Crysis 2 Will Have the "Best Graphics Ever"


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
That's quite a statement. This game better be able to deliver on that promise or else the dev team will never hear the end of it. Anyway, I believe that God of War III, Uncharted 2, Prince of Persia (2008), Borderlands, and Killzone 2 have the best graphics ever made. Crysis 2 better bring its "A" game or else it will go down as a massive disappointment.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Ehhhh. Crysis's gameplay felt pretty damned clumsy to me, so did its writing, and I doubt Crysis 2 will fare any better. Beautiful level editor, though. Just wish the mechanics were more solid so I'd actually feel like using the blasted thing.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Well as long as they continue whoring themselves to Nvidia or ATI then they won't want for money anyway. Why should they bother to put effort into gameplay?
Frankly I think we are almost, if not already there, at that point where graphics may be putting more into a game than what current monitor display technology can actually do with. By that point it is just a waste to pour more in.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
How about they start looking to set benchmarks on quality control and bugsmashing? Or do I want a photorealistically rendered enemy to step on a stick, have a photorealistic heart attack and keel over?

Arcane Azmadi

New member
Jan 23, 2009
Oh great, that's fantastic news. Once we have the best graphics EVER developers can stop trying to one-up each other on the minutiae of their shaders and rendering and all that shiny crap and try to actually sell their games on GAMEPLAY instead.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Blanks said:
mean while that current title is on the belt of Final Fantasy 13 >.>
Game most likely to be mistaken for a sequel to a previous game staring David Duchovny and Adam West.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Andy Chalk said:
new [Crysis 2] will have the best graphics in the history of forever...

Seriously, is that news? Yes, Crysis 2 will have the most bestest, awesomest, blingiest graphics like, ever, man. Meh. You know what it'll also have? Outrageous minimum PC requirements! (that's probably the cause why it won't even run on the best consoles on the market now)

Crysis was and always will be a hardware manufacturer tech-demo, a shiny advertising spot. Hell, first it was intentionally created as a tech demo, later they only added a few enemies and *poof*, video game. They even had a website that measured what your computer's performance would be in Crysis, told you it's as fast as medieval horse shit, and proceeded to sell you quad SLI monster graphics cards and stuff like that for a mere $600. The hell I would buy a new computer to play a friggin tech-demo, screw you Crytek!

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Playbahnosh said:
Andy Chalk said:
new [Crysis 2] will have the best graphics in the history of forever...

Seriously, is that news? Yes, Crysis 2 will have the most bestest, awesomest, blingiest graphics like, ever, man. Meh. You know what it'll also have? Outrageous minimum PC requirements! (that's probably the cause why it won't even run on the best consoles on the market now)

Crysis was and always will be a hardware manufacturer tech-demo, a shiny advertising spot. Hell, first it was intentionally created as a tech demo, later they only added a few enemies and *poof*, video game. They even had a website that measured what your computer's performance would be in Crysis, told you it's as fast as medieval horse shit, and proceeded to sell you quad SLI monster graphics cards and stuff like that for a mere $600. The hell I would buy a new computer to play a friggin tech-demo, screw you Crytek!
I'm going to have to disagree with you there boss. Crysis was a great game in it's own right and I'd go as far as too say it's amazing graphics engine (which was ground breaking, the actual design of the stuff they used it for? Not so much) was more a hindrance than a help from a critical perspective.

The buzz Crysis caused and the way it was marketed obviously focused very heavily on it's graphical capabilities, the extent of which wer'e only now begining exhaust with top tier hardware and that lead to a weird kind of benchmark masochism in players. Everyone was convinced that unless they were maxing out the shaders, using the best shadow settings and the highest resolutions or just generally pushing their computer to it's absolute limits that they somehow weren't getting the most out of the experience, that they were missing out. People began pushing not for stable framerates but for playable framerates, people were willing to take massive fluctuating hits to their framerate just for a little more eyecandy. THis made for a jerky, unforgiving gaming experience which is why most people went ahead and took the stealth route through the game, their in-game settings just made the game too damn jerky to do anything else.

