Do you believe in love?


New member
Jul 5, 2011
To all the cynics:

Well ... there's these things called 'mitochlorians', and they exist in your blood. And they help you to understand the nature of the Love. Some people are born with a high concentration of 'mitochlorians', and gives them a greater degree of control of the Love. It's even possible for some to have been conceived by the Love, and they may be the chosen one to bring balance to the Love.

See how meaningless it is to scientifically explain a base human emotion? Sure, it helps to understand the causes, but it doesn't alleviate the symptoms nor make you immune. Look, I'm as cynical and embittered as anyone, but you just look like an inexperienced kid when you say shit like 'love is a chemical imbalance!'.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Jacco said:
Elderly people who have been married 40 or 50 years will tell you straight up they are glad their spouse died because they were just so sick of being around them ALL THE TIME.
Not true... well, true sometimes, but my grandparents loved each other greatly.
I remember reading a beautiful story where someone went to a park, and they were sitting on a bench, and on the bench opposite were an elderly couple sitting together, and the man said "We made it, didn't we? We grew old together."
I'm not sure I got it word for word but plenty of people are in love their whole life. Also:
Sneaky-Pie said:
If you don't believe in love, you have never been in love.
That. You've obviously not experienced it. I only have once, I never got said person and moved on after a very long time. Thankfully she wasn't in my main friendship group, I didn't have to see her on a regular basis. But I know that it's real because me and millions of others are proof of it.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Well, there is no need to speculate. We know love exists. We can measure the chemical changes in the brain. We can understand the biological reasoning behind it; to prioritise certain members of the tribe(see:siblings/parents/children)

And, we can also feel it. Love is just a catchall feeling of attachment we feel when something is important to us. It's the same chemical process in our brain, and it creates the same type of attachment, whether it's a love for photography, children, the internet, or other forms of pleasure.



New member
Sep 10, 2010
I dunno. But I believe in magic in a young girl's heart. Which has been metaphorically proven to be a viable analogue.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Not everyone has experienced love and, like any profound experience, you can't really understand it without first hand knowledge - that's why you have a lot of people using the word too cheaply. Love does not solve your problems, it costs and it doesn't last forever; you can kill it with abuse or just wear it out through carelessness. Just because people confuse it with infatuation and passion and surround it with a lot of fairytale nonsense about how it "should" be doesn't mean that it doesn't exist though.

Aside: my greatest pet peeve is people who use "love" as a classy way of saying "fuck" - I enjoy fucking but they aren't even close to synonyms.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
I'm afraid it is because "love" is a label.

There is an emotion out there that is very difficult to describe. Many who experience it call it "love". Some who experience it don't. Some call other things "love": passion, desire, infatuation, preference, etc.

So, yes, I believe in that powerful emotion, and I call it "love". I hope you experience it someday, but I don't care what you call it when you do.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
I believe you are thoroughly wrong. Love does not have to be fleeting and false, it can be permanent and fulfilling and doesn't need wild infatuation to continue. There is also nothing wrong with fleeting love, it doesn't make it less legitimate, it doesn't make it not love, sometimes love ends it doesn't mean it didn't exist. Permanent or not, love is not a roller-coaster ride of intense passion and mindless devotion or begrudging tedium, as you seem to think it is. It's a working love, it requires dedication of two people to communicate and work through problems. Love is not an idyllic patch of roses and sunshine, but it is good and comforts you when you're cold or tired or terrified. Love does not define you, but it is woven into the fabric of your being, helping you to be strong, encouraging you to grow as a person. Love between two people is not just romance, but trust, friendship, joy.. and yes, there is physical attraction, it's part of love and it is wonderful. Love is not really a feeling, but a bond, lovers are partners, they work together to be more than the sum of their parts. It doesn't have to be perfect, sometimes it hurts, but love exists, stop being to bitter to see it.


New member
May 2, 2010
I'd like to believe. Then again, I'm still one of those hormonal teenagers you always hear throwing the word 'love' around. They say high school romances don't last, but I may as well have hope. I don't know... I think love is one of those things with a different meaning for everyone. A different feeling. But to put it generally, it's when you want to be the best you can, all for the sake of one person, and being around them makes you feel. Feel more intensely than anyone else you're ever around. They aren't perfect, neither are you, and that's okay, because you are right for each other.

"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your mistakes and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."


New member
Oct 7, 2010
I was fine in not believing about love until January of this year. Then suddenly my heart kick started into over-drive and started pumping out this warm gooey feeling of sheer retardedness.

Makes me want to do things I know are a bad idea.

But I wouldn't trade it for the world...


New member
Mar 28, 2010
To be honest, I believe that society and pop-culture make love wayyyyyy too unobtainable. Watch a movie, read a book, it dosent matter. Today's society holds love and relationships to such a high standard it's crazy.


