Defining Misogynism


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Rednog said:
boots said:
His performance is fascinating, but the shelf behind him is even more so. Does he really think that owning a human skull makes him more sophisticated? Is that a stuffed possum?
Looks like a fake skull, there doesn't appear to be a separation of the zygomatic process, maxilla looks odd, and the jaw is misshapen.
Also the possum looks like a plushy, possum ears aren't covered in fur and the head looks way too big.
Oh, snap. I thought it looked a bit weird too, though I wouldn't know a maxilla from a zygo-whatever :D
That stuff, along with the attire, is so obviously an affectation it's painful. And that's before he opens his mouth.


I got to 1:56 and then cracked at "modern women are completely out of control. They have gone completely feral and their behaviour is completely unacceptable in a civilised society"

Someone's had a rough breakup by the sounds of it.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Wrathful said:
Lieju said:
That having a vagina makes you inherently a 'casual' gamer?
A question, why or how the hell did Farmville get so popular in the first place if every serious gamers would just laugh at it? While we are onto the topic, who were the biggest consumers of these extra items you can buy ingame?
Games like Farmville reached people who wouldn't be interested in gaming othervise, partly because of what the perception of what a 'gamer' is.

There might be reasons women are more drawn to 'casual' games.
But that doesn't mean women are inherently drawn to the casual aspect of the game.

Or are you claiming women just aren't interested in a story-driven game, or a challenge, or action?

OneCatch said:
I got to 1:56 and then cracked at "modern women are completely out of control. They have gone completely feral and their behaviour is completely unacceptable in a civilised society"

Someone's had a rough breakup by the sounds of it.
Maybe we are misunderstanding this, maybe it's not meant to be taken seriously and it's all a part of some sexual kink or something.

I mean, 'Completely feral out-of-control women'?
Where can I find those?


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Lieju said:
OneCatch said:
I got to 1:56 and then cracked at "modern women are completely out of control. They have gone completely feral and their behaviour is completely unacceptable in a civilised society"

Someone's had a rough breakup by the sounds of it.
Maybe we are misunderstanding this, maybe it's not meant to be taken seriously and it's all a part of some sexual kink or something.

I mean, 'Completely feral out-of-control women'?
Where can I find those?
Haven't you been watching? They're EVERYWHERE!

A kink could explain things though.
Especially since the guy is so far up his own arse he's disappeared - like some kind of horrific and perverse bastardisation of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
lacktheknack said:
OT: A misogynist is anyone, man or woman, who is in a state of believing women to be inferior to men.

Misogyny is an attribute of any action, artistic expression, etc, that conforms to the mentality that women are inferior to men.

It's possible to perform misogynistic actions without being a misogynist.

For example, if you are trying to hire one person, and you receive an application from a man and a woman, then by hiring one, you are doomed to perform a misogynist or misandric action. Even if you select the male candidate because he has more experience and schooling, your selecting him was a misogynistic action, because it fits the mindset that women are worth less than men.
I'm not sure I get the point your trying to make there so I'm going to argue with what I percieve your point to be.

You are hiring for a job and have two applicants, a man and a woman. You select the candidate with the most relavent experience and education for the job.
I don't understand what that has to do with misogyny. That decision isn't based in the idea that men are inherintly better than women but that the particular applicant was more qualified for the position.

An example of misogyny would be:
You are hiring for a job and have two applicants, a man and a woman. Both are qualified for the position but you hire the man because you believe that the woman will not perform as well at the job as the man due to her gender.

The first example completely trivialises the actual issue of misogyny in the workplace and in the hiring process.

Zoe Castillo

New member
Mar 4, 2011
Catrixa said:
Huh. A dude met some bitchy women, then made a YouTube video on it, eh? Seems like a thing. You know, I've met some asshole men, too. I guess I can copy-paste my experience onto all men (except specific ones I like, because they are OK, obviously) and rant about it on YouTube for 15 minutes. I'm pretty sure I can find some sources no one has heard about and claim they're credible, too. And anything is a fact if you say "This is a FACT!" after it three times (it can't be any less, or people might question you). Also, it looks like all propaganda is true again. This is good to know, because coming up with opinions (wait, crap, these aren't opinions, these are facts, my bad) is easy when I don't have to think about them. Huh. How many viewers does this guy have? I think I've got a camera around here somewhere...
This made me smile =)

OT: it took me a good 3 minutes to realize this isn?t satire??
I mean the skull in the background , the armchair, the smoking ?? all this was missing is a bear skin rug.

anyway this should be required viewing for anyone who even thinks of talking to this guy ? Christ??.

