Difficulty spikes!


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Josh Kurber said:
I found every bit of Resistance one difficult, even on Normal... which is really sad, I know.
I actually found that game pretty tough too. There were a few areas with little to no cover that were hard, and I hated those assholes that could shoot through the walls.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
I died many, many times against the flood during their first appearance and The Library in Halo Combat Evolved. They seemed immune to death, and they had amazing aim with rocket launchers.
Horrible level. Horrible horrible level... only played for the first time this year and I almost quit the game over it, it was so LONG.

Josh Kurber

New member
Jul 5, 2010
MiracleOfSound said:
Josh Kurber said:
I found every bit of Resistance one difficult, even on Normal... which is really sad, I know.
I actually found that game pretty tough too. There were a few areas with little to no cover that were hard, and I hated those assholes that could shoot through the walls.
Oh, I know. The Auger guns were only cool when YOU used them lol. I remember that mission. I had to quit and replay the whole thing on Easy because it would pit me against all those little rolley-polley creatures, then the Augers and the wolf things.

And it took me seven hours to get that far on Normal, took me half an hour to get there on Easy, and some parts were still difficult.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Mass Effect 2, Collector Ship mission: No opportunity to prepare beforehand; enemies with shields, armour AND regenerating health; limited ammunition; teammates who die in eight seconds; and NO COVER. I beat it by turning the difficulty to the easiest setting. I'll be trying the higher difficulty again when Bioware decide to make some decent weapons and armour available for download. (I know about the Firepower and Aegis packs, but I know there will be better stuff yet.)


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Minor Dragon Age:Origin spoilers ahead.
Morrigan's personal quest, seemed easy enough at first; go here, get book, make Morrigan happy. The she finds out the secret held in the book and asks me to go off her mother Flemeth....who transforms into a giant dragon. Up untill now the game's never been that difficult, but this was nuts. A few hits. my whole party dead.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
LOTR: The Third Age. Three hours of badassery, slight jump in Theoden's Hall. What happens next? Helm's Deep...nine constant fights with no save points at ALL! And your enemies consistently have better armor and almost four times as many hit points as your previously unprepared party. So, being caught off guard as such, you do what any sane person would do and rely on the movie insertion characters to save you from taking an Uruk-hai long-spear up your newly presented backside.


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Oct 4, 2009
Castlevania- Clock Tower in any game, Medusa Heads, Death.

Half Life 2- Final strider Battle

Gears of War- RAAM


New member
Jul 4, 2006
First time I played through FFIX I was stuck on Gizamaluke for ages, but I think that is because I had no idea how equipment worked and what not.
Also FFX I used to get stuck on the Sinspawn Gui and also when you first fight Seymour. I don't know why - both were a piece of piss whenever I played through the game again.

More recently I tried Fallout 3 on Very Hard difficulty. I've managed to complete it now, but I must say, those first few hours after leaving the Vault with minimal weapons and equipment are a *****. Mostly I found myself hitting and running. Also in Mothership Zeta the aliens with the little forcefield things around them were pretty damn solid. It was a case of running and planting Bottlecap mines mostly - occasionally showing my face to try and disarm them...
Apart from that, the rest of the game was surprisingly easy.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
a mad dodongo said:
No idea if i have been ninja'd but:

Halo 3.
I second that. I did that with a friend, and even with the whole "stay alive until the other guy respawns"-trick, we still got absolutely destroyed by that level.

Josh Kurber

New member
Jul 5, 2010
Indiscrimi said:
Mass Effect 2, Collector Ship mission: No opportunity to prepare beforehand; enemies with shields, armour AND regenerating health; limited ammunition; teammates who die in eight seconds; and NO COVER. I beat it by turning the difficulty to the easiest setting. I'll be trying the higher difficulty again when Bioware decide to make some decent weapons and armour available for download. (I know about the Firepower and Aegis packs, but I know there will be better stuff yet.)
Really? I never had trouble in that mission. Mass Effect, one and two, was kinda straight-forward, normal game difficulty for all difficulties.