At the same time, I still believe love exsists. I've been in relationships with the same girl for over 3 years at a time, and think I've felt it. -sigh- what I'm trying to say is, that while I believe it exsists, I think society gives us the idea that its wayyyyyyyyy more then what its supposed to be.

Love in my books is something simple and just something that feels right. It's like comparing fate to chance. Is our partners something you decide? or something pre-ordained?

It's all a matter of prespective to the individual.


Regular Member
Mar 15, 2011
The best thing that has ever happened to me just fell apart today - out of nowhere

This is most likely the worst day of my life (far above the times where i was suicidal or close to death or whatever)

Do I believe in Love?....i don't need to- it exists.

The most rewarding thing to pursue - because it can't be pursued.
It demands a lot of the most rewarding...but even if you put the best of effort and work into still can vanish just like that without reason.

Nothing as fragile was ever that strong.

and even if I never recover from this time where I expirienced real was/is so worth it.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Dags90 said:
Madara XIII said:
Love exists in the form of Chemicals Reactions and in the form of CHER!!!!!
I believe in it, but I feel the only way to get my feelings across is with some rawk.
I think you fail to realise that love is only a feeling.



Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Jacco said:
By that I mean, do you think it is a real, tangible thing that people can experience sincerely or do you feel it is just a temporary though powerful infatuation?

I fall into the latter category. Ive seen too man people who "love" each other hurt their partners in ways that cannot be described. Elderly people who have been married 40 or 50 years will tell you straight up they are glad their spouse died because they were just so sick of being around them ALL THE TIME.

People use love as an excuse to get married or have sex or whatnot and I think to myself whenever I hear that they are just deluding themselves. That it is just a temporary, if intense, crush.

I've also been told I'm wrong and that I won't really know it until I HAVE loved. I don't buy that. I've been in some serious relationships before with some pretty intense feelings but like all things, they just came to an end. I think love is just a fairy tale that doesn't translate to the real world.

What do you think? Am I right? Wrong? Why?
I think it's something that isn't healthy to close yourself off from. To give up on love is basically to give up on life. What's the point?

Given your descriptions I'm guessing you must be under the age of 20. At age 20, you hardly know how it feels to not be a teenager anymore. There's no way you can possibly have enough experience to know what love is. So don't close yourself off from what you don't even know about yet.

I just love leaving this little story in threads like this, as some proof that love does still exist. Sure it can be tricky, and a lot of times misused, but it's something you should never give up on. This is a true story, by the way.

Love is there. It's always there, whether or not you believe in it. The only choice you have in the matter is whether or not you are brave enough to leave your heart open to it.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I believe in love... temporarily. I don't believe in the whole 'one true love for the rest of your life' thing. If you fall in love, i shan't cast doubt upon you, because idk how you're feeling, but i do find it hard to consider love as little more than a infatuation that occurs as a result of a chemical reaction.
then again, i'm aromantic, what the fuck do i know?


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
boosh-boosh said:
I believe in love... temporarily. I don't believe in the whole 'one true love for the rest of your life' thing. If you fall in love, i shan't cast doubt upon you, because idk how you're feeling, but i do find it hard to consider love as little more than a infatuation that occurs as a result of a chemical reaction.
then again, i'm aromantic, what the fuck do i know?
I just posted this above you, but I want to be absolutely sure you see it. Everlasting love exists, and here is your proof.

The only reason it seems so temporary these days is because people don't want to put in the effort to make it work. They get into some argument or disagreement and just bailing out is easier than working things out and dealing with it like an adult.


New member
May 2, 2010
I totally agree with Fallen Rainbows on this one. Love is all we have. Love is why we're here. And the best part is that you get to learn to love everybody, including (and especially) yourself.

Edit - LOVE the video! It completely captures what love is. It's not the dramatic moments; it's the everyday understanding that the person you are with matters every bit as much as you do.

Shadow flame master

New member
Jul 1, 2011
kman123 said:
I do. I'm shockingly naive though. I believe love is around me, just not with me.
What's that word again, oh yeah NINJA'D!

OT: I belive in love too but I don't think it is in my favor to love.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Lilani said:
I just posted this above you, but I want to be absolutely sure you see it. Everlasting love exists, and here is your proof.

The only reason it seems so temporary these days is because people don't want to put in the effort to make it work. They get into some argument or disagreement and just bailing out is easier than working things out and dealing with it like an adult.
While it's quite heroic of you to go around showing videos to all us cynics, surely i'm entitled to my opinion? I'm not campaigning to turn this thread into a BAWW-fest because that would be as dull as turning this thread into very large piles of sugary-endorphiny goodness. I don't really want convincing that there is love in the world because, well, romantic love isn't really something that interests me. Just sayin'.