1. Don't leave your 3DS near the edge of a table. Your baby will learn of it's secret telepathic abilities and turn you inside out next time you don't give her a piece of candy from the store.
2. Contain your urges, even if your 3DS is has the only hole that you can fit it in.
3. Don't play your 3DS near your plants. The 3DS doesn't like your plants.
4. What goes in must come out...
5. Your fan and your 3DS have an awkward past. Best leave sleeping dogs lie.
6. Even if you just went through all of Zelda without saving once and your power died on the last boss, we are not liable for self inflicted death.
7. Your power cord is not into bondage nor does it have a shock fetish. Be nice and smooth with her, that is how she likes it.
8. Even with the 3DS's 3D graphics, THE GAME IS NOT YOUR CAR.
9. Magnets suck the 3DS into a reality were you can divide by zero, so don't touch magnets to it.
10. Don't go around sitting in the grass for hours in the starting level of the newest pokemon game.
Some old curses bugs have never gone away.