(Or maybe this is just a brilliant piece of viral marketing for a new command and conquer game )


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
boots said:
You would have a point if basically every single movie out there was like Twilight and was made to appeal to idiotic twittering tween girls
No, no, no - "Twilight is for twittering tween twerps". Alliteration! :D

Zoe Castillo said:
I mean the skull in the background , the armchair, the smoking ?? all this was missing is a bear skin rug.
The camera doesn't pan down. THE CAMERA DOESN'T PAN DOWN! I think we're doomed.

Aaron Sylvester

New member
Jul 1, 2012
PeterMerkin69 said:
Misogyny is hatred of women, male chauvinism is the perspective that men are inherently better than women. Better at what? I have no idea.
Ooh, ooh, I know this one! Every single sport/physical activity (if that wasn't the most obvious one), majority of construction/engineering jobs, pretty much all extreme occupations (high-rise window cleaners, anyone?), all army/military operations, etc. Just to name a few :D

The best part is I can say all the above without being a chauvinist/misogynist, just like a mathematician can state "1+1=2" without people calling him a racist, sexist or something else that makes no sense.

boots said:
Guitarmasterx7 said:
How are they being punished by games that aren't for them existing? All joking aside, I am not "punished" by Twilight not appealing to me. There's a market for it and I'm not it. That doesn't mean movies aren't for me, it means Twilight isn't for me, and Twilight has every right to exist even though I wouldn't like watching it. Twilight is to movies as dead or alive or dragon's crown is to videogames.
You would have a point if basically every single movie out there was like Twilight and was made to appeal to idiotic twittering tween girls, and then when guys complained about there being no movies around to appeal to their interest they got shouted down and told, "YOU don't get to make demands about what movies are being made because film is a No Boys Allowed Club so get out."

But that isn't the case and so your analogy doesn't work. Moving on.

The thing about high school was less about my personal experience and more about the general attitude towards videogames predating the mid-late 2000s. It created the environment that allowed dead or alive to get all the way to 8 or whatever it's at. Which is fine. My point is that everything doesn't have to be for everyone. If you're not there, nobody is going to make things for you. So when you show up late and then get angry when people make things that aren't for you it's like "well yeah, you weren't here so we made something that wasn't for you and people liked it so we're making more."
OK, so apparently due to some leftover bitterness about people being mean to you for playing video games or some such nonsense, you are labouring under the impression that no girls ever played video games until a few years ago, which is absolute bullshit. Do you have any idea how incredibly insulting and pathetic it is to talk about all female gamers as though they only showed up five minutes ago and are suddenly "making demands"? There are female gamers on here who were playing video games years before you were even conceived, so maybe you could take a break from telling them that they "showed up late".

Your point isn't just ignorant, it's also hilariously misguided. You're basically saying that video game publishers should continue to only ever market towards their consumer demographic as it was in 1995, rather than targeting their games towards the kind of consumers that are buying games in 2013, because of ... um ... moral reasons? Loyalty to the fans who "got there first" (according to you)? Do consumers' dollars only start to count when they've been buying games for a certain amount of time? I'd be fascinated to hear the business model you have in mind.

You're mistaking me saying "this is why things are that way" for me saying I think things should be a certain way. It's nice when everyone can enjoy a game. I played through both borderlands, portal 2, and saints row with my girlfriend. I just think there's a place for games for guys, or girls, or kids, or adults too. I think its great that girls aren't weirded out by videogames anymore and I would like to see more games that everyone can enjoy. I also like all the blood and titties in god of war and the attitude that it has to be one or the other bothers me.

Feel free to take any of that out of context and put words in my mouth. I'm done.
So you think there's "a place" for games for girls (presumably that place is far enough away that they won't pass on their cooties), but you don't think that girls should be allowed to demand games that are marketed towards them, and you can't conceive of the idea that games could be made to appeal to both guys and girls? You know what, in your very own sulky words, "I'm done."

I think that what this comes down to is that you made an incredibly dumb post and are frantically trying to duck away and backpedal from it, culminating in you flouncing off in a tantrum when I persisted in calling you on your bullshit. As a female gamer who has probably been playing games much longer than you have, I guess I feel confident in saying that it's pretty insulting of you to suddenly show up and start talking about what you want to see in God of War games. You don't have the right to do that. You just haven't been playing video games for long enough.
I have a question though, if the market for female-oriented games was really that big then why didn't it take off a long time ago and why didn't we see a huge shift in females joining game development? See, you said that every single game out there is aimed at men (i.e. your Twilight quote). But if you feel that is the case, why is it the case? Why did it come to that in the first place, why don't we see a 50/50 split?
I'm sensing an underlying message that all game companies are simply stupid, all publishers are stupid and none of these guys have any clue what to do with their massive budgets. But somehow they're still making a ton of profit despite apparently ignoring an entire gender. How and why do you feel this came to be, and why is has it been so incredibly effective at making the game industry one of the biggest in the world today?
Just a few questions for you :)


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Wrathful said:
Lieju said:
Wrathful said:
Lieju said:
That having a vagina makes you inherently a 'casual' gamer?
A question, why or how the hell did Farmville get so popular in the first place if every serious gamers would just laugh at it? While we are onto the topic, who were the biggest consumers of these extra items you can buy ingame?
Games like Farmville reached people who wouldn't be interested in gaming othervise, partly because of what the perception of what a 'gamer' is.