But if you took the graphics down a notch, scaled down the resolution and netted yourself a smooth 60fps then you'd discover that behind the pretty face Crysis is actually a superb action shooter.

The weapons are satisfying to fire, people judder and buckle under machine gun fire, leaping like a ninja, bursting through walls like a cracked out kool aid man and just generally being an absolute badass was an absolute blast. There were a range of options for just about every situation (albeit those options were usually variations of 'kill dude') and the AI, after a few patches, was superb.
The game simply nailed the whole Super Soldier thing and I hope that Deus Ex 3, when it finally arrives, takes a page out of it's book on the combat front.

Speaking of books I think I'm going to draw this to a close.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Great, I spen $1000, BUCKS BUILDING AN AWESOME (sorry, caps lock + lazy) gaming computer, and the new crysis is probably going to force me to replace my brand new Radeon 5770. GRRRR.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Terribly sorry to be a bother, but I believe in the headline you misspelled "EVAR!!1!"

At least, that's what this kind of statement from the developer sounds like to me -silly. Crysis probably does have the most realistic graphics ever (so far), so it's not like people will expect otherwise from the sequel. It's sort of like boasting that this year's Madden has the latest roster.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Now all they have to do is remove the shitty vehicle sections, make the AI (both friendly and hostile) not be "shit its pants stupid", fix the "shit its pants stupid" plot, and they'll be all set.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Considering that CryTek is making this statement, I'm half inclined to believe them. Still, graphics that melt your eyes won't help much if you market a piss-poor game along with it. Well just see how this turns out.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
birds fly.
fish swim.
sarah palin molests dogs.
And Crytek makes amazing Graphics.

I only care if the gameplay is good, graphics aren't everything after all


New member
Apr 15, 2009
copycatalyst said:
Terribly sorry to be a bother, but I believe in the headline you misspelled "EVAR!!1!"

At least, that's what this kind of statement from the developer sounds like to me -silly. Crysis probably does have the most realistic graphics ever (so far), so it's not like people will expect otherwise from the sequel. It's sort of like boasting that this year's Madden has the latest roster.
yeah it's not supposed to be surprising. maybe they thought everyone forgot crysis? who knows?


New member
Oct 26, 2008
So does this mean you won't be able to shoot anything because you'll be too mesmerized by the stupidly high graphics?


New member
Jun 28, 2009
dochmbi said:
It's time for a new Crysis because the hardware to run Crysis 1 on Very High @ 1920x1200 is now finally out. I'll buy a new PC in 2012, should run Crysis 2 nicely :)
Where the hell do they get the computers to MAKE these games? Its time to raid Crytek!


New member
Jan 31, 2008
That's nice Crytec. Come talk to me when you combine that with any one of the following:
-Compelling storytelling
-Engaging game-play
-Decent AI
-Realistic Physics

Seriously, graphics is not the limiting factor in my suspension of disbelief. Poor AI or wonky physics pull me out of modern games much more often than poor graphics. Developers: fix those parts first.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
That's right, Mr Chalk - Far Cry 2 never happened and there's totally nothing to question about what's been said here(!). Actually, this is a typical public relations claim by Crytek and it really does ask for deeper analysis.

Graphics are great and all but, my gripe with the claim is actually on the level of "convincing gameplay". In that there was none in Crysis: Warhead.

Honestly, the game was very boring. The only thrill I found in it was very superficial, and entirely found in the graphics. The combat was so-so, the suit functions made you overpowered at times and useless in others, and generally the gameplay lacked balance. The story lacked pacing.

If Crytek actually thinks the other two games had "convincing gameplay", then I'm more than a little worried about how much they seem to be focusing on graphics already. This is the kind of "it isn't broke, don't fix it" announcement that we might hear from Nintendo, and it makes sense when it's coming from them, but from a PC game developer it's a very bad sign.

Thankfully, it's common for this kind of announcement to come in complete contrast to the actual processes going on in the company (that is, they are probably nervous and stressed out trying to fix everything that was wrong with the first two games).