Diablo III Patch Restricts Access for New Players


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Blizzard: The "brain surgery with a hacksaw" school of problem solving.

[Captcha: "two cents worth" - while it's certainly worth my two cents, I wouldn't pay a dime.]


New member
Nov 21, 2010
And you know why?

ALL TO SAVE THEIR GOD DAMN AUCTION HOUSE. That thing put a whole in the bottom of the Diablo boat on release, and now blizzard, aren't actively bailing out water as they should be to try and save it, they're pouring water in.

You want to know what would save your game now blizzard? Patching out the always online, and making making stable drop rates, removing the need for your auction house. But no, you're going to continue supporting something which (at least everyone I know) isn't being used by the majority and is crippling your game, and support of it.

GG blizz, wings of liberty will be the last game I ever buy from you.

Edit: Which I ironically got given to me, because someone hated it so much, they gave their entire account away.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
just for people thinking the 72 hour delay is okay... it took me 2 hours to do act 1, solo, first time i tried... there's even an achievement for doing it less (think an hour or 2).
If only i could swear off blizzard for good, but i still need my starcraft doses.

First no more ubisoft... soon no more blizzard. hope valve doesn't do anything like this in the near future

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
madster11 said:
So happy i've never bought a Blizzard product after Warcraft 3.
Me neither. And guess what, no Warcraft 4, so... Blizzard is about to be dead to me.


New member
Dec 8, 2011
It takes about one hour to get to level 13, could be more or less depending on the player and the character. And they want to cap people for three freaking days at that level?

I've been playing D3 off and on for the past few weeks, and I can assure you it has been entertaining in a very horrible way to witness Blizzard constantly shoot themselves in the foot. I can only sit back and watch with bemusement as they keep digging themselves deeper and deeper.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
gigastar said:
Never have i been so glad to not buy a game that i was interested in.
Sadly I must concur with this bloke, I didn't get D3 as I already saw what the real money house was going to do, not to mention the hype meant they'd be overloaded no matter what, but even I am shocked at the appalling way Blizzard has pulled this off. I think SC2 will have to be the last game I buy from them (including expansions), as they seem to be taking on some of Activisions policies regarding their customers.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Elate said:
You want to know what would save your game now blizzard? Patching out the always online, and making making stable drop rates, removing the need for your auction house. But no, you're going to continue supporting something which (at least everyone I know) isn't being used by the majority and is crippling your game, and support of it.
Unfortunately, it wouldn't be that easy, even if Blizzard was inclined to pull its collective head out of its ass. The game doesn't just have always on DRM, it's an online only game. You aren't required to stay logged in because some piece of spyware is waiting to sabotage your game the moment you go link dead, you have to stay online because the content (i.e. monsters and drops) is located on a server. People that paid for Diablo 3 do not have a game; they have a game client. So in order to divorce the game from its current always on nature, Blizzard would literally have to go back into an alpha state so they could completely redesign how the game functions.

This bed cannot be unshat.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
To be honest. I wanted this game. When they first announced D3 I was glad. Now (as has been said before) I am glad I didn't buy this game. The always on internet crap and the real money auction house did it for me (well those and the rediculous price of games where I live).

Instead my money has been going into getting games off steam like Avernum: Escape from the pit and Dungeons of dreadmor. Warcraft and starcraft were good, hell I even enjoyed WoW up until midway through cata but short of blizzard returning from the depths of madness with some new (And Epic) property I doubt I shall ever buy from them again.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
If you buy online from places like Amazon, don't you have to wait 2-5 days anyway? And besides, it takes a lot longer than 3 days to get each character class up to level 13, so there is still plenty of content to be had while you wait.

Captcha: I like people. I don't captcha, I don't.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
And Blizzard, you know what? All this trouble could have been avoided if you didn't want to make the game require an always online internet connection so badly.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
So instead of fixing security on your end you will lock out the user... that is just customer service at it's finest.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Heh so glad I didn't buy the game now, though I have to fight of a friend trying to convince me to get it to play coop, I'll wait for torchlight 2. Still I would say Blizzard people buy this game to play it, not open a bank account. I'm disgusted how legally bought dvd's treat you like a criminal with all the copyright and anti-piracy ads on disc that you can't skip, it now seems games are going the same way of treating a person like a criminal.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Nice to see the business model of "Make your paying customers suffer to combat thieves" is going strong. I think we're seeing the end of the piracy age, for sure!

Captcha: pleased as punch

You bet I am! I don't buy Blizzard!


New member
Nov 26, 2010
You know what's really funny about this?

Diablo 3 seems like a boring game, but I saw all the DRM and I decided to check the internet regularly. And guess what? Diablo 3 has been hacked and can be played according to the skidrow site. There's several comments about people playing, although apparently it's still buggy.

So, after all the DRM which worked for a month and generated lots of hate, they're only taking MORE ineffective steps which generate lots of unhappiness. And I have my doubts whether this will work.


World Breaker
Sep 27, 2004
Mattlore said:
You know...I find it funny that people rip on the company for trying to protect their business. This isn't about in game, digital items. This is credit card fraud. It's something that can effect MULTIPLE people in a ripple effect.
It would be like if I decided to lock my door at night because I got robbed and all my friends suddenly bitching and complaining that they can't get let in, until I let them in, but alas thus is trend now, blame the company and not those that are purposefully hurting the company.
Yeah, people are "buying" digital copies, and then spamming people in game with friend requests that have RMT websites in the comments, or spamming trade channels, or joining games and flooding chat. Then the fake or stolen credit card info gets rejected (in the 72 hours) and the account gets disabled.

As far as the launch, there were a few days when servers were down, but I noticed very little lag when the servers were up, and very few issues overall for an online game of this scale. Player's perceptions may be skewed as to the quantity and duration of outages, but as such launches go, theirs was remarkably problem free.

Except for the atrocious plot. I love campy pulp fantasy, but the plot of D3 is... ugh.