But I know what you mean. First time I played it I had no idea what was going to happen. I kept constantly saving lol.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Josh Kurber said:
Dragon Age had some difficult random encounters at first, like the time it made you fight a LEGION of wolves with traps all around.
Yes, 1st wolf encounter = reload and hope you don't get it.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
MiracleOfSound said:
AlternatePFG said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Furburt said:
Psychonauts has a well documented case of this. The first half is easy, but still brilliant, and then there's that sudden huge spike in difficulty. With controls as imprecise as that, it's quite frustrating.

Also, CoD 4. The Pripyat mission, with the end of level defence. It was going so well up to that point.
That fairground level was nasty alright... especially on Veteran.
Yeah, that part was pain. I tried everything, but it didn't work. I gave up eventually.
The best way is to hide behind the bumper cars and plant a lot of claymores. The rest is all luck, dodging grenades and a bit of 'de skillz'.
That part took a lot of tries and a good amount of luck for me. I ended up just hiding in a small shed, prone on the ground, while dozens of grenades rained down all around it. I just shot anyone that came through the door and waited until the chopper arrived. And when it did get there, I still had to time my exit so as to not get blown up by the grenades that were still being thrown.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
In the same vein as in the Red Dead bears... Red Dead Mountain lions. Those things would come out of absolutely freaking nowhere and pretty much 1-hit you with no warning. It's pretty annoying when you're tracking a bounty down only to get 100 yards from his base and get killed by a freaking cat.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
MiracleOfSound said:
Echo136 said:
Uh... in Oblivion the Necromancers were always my *****, unless they were high enough level to summon powerful Daedra, then they were an issue until you snuff out the caster. And that HL2 fight was hardly a problem.

My biggest nightmare was the chariot race and subsequent boss fight afterwards in Prince of Persia: Two Thrones. That was so annoying, Ive never come so close to wanting to break the disc.
That's where my poor lil brother gave up on the game... what an absolute dick of a checkpoint that was. I was only able to beat it on easy mode.

As for Oblivion's necromancers... did you do Meridia's quest in Howling Cave? Care to share how you beat it? Because as soon as I set foot in that room I get staggered repeatedly by the ten plus enemies and don't even get a sporting chance to fight back!
If I remember right, that was a pretty tough fight, but I was well prepared. I was a warmage, alteration and destruction with heavy armor and enchanted robes (to keep burden down) and an enchanted mace/shield combo, along with enough potions to supply an army (mostly stolen). By the time I was lvl 15 or so I had acquired enough damage reflecting enchanted stuff that most damage reflected right back at the enemy so I didnt have to worry much.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Josh Kurber said:
Indiscrimi said:
Mass Effect 2, Collector Ship mission: No opportunity to prepare beforehand; enemies with shields, armour AND regenerating health; limited ammunition; teammates who die in eight seconds; and NO COVER. I beat it by turning the difficulty to the easiest setting. I'll be trying the higher difficulty again when Bioware decide to make some decent weapons and armour available for download. (I know about the Firepower and Aegis packs, but I know there will be better stuff yet.)
Really? I never had trouble in that mission. Mass Effect, one and two, was kinda straight-forward, normal game difficulty for all difficulties.

But I know what you mean. First time I played it I had no idea what was going to happen. I kept constantly saving lol.
I suppose I neglected to mention that I was playing on the hardest difficulty level (for the Achievement, naturally). It was a cakewalk in Mass Effect 1, being able to build up a character in one playthrough and keeping everything on the next, but Mass Effect 2 makes you buy all your upgrades again on successive playthroughs. Take this with the fact that biotics aren't as useful in ME2 as the were in ME1, and you have a significantly more challenging game - that one fight in particular because of the reasons I mentioned, and there are only so many upgrades you can buy back before being forced to do it.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Top floor of the Tower of Nido in Phantasy Star II. There's a new enemy called a Blaster that appears for the first time there, and it's such a radical step up in class from anything fought to that point that it's a very unpleasant surprise and a nearly guaranteed sign you need to level-grind about three extra levels.

Very annoying.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
I found Lost Odyssey to have a wonky difficulty curve, albeit I've only played the first few hours. Most mobs are straightforward enough, but there are a few who seem to exist to make you cry. An hour of walking through mountains and I bump into a Sarbella, who somehow dodged all physical attacks I threw and countered them, killing my whole damned team before I can say "boo." Don't even get me started on the early bosses... Two words: Down Burst