Has anyone else noticed a typo in this post? If not I'll set it down.Greg Tito said:Death Of The Lich King, World First Kill of Arthas Reported
A U.S. guild has reported the world first kill of Arthas Menethil, otherwise known as the Lich King of World of Warcraft's latest expansion.
The last wing of the final raid encounter of Wrath of The Lich King opened up only yesterday for World of Warcraft players. One day was all it took for the world's top guilds to rip through the content and kill the Lich King on the easiest level, normal 10-man. The trophy for world first kill goes to Ensidia [http://www.bloodlegion.com/wow/] (Tarren Mill - EU), routinely gets world first kills such as the bosses of Ulduar in WoW patch 3.2, Algalon and Yogg-Saron. Blood Legion beat Ensidia this time, however, by six hours. U.S.A! U.S.A!
Now that the content of the third expansion for the massively popular MMOG is winding down, attention will now shift to what's in store for Cataclysm. The redesign of Azeroth will hopefully push the boundaries of what a perpetual world can accomplish with a worldwide event. Plus, introducing two new races will bump up subscription numbers surely, and players have been asking to play as goblins for a long time.
I know that I can't wait to get my hands on a Worgen. And no, that's not a furry joke.
Source: Blood Legion [http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2010/02/lich-king-blood-legion/]
(Image [http://www.bloodlegion.com/wow/blog/admin/newsSS/04HLsq.jpg])
Theres been people on the moon?! When the hell did this happen, you lie!EnzoHonda said:We all remember the 7th guy on the moon right?mattttherman3 said:Maybe it's because I don't play WoW but why does it matter who killed him first? It's just like who cares who has the first post on ZP? Honestly someone tell me
Being first is impressive. It's remembered. It's not "been there done, done that."
Hahaha same, he was interesting.EcksTeaSea said:I'm sad now. Arthas was my favorite out of everything WC had.
I doubt that, but it would be fun to have the game shut down for a couple hours after that saying that the game has been "beaten" and it is over.silver wolf009 said:that would be one hell of an april fools joke.thenumberthirteen said:So he's dead now. Well I suppose that means Blizzard will have to shut WoW down now. I would love them to do that.
Don't worry your pretty little heads, WoW fans! There's always PvP!thenumberthirteen said:So he's dead now. Well I suppose that means Blizzard will have to shut WoW down now. I would love them to do that.
Simba is highly dissapointed nowDr. wonderful said:HAHAHA.
Sucks to be the king.
dont worry, he will respawn in like 2 hours.EcksTeaSea said:I'm sad now. Arthas was my favorite out of everything WC had.