Diablo III Patch Restricts Access for New Players

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
So once again we're punishing the not-guilty with the guilty eh? The industry's been doing an alarming amount of that lately. I'm not going to get up your ass about this Blizzard, but I do have to question what the hell it is you're thinking.
Worgen said:
Eri said:
People will continue to bash Blizzard over forums, blogs, their own forums, any number of things. If you look at these threads on all the forums and blogs you'd think the game was a total failure and now no ones playing it and it is further dying.

For all the whining, people still gave Blizzard their money, and they voted with their wallets. You know what those votes said?


Over 7 million copies sold.

Yeah, you sure showed them.
Bitching is the only way to keep other companies from jumping onto the retarded bus.
So in other words acting like a retard is the only way to stop other people from acting like retards?
Love you logic there. /sarcasm


New member
Nov 25, 2010
If I may request you remove your 'fuck blizzard' caps for a moment and think about this though: ((btw don't even bother replying to me with counter arguments or nasty names, I don't care enough about this to come back and have any real discussion XD Might read them but can't be bothered to reply. Just putting forward how it looks from where I'm sitting))

What they're doing is making it more inconvenient for criminals to make 500 characters all at once and use them for fraud and other activities that can have a serious and drastic real world effect on people.

It may be a little annoying have to wait a day or two for unlimited access, it's not like you're locked out of the game. You still get act one and level 13, unless you're some sort of.... erhm, highly dedicated individual, should that not be enough content to last until the game becomes fully unlocked? serious question there cause I don't have the game.

It also seems like they're making a bit of a 'kiddies pool', where all the new players can test out the waters with other new characters first, before they're then let out into the big bad ocean.
Not altogether a bad idea in essence for creating a more friendly environment for new players, cause there are always those people who'd come around with their high level character and grief new players just for fun.

I'm unfamiliar with exactly how diablo 3 works, but is there any reason why someone would make a new account/buy a new copy of the game(whichever causes this 'start edition' content) if they already have one?
Other than maybe muleing off items, maybe circumventing a ban? or as mentioned above, fraudulent activity. So am I right in thinking that this won't actually effect any of the current players at all? (therefore, only people who don't own it but are wanting to have any real cause for complaint?)

I mean I can understand being a little bothered with having to wait [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9obgyYB1IU], and with the DRM requirements Diablo 3 already has leaving people a little grumpy in general(I feel the same way, I like single player/no lag and not needing internet for everything. It's part of the reason I indeed don't have the game), but this thing here doesn't actually sound to me like it's the massive kick in the balls people are making it out to be.

You'd have to wait and see how effective it is in it's goals, but it's surprising how many people seem to legitimately think 'yeah, blizzard is totally doing this just to annoy people' XD

We get it, you're not too happy with how Blizzard have handled Diablo 3, but now we've run out of cheese to go with all this w(h)ine and you've beaten that dead horse so hard that it broke all the records in town. Maybe next time vote with your wallet if you feel so strongly on the matter? :X


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
irishda said:
Worgen said:
Eri said:
People will continue to bash Blizzard over forums, blogs, their own forums, any number of things. If you look at these threads on all the forums and blogs you'd think the game was a total failure and now no ones playing it and it is further dying.

For all the whining, people still gave Blizzard their money, and they voted with their wallets. You know what those votes said?


Over 7 million copies sold.

Yeah, you sure showed them.
Bitching is the only way to keep other companies from jumping onto the retarded bus.
No. No it isn't. Voting with your wallets is the only way to keep companies from jumping onto the retarded bus
Its blizzard, people are retarded when it comes to blizzard, blizzard could shit on a napkin and at least 1.5 million people would buy it, hopefully this will finally be enough of a media shitstorm for people to stop buying blizzard but I doubt it.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Mattlore said:
You know...I find it funny that people rip on the company for trying to protect their business. This isn't about in game, digital items. This is credit card fraud. It's something that can effect MULTIPLE people in a ripple effect.
It would be like if I decided to lock my door at night because I got robbed and all my friends suddenly bitching and complaining that they can't get let in, until I let them in, but alas thus is trend now, blame the company and not those that are purposefully hurting the company.
To paraphrase Jim Sterling, Blizzard's problems are not our problems. Blizzard has decided to make them our problems, and we have every right to complain about that.


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
Hevva said:
Diablo III Patch Restricts Access for New Players
What I'm getting from this is, "Because we put the obstacle of always-online DRM between you and your purchased product, we've inadvertently created some problems that demand we put the additional hurdle of a three-day waiting period between you and your purchased product. By the way, we did all this so that we could create a market for our Real Money Auction House, which we hope you're not too tired (whatwith all the hurdle-jumping) to browse!"

Bliz has found itself in a hole, and is determined to dig itself out.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Two lessons are to be learned.
#1 Real money auction : BAD IDEA !!!!
#3(sry, can't count) people are going to hack stuff make. make it so you can live with it.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
this is like the new mass effect 3 ending at this point...
anything they do to or say to make it better just makes things worse.


Apr 28, 2008
Tanis said:
All you PC gamers mocked folks like me who said always online DRM would hurt D3.

Guess who was RIGHT.

Here's a hint:
Really? There is a large contingent of people on this forum (myself included) who were citing the always online as the sole reason we weren't getting the game.

I'm glad I didn't buy it and I can say I never will.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Worgen said:
Eri said:
People will continue to bash Blizzard over forums, blogs, their own forums, any number of things. If you look at these threads on all the forums and blogs you'd think the game was a total failure and now no ones playing it and it is further dying.

For all the whining, people still gave Blizzard their money, and they voted with their wallets. You know what those votes said?


Over 7 million copies sold.

Yeah, you sure showed them.
Bitching is the only way to keep other companies from jumping onto the retarded bus.
Also its not really legitimate since this isn't a product you can return.

Game sales just show how well marketing worked. If you could return games then sales would be much more interesting.

Buretsu said:
As I see it, there are about 6 million or so satisfied customers, happily playing Diablo 3, and a few thousand people who never played the game predicting its utter doom.
Uh...our entire office bought the game. So around 30 folks.

Only 2 still play. I personally made it to the mid 50's and into Hell before I just gave up. I kept hoping I'd find something of value...never came.

I don't know anyone who still likes it though, just wasn't for me.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
F is for Fooking stupid
A is for asinine policy
I is for idiots in running your company
L is for Ludicrous anti consumer actions.

Put them together and you get the DIABLO 3 LAUNCH.
Crap I can accept bugs at launch, like in FONV or Skyrim.

But to this? This is just getting pathetic.
What happened to the days when you got a game for your money.

Now its like getting a limited time thing saying "You can play this game only when we say so, when we feel like it, and if we dont turn off servers because we want to cash in!"

First Bioware, now Blizzard not a good year for game companies that start with B.