There might be reasons women are more drawn to 'casual' games.
But that doesn't mean women are inherently drawn to the casual aspect of the game.

Or are you claiming women just aren't interested in a story-driven game, or a challenge, or action?
Most women doesn't really get encouraged to play games because there still is a social stigma around it and those prepuberscent boys screaming derogatory remarks doesn't help either. Every time people says in the western region there are 50% of girl gamers, you know they are lying because most of them are either playing casual games or playing hardcore games with male friends.
You are getting on the question about the definition of a 'gamer', now.
I mean, I have seen people argue that Yahtzee isn't a 'gamer' because he doesn't play fighting games or RTS's.
You are not only defining females as 'not proper gamers' if they play 'casual' games, but also if they play them with male friends?

I know guys who only play games with their friends, I guess they aren't real gamers?

I'm not sure what the actual statistics are, (although a lot depends on your definition) but the fact remains that 50% consumers are female, and if a lot of those don't buy games, it makes sense from a purely financial standpoint to try get them to buy your product.

Wrathful said:
I'm willing to believe in Japan, there are significantly more number of serious female gamers as there is already an evidence of popularity of DS in Japan.
I'm not following your logic here.
Are you saying mainly women play DS in Japan? Because I'm not sure how accurate that is.

Wrathful said:
At least even from the 90's there were more women in Japan working hands-on in the game industry and not sales and reception.
Source, please.
Wrathful said:
And I'm saying those gamers introduced to Farmville will probably find interest in other casual games and major Triple A titles played by their boyfriends. And they are the same group reacting angrily to every sexist images they come across.
On what do you base this claim? And what point are you trying to make?
Wrathful said:
Why do you think there has never been so much issues over depiction of girls in Duke Nukem or Heavy Rain the Rape scenario? Or maybe I'm insinuating Triple A titles can get away with their view of sexism and swept under a rug while lesser titles aren't so lucky. Has to get dragged across the dirt, huh?
Um, what?
Games like Tomb Raider aren't Triple-A now?


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Guitarmasterx7 said:
Lionsfan said:
Do you have any evidence that the sort of stuff he talks about is more prevalent now, than it has been in the past?

As far as the game aspect, what do you mean "expecting game devs to cater to them"? Again, do you have any evidence?
I wouldn't say I've necessarily seen any huge rise in it, more that I've seen a lot of the things in spades. I mean it's not like I took photo documentation of how many girls I slept with when I tried to win them over by listening to them and buying them drinks vs how many I did once I learned that acting like they're barely worth it works way better, or how many of my totally whipped friends got treated like shit and then dumped. I'm not a sociologist and I don't care enough about forum debates to catalog those kinds of things. Sorry. I'm just speaking from genuine experience. If you want, you can look up some youtube videos of women giving legitimate dating advice and you'll generally see the tone of it is either "man, do more" or "woman, expect less," both of which operate on the assumption that the man should be the one jumping through the hoops to impress the woman.

But again, this is a prevalent trend, not a definite rule.
I'm sorry, but that's really not good enough. I mean, the definitions for prevalent and trend is
1: Widespread in a particular area at a particular time.
2: Predominant; powerful.


1: A general direction in which something is developing or changing.
So, what you're saying is that the majority of women, and more and more everyday, are turning into these horrible fantasy creatures the video guy was describing. Quite frankly that's incredibly offensive.

You can agree with him if you want, but I think we're gonna need more than just personal anecdotes from a few people before we start agreeing with this guy.

As for the second part I mean, the dragon's crown debacle, hitman's bondage nuns, the huge amount of support drawn for Anita Sarkeesian's "tropes vs women in videogames," there's definitely a large group of women that feel some sense of entitlement to being catered to, or at very least feel disrespected when they aren't being catered to.

And don't get me wrong, this guy is probably just an angry little gnome that can't get laid. He's definitely biased and overgeneralizing. I'm just saying he's not completely inaccurate.
I feel like you're mistaking "wanting to be treated the same as other consumers" for entitlement.

