Somehow I doubt if there is a reliable source of news on percentage of gamers who use mods or the specific quality of their internet that can be found so easily. Aside, from that. I know some people's internet connections suck what with poor service and all. I don't care. one case does not a statistically significant group make. I want more then just some angry people saying that their individual connections are not good. Also, why the heck do you think logs form... 5 days of various interruptions mean anything to me. That gives me neither percentages nor the generally reliability of the connection. So it gets disconnected. Does that ell me general bandwidth does that tell em what kind of bandwidth Diablo 3 needs? I know you might get dropped but I have no idea what that means. Will you be dropped for a day? for a week? for 1 minute? The concept of "bad" here is as nebulous as the percentage of people who have "bad".qwerty19411 said:You sure are expecting others to provide numbers only a google search away. But I'll show you what I have to put up with on a light week of internet bullshit.Twilight_guy said:The points about can't pause is kind of bullshit. Lots of games don't take place online don't let you pause (for various reasons from it being counter to gameplay to bad planning). If an emergency happens and you haven't got a physiological problem where you value bits more then real life then you leave the game and say "fuck this I've got an emergency." If its not an emergency, then open a town portal go go someplace that has no monsters. This is Diablo, there are safe spots.
The one about username and password is also kind of bullshit. Remembering your password and name is handy nut not necessary. Unless your superlazy then its an extra 30 seconds. That's not really a valid argument since there are other far more egregious issues that could be noted. Also, security and convenience are at odds with on another you sacrifice one to get the other. It's up for debate weather this is a worth sacrificing but I'm not going to complain for minimally invasive security feature add-on after the shitstorm that Sony and other went through not that long ago.
I wonder how many people actually play using mods and how many make them? It'd be interesting to see the numbers. I suspect most people don't have the gumption to make mods but I don't know about people using them.
I also want to know how many people in Blizzard's potential customers don't have a reliable connection to the internet. Lots of people throw around that there internet sucks but I want to see what the numbers are and also see what connection speeds are tolerable. I really want to know whether this is the vocal minority or some notable portion.
On top of that. Yes, yes I do expect numbers, sometimes. In an argument if someone claims X its there responsibility to show me evidence of X or to prove it. This article is not about those numbers per say so I don't expect it to have them but when I do hear such an argument I would like to see numbers. This was just an idle thought though and if I were inclined enough I'd go looking for them. When this argument is thrown around and there are no numbers I have no idea if people are talking out of their asses or not. Being the internet, I'm suspicious of every claim.