the computa to come out that can run it.

*wheezes off his inhaler* Yeah i got two atiForce WTF1000s in crossfire, the new IntelMD 8 core processor, 16 gigs of SSJ4 RAM, and a physics card. I'm getting 16fps on low, Crysis 2 is the best game ever.

Meanwhile, on the xbox 360. "Sure is wierd that they made this game turn based"

Back at the PS3. "Wow it requires a 2 disc preinstall, this might even be better than MGS4"

Elsewhere at the WII "I didn't know crysis was a text adventure game with brilliantly pre-rendered background images"

Crytek has done a great service in ensuring that the divided members of these 4 communities can all cometogether and not enjoy themselves on the same game.


Sep 4, 2008
Crysis, I'm really happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Crysis 2 is going to have one of the BEST GRAPHICS OF ALL TIME!


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
I think I spent more time staring at the sea waves in Crysis and diving in and out of the water than actually playing the game.

I hope there will be coastline in Crysis 2.

Master Kuja

New member
May 28, 2008
"We're aiming to set the graphical benchmark," he continued. "Why would anyone not want to play a game with the best graphics they have ever seen, great gameplay, some engaging fiction, challenging AI, killer weaponry and a complete gaming experience like no other?"
That would be fine and dandy, if they were actually able to get great gameplay, engaging fiction and challenging AI into their game before going "Look at the shiny shiny!" Then releasing it as pretty looking garbage like the first game.

Garbage is still garbage, regardless of how good it looks.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
""The most important thing that Crysis taught us as a developer is that, while cinematic graphics and convincing gameplay will get you a lot of press and build strong interest before release - you shouldn't count on that exclusively," Camarillo told PlayStation 3 Magazine. "

It sounds like he was actually about to learn something there, but then:

"We're aiming to set the graphical benchmark,"

OK, it looks like he learned nothing then. Nothing at all.

Oh yeah, and brilliant move thinking of setting it in New York. How original.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
The suppose the real question is, why would anyone pay thousands of dollars to upgrade their PC every time Crytek releases a game, considering how shit they invariably are?

This article only illustrates the complete lack of thought that goes into their development process.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Decoy Doctorpus said:
some text
I didn't say Crysis was a bad game. I played it, and it was quite good, but you know what? When I was playing, even on minimum settings, my CPU was hotter than the sun and my GFX card was weeping quietly. When I cranked it up to maximum graphics settings, the CPU produced a nuclear meltdown, the GPU drowned in it's own blood, the memory modules exploded in a blue haze and the PSU ran away screaming. Simply put, the system requirements were insane.

Yes, Crysis was an okay game, little short and the story was retarded, but at least it was fun to play for a while. But it doesn't change the fact, that Crytech first made techdemos. The basis of both Far Cry and Crysis was each a glorified tech-demo. This was more the case with Far Cry, granted, but still. And about the outrageous requirements, they are outrageous for a reason, they want to make you buy top-tier monster cards, that are maybe able to play the game without looking like a slideshow.


New member
Aug 29, 2008
Crysis' graphics were great, and the story was engaging for the first 10 minutes. Landing on the island and the super armored freaks start dying 'whats that I say mystery :eek:' the story for the game was at best below average. Also a very short game, still enjoyed the game but shortness is a pain.

I didn't find it very repeatable either for some reason :/

Here's to hoping they give the second one a vastly improved storyline and make the AI somewhat intelligent.


New member
Apr 11, 2009
ElegantSwordsman said:
I'd be a lot more impressed if they announced that Crysis will have the most reasonable requirements to run that anyone has ever seen.
Well, it's said to have lower system requirements than the original Crysis, if that counts:,9841.html

Though we'll probably have to wait and see.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Why does this all sound so familiar, major feeling of deja vu... I am pretty certain I am not clairvoyant either... wait, its familiar because its the same bloody thing.

Seen the trailers, and basically you could lift the words / text straight off the new trailers and overlay it on the old Crysis 1 trailers for the original cry2engine... basically stressing the graphics, lighting, destructability and AI.

... except now they want a piece of the console pie as well, so I doubt the requirements will be that high. I mean who would progam 2 or 3 engines for one game when you can program 1 engine that will run on all the major platforms ( just tack of a few Dx11 features if ATI/AMD or nVidia/Intel pay you some sponsorship cash for the PC crowd. Hey its a PC game... 'see we haz tessellation and Surround vision (nevermind you need over $1000 to actually use it)/ Eyeinfinity ' ).

Crysis , a tech demo with a pretty average FPS tacked on.
Crysis 2 , a tech demo with a pretty average FPS tacked on, I'll bet.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
ZeroDotZero said:
Borderlands has the best graphics ever!
Best? No. Most fun and refreshing? Hell yes.

I'm looking forward to this, I for one have the computer to run it. But thank you Xbox360 and PS3 for holding them back with console limitations on gameplay and graphics.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
In related news, "the best graphics yet" is also the only remarkable feature that bland piece of shit of an excuse for a game will possess.



New member
Dec 18, 2009
Hope Its True Cause
Oh My Beloved Crysis
I Cant Wait For This Game
And Its Now On Consoles

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Actually, Far Cry, Crysis and Crysis Warhead were all excellent shooters. Were they System Shock? Of course not, but they're top-tier examples of the pure FPS genre.

And for whoever it was that mentioned Far Cry 2, there's really no relevance because it had nothing to do with Crytek. Fun game, though.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
I simply cannot even pretend to understand how much the computer will cost me should I choose to run this game at full resolution...

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Playbahnosh said:
Decoy Doctorpus said:
some text
I didn't say Crysis was a bad game. I played it, and it was quite good, but you know what? When I was playing, even on minimum settings, my CPU was hotter than the sun and my GFX card was weeping quietly. When I cranked it up to maximum graphics settings, the CPU produced a nuclear meltdown, the GPU drowned in it's own blood, the memory modules exploded in a blue haze and the PSU ran away screaming. Simply put, the system requirements were insane.

Yes, Crysis was an okay game, little short and the story was retarded, but at least it was fun to play for a while. But it doesn't change the fact, that Crytech first made techdemos. The basis of both Far Cry and Crysis was each a glorified tech-demo. This was more the case with Far Cry, granted, but still. And about the outrageous requirements, they are outrageous for a reason, they want to make you buy top-tier monster cards, that are maybe able to play the game without looking like a slideshow.
Again I'm going to have to disagree with you. The required specs for Crysis were not all that outlandish providing you were willing to sacrifice visual fidelity. I got it at launch and it ran fine (about 40-50 fps on the lower res settings) on my $600 rig I'd bought the year before. With a little bit of tweaking (admitedly more tweaking than should be necesary) you can improve that performance as well.