I mean, is it really wrong that girl gamers want to be treated as equals to male gamers? Not to get all cliched and bring up race, but was it entitlement when black people didn't want blackface to be used in movies?

And really, with all the controversies about the ME3 ending, or Dante being changed in DMC, or the increase in piracy, you think girl gamers are being entitled?


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Aaron Sylvester said:
PeterMerkin69 said:
Misogyny is hatred of women, male chauvinism is the perspective that men are inherently better than women. Better at what? I have no idea.
Ooh, ooh, I know this one! Every single sport/physical activity (if that wasn't the most obvious one), majority of construction/engineering jobs, pretty much all extreme occupations (high-rise window cleaners, anyone?), all army/military operations, etc. Just to name a few :D

The best part is I can say all the above without being a chauvinist/misogynist, just like a mathematician can state "1+1=2" without people calling him a racist, sexist or something else that makes no sense.
The only one that's objectively quantifiable is sports. Everything else is just your subjective opinion


New member
May 17, 2010
aba1 said:
I was watching a few related videos out of curiosity and I thought this video hit some interesting points.

"Women can't hear what men haven't said." As much I support the hell out of this sentiment, I feel like a big problem is that men don't know how to articulate their side of things - see the "men's movement" and all their hate-mongering.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
boots said:
Magenera said:
As you pointed out, most vagina's play's towards the "casual" gaming market. In fact that is where most of the female gamer's, and the market for female gamer's reside in.
Some examples: :D
I would rather stab myself in the eye with a rusty spork than play any of those games,
Clearly your vagina is malfunctioning and sending signals to your brain telling you you actually want to play games.

This is unnatural and wrong for womenfolk.

Seriously, though, even if we assume (for the sake of this silly argument) that women will just inherently flock towards games about fashion and raising babies, why would those games need to be shovelware?

You could very easily fit those themes into a complex gameplay and narrative.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Lionsfan said:
I mean, is it really wrong that girl gamers want to be treated as equals to male gamers? Not to get all cliched and bring up race, but was it entitlement when black people didn't want blackface to be used in movies?
It depends on the line of argument used. I see so many different or contradictory concerns that it really isn't possible to use the term "girl gamers" when it comes to discussing changes.

1) Some people are unhappy with there being "sexy" female characters at all.
2) Some people are unhappy with there being too many "sexy" female characters, but not enough "non-sexy" female characters (The Triple A gaming market in general).
3)Some people are unhappy with "sexy" female characters, but only when they are nothing else (Rachel from Ninja Gaiden 2).
4) Some people are unhappy with some "sexy" female characters being in a game, but only if there is not a variety of other types of women in the game as well.

Issues 2,3 and 4 I'd say are perfectly valid concerns, but I would say point number 1 does come from a false sense of entitlement. As it normally comes from the line of argument that sexualising women in any shape or form is automatically bad.

That women don't like it, despite the fact that many women are perfectly okay with it. As is seen by the fact that there are so many cosplays of these characters and the voice actresses are clearly happily to be associated with a game that has them.

The kind of people who oppose "sexy" women games entirely are not all that common, but sometimes the arguments seem to bleed together, or people contradict themselves, which is where arguments quite often start.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
boots said:
Legion said:
1) Some people are unhappy with there being "sexy" female characters at all.
Are they really, or are you just strawmanning/misinterpreting? Because I hear this cry of "oh, people are saying that female characters should never, ever allowed to be sexy in video games" all the time, but I've never actually been able to find these people or these demands that there shouldn't ever be any sexy female characters in video games. Not once. Feel free to point me in the direction of people who are actually saying this, but until then I'm going to assume that it's just an oversimplification or deliberate exaggeration of what Type 2/3/4 people are saying.
Note: I did not say they demanded they don't exist, I said they are unhappy with them. So actually, your reply could be considered a strawman, effectively as you are "attacking" a statement I never said. Although I am not going to make accusations as I am pretty sick of people using buzzwords as counter-arguments.

The accusations of Skullgirls being sexist is an example of it. The characters are "sexy". They are also quite horrifying when it comes down to it, they also have back-stories, motivation, agency and are strong and capable.

If somebody were to complain that they are too sexualised, I'd say fair enough, even though it doesn't bother me personally, if somebody didn't want to play the game as they prefer not to play games with "sexy" female characters, I'd say fair enough, as people have the right to not play whatever they like.

But to complain that the game itself is sexist because of it, strikes me as an example of my first point. As the characters have agency, personalities, motivations and a lot more than just being "T+A".

As I said in my last paragraph, peoples arguments bleed together. Some people complain that it's yet another example of a game using sex sells and that's the issue (which again, is fair enough), some people argue against the game itself.

One particular user who goes into every thread about the subject, purely to complain about it would be my example.