This dude deserves all the praise we can throw at him. You know how long I've been waiting for someone in the industry to finally recognise that the core fans come first long before anything else when creating a game? Because I've forgotten... But I do know it's been a while.
What almost everyone seems to regularly miss, and has done so again this time, is that you don't have to like the product in question. No seriously, hear me out. So you don't like DOA because it has tits. Big whoop. You know who cares about that? You. That's pretty much it. Do the developers care? No. Wanna know why? Because in this case they're paying attention to the most important party, the fanbase. You know, the people who give them the money to stay in business. So long as they make the product those fans want the opinions of people who don't buy the game and have no influence over the game are irrelevant.
So, you might counter this argument with "But it mires public opinion of gamers!" to which I will answer, so does the entire fighting genre. So does the entire RPG genre, so does the entire shooting genre for that matter. In fact, gaming mires the public perception of gamers. Being a gamer will continue to be considered fringe, probably for the rest of time, so just get used to it.
Is it sexist? Possibly, depends on your stance. Personally I find the in-game characters slightly unrealistic, but asides that it's just kinda there, I play the games for the fighting. There will come a point at which boobs are made so large they might actually impact on gameplay and we may be at that point, I don't think we have, but who knows? Regardless it is what the fanbase wants apparently. Now, what does my argument boil down to? Get the fuck over it. There's more important shit to be worrying about and there's more offensive shit to be offended by, just be happy there are people out there willing to listen to their fans before they listen to executives and people complaining at the front gate who had no intention of buying or playing the product in the first place. And as a side note, try not to make blanket assumptions about a fanbase. The game has several attractions, much like most games. In this case breasts are just one of them, strive to bare that in mind.
(Yes I do consider myself a bit of a fan of the franchise, yes I am bitter at being lumped in with assumed the "Dem sexist man-children who like big boobies cause they don't have a girlfriend" demographic)
Rant has now concluded.