Do you believe in love?


New member
Aug 29, 2011
I guess it is reasonable for many who have yet to experience love to be skeptical to its actual existence or validity.

In high school, I was friends with a girl who was virtually invisible to me for a few months until we were paired together for a class. We became good friends and over a course of two years, we became close and shared a lot of great experiences.

It wasn't until we were Juniors that I started seeing her in a different light. I kid you not, one day, when I saw her across the hall, I had one of those "slow-motion, walking away, music in the background, only focused on her" moments that is shown in a lot of movies. I didn't even recognize her until after the moment has passed.

I know it sounds cheesy, but after that, I would get a strange feeling when I was around her and I would feel nervous towards her when previously did not.

The "feeling" was amazing, to say the least. It was like a warm sensation that came from my heart, I could feel my blood rushing, but not like rushing rapids, but a quiet, warm stream. I never wanted that feeling to end and we became a little close towards the end of our high school years.

Although it didn't work out between us, the feeling I had was the closest thing to "love" that I have felt, so I believe that it takes the right person to demonstrate that "love" exists and that it is a feeling that brings two complete strangers closer together.

So that's my experience and to those who are still skeptical, all it takes is one person to have you believing in love.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
A real tangible thing? Well there's your problem. Tangible objects are objects that have a physical presence. Love is an emotion and no emotion has a tangible presence.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Partially, but I'm a teenage male. What do I know?

It's two people, who like each other, but mostly want each other for sex. That's what it seem like to me. This reminds me of something...

Women don't love you, they love cupcakes and ponies.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
buhee said:
How would you feel if your parents or your best friend died? Really sad. Why is that? Because you love them. Love isn't just about sex and relationships. Its a powerful emotion that is responsible for you caring about the health wellbeing and happiness of others.

Of course it exists.
Amen to that. Love goes beyond a relationship with a significant other.


Elite Member
May 22, 2009
I believe in Love. It is a very real and very powerful thing.

Also, I think to many people use the word "Love" when they are actually trying to say "Lust."


New member
Jul 27, 2010
It exists.

It's given me a lot of motivation, especially when it's from my girlfriend.

That's all I have to say on *that*.

Rex Fallout

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Yes I do believe in it. But I don't think the vast majority of Society believes in it, or for that matter even know what it is. But yes I believe in love. Mostly because I am in Love right now.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Madara XIII said:
Love exists in the form of Chemicals Reactions and in the form of CHER!!!!!
I believe in it, but I feel the only way to get my feelings across is with some rawk.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
I believe in love, I've seen it happy in real life, but I don't I personally can feel it. To antisocial.

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Dags90 said:
Madara XIII said:
Love exists in the form of Chemicals Reactions and in the form of CHER!!!!!
I believe in it, but I feel the only way to get my feelings across is with some rawk.
WIN You brilliant Bastard!! That is by far my favorite song.
+ 5 internets for you

Michael Hirst

New member
May 18, 2011
Love has many meanings but I'm going to assume you mean romantic love between two people rather than friends/family kind of love.

I was a cynic on the subject for a long time until I personally fell in love. I've got an amazing girlfriend who I wouldn't swap for the world. Love isn't perfect but more the ability to forgive/forget imperfections in each other and just live in complete acceptance of one another.

Love isn't taking a girl to a fancy French resteurant for a candlelit dinner, thats a romantic gesture.

Love is the day by day stuff that keeps you bonded close together but love is also the ability to get through bad times with each other and forgive each other for things you might normally be offended by, my girlfriend hasn't done anything horrible but there have been times we really shouted it out with each other.

Love really is hard to define because it can mean different things for different people but for me it's the ability to be humble with someone having a peace and trust with someone you can never have with another, the other stuff like sex, dating, holidays. Those are all external gestures of love in different forms but not love itself.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
The issue is that too many people see lust or infatuation as love, and so much of our society is focused purely on sex.

Love is very much real, but the chemicals that cause the initial feeling are only released (to a large degree) for the first 1-3 years of a relationship on average.
Beyond that, the feeling isn't quite as persistent, but that doesn't mean two people can't still love each other after 50 years.

There are examples like those you stated (although marrying for love is only a rather recent phenomenon), but there are also counter examples. I remember hearing about a couple in their 70's or 80's who still proclaimed to be madly in love with each other.

For it to persist, it has to be reliant on more than the euphoric feeling and certainly more than just sex, it has to be based on truly enjoying the other person's company.
People can be best friends for decades or their entire lives, why shouldn't you be able to have the same feelings about someone who you are romantic with?

The main problem is just that everyone these days has relationships for "fun" and sex rather than to actually find someone that they would enjoy spending their life with.


New member
Dec 13, 2009
Love is a chemical that we experience, but people who leave it at that are very, very dull.
It's can be a wonderful thing for all sorts of people, and it being only a chemical doesn't differ it from anything else we experience.

I believe in it, yes.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
What the hell do you mean "Do you believe in love?"
How can you not believe it? It's there, under many different meanings and definitions. But it's there and it's so f*cking powerful it's unbelievable. ..


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
archvile93 said:
I believe in love, I've seen it happy in real life, but I don't I personally can feel it. To antisocial.
That's pretty much how I think about the whole thing really.

I've seen it and I've seen my friends be really happy with their loved ones. As for me? Not so much, too much of a loner for such things.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Less and less every year, sadly.

I want to put as much interest into people as they put into me. And yet that is still with reservations given the sorts of women I've attracted in the past. Call me an antisocial dick if you want, but I find most people to be overly full of themselves and disingenuous to even simple courtesy.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
Between family members? I'd say yes, if a duty to protect offspring (parents) and the natural inclination to work together (siblings in my experience) is love.
Between two adults who want to bone each other? No. They just wanna fuck.