Do You Hate People Who Disagrees With You?


New member
Jun 15, 2013
It depends on the topic. I think hating Boko Haram for their views is pretty reasonable, particularly considering what those views lead those idiots to do.

That somebody else doesn't like a game as much as me or something like that though? Eh, we all have different taste.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
KissingSunlight said:
I had someone tell me this on The Escapist forum the other day: "Hating someone for disagreeing with you is hating them for what they do rather than what they are, so it seems like a perfectly valid reason to hate someone."

I think this is problem with trying to discuss any issues online. People are more interested in attacking people who disagrees with them. Rather than, discussing the issues in a rationally way.

Do you think it's acceptable to hate people, because they disagree with you?
No, but I think it's okay to hate people who hold this view.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
MysticSlayer said:
I might hate a person's beliefs if those beliefs are incredibly abhorrent (ex. racism), but I won't necessarily hate the person. I guess some would argue hating a belief is hating the person who has those beliefs, but I generally find that the two are complete opposites.
^^That. Well, I don't think that the two are...opposites? But I think they're very different. I try to never hate someone, but sometimes it takes effort not to.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
There's disagreement and disagreement.

I wouldn't hate someone for respectfully considering my belief to be wrong (unless the belief was that "the holocaust was bad" or something) but I do hate it when people just say "nuh uh!" without remotely addressing anything I'm saying and think that'll make me change my mind.


Sep 4, 2013
On a side note, if what somebody does is different from who they are, then that seems like even less of a reason to hate them.

Hating people seems lazy. It's like I've already thrown in the towel for an argument I haven't had. If I feel the dredges of contempt welling up in my throat, I'll stop to ask myself why their opinion upsets me. Maybe I'm the wrong one (not often when it comes to risking outright contempt). Some people are hard to talk to, so I tend to give up on any hope of an intelligent debate, but I try not to hate them for a position they're really fond of.

I mean, I bet I'm plenty more obnoxious than they are when it comes to disagreements because I'm so very contrarian by nature.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
I know someone who does. Dear Christ is it annoying.
Her way of disagreeing is trying to make you feel like an utter idiot.
"Ugh! Would you brush your teeth if there was a one in two hundred chance in caused major environmental damage?" The condescending tone she used cannot be conveyed through text.
I don't hate people I disagree with, I enjoy debate on occasion. Arguments... not so much.


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
Well, I suppose it really depends on what they disagree with me about. If they think all other races to their own are inferior and that paedophilia should be legal or any belief which is similarly far from being considered morally defensible, I'd say I could easily hate them for that.

But when it comes to something like preferring regular Pepsi over Pepsi Max, there's no reason to hate someone for it.

Robert Marrs

New member
Mar 26, 2013
I don't hate people that don't agree with me. I do hate people that act like they are the only one who can possibly be right. The kind of people who are so absorbed in their own thinking or ideologies that no matter how wrong they get they will either deny it or turn it around in their favor. I cannot stand people like that.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
KissingSunlight said:
I had someone tell me this on The Escapist forum the other day: "Hating someone for disagreeing with you is hating them for what they do rather than what they are, so it seems like a perfectly valid reason to hate someone."

I think this is problem with trying to discuss any issues online. People are more interested in attacking people who disagrees with them. Rather than, discussing the issues in a rationally way.

Do you think it's acceptable to hate people, because they disagree with you?
Your colleague has an interesting way of looking at the world considering that what a person does is an aspect of who that person is.

From my own part I do not hate or resent anyone for believing in something different to my own. From my perspective if everyone was the same in thought, the world would be very peaceful, quiet and ultimately boring and dull place. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule but these exceptions usually also involve things that are illegal or against the Geneva convention.

If anything I tend to dislike people who at the moment a debate opens imediatley back down and accept what I say as gospel. "Come on! What happened to your deep seated beliefs? Can't have been that pivotal to you? And what about my thoughts? Ya just gonna hold on to them until some other chump comes around and verbally ***** slaps you into towing their line?"


New member
Aug 30, 2010
I don't dislike someone for disagreeing with me.

But I do dislike it when someone disagrees with me "just because" with no real explanation.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Depends. There is things that I will hate you for if you disagree with me. I won't give any example, but there is such thing as an opinion that is just offensive and ignorant.

Jamieson 90

New member
Mar 29, 2010
Depends on what you're disagreeing over; if it's a small, trivial issue then it'd be really out of order to hate someone for that, but if it was a major issue that might effect yourself, your partner or even your kids, and is a decision you know to be wrong etc etc then yes I could see it as justifiable to hate said person.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Depends. I don't hate people who disagree with me about games and movies. I don't hate people who disagree with me in politics and religion. I do hate people who disagree with me on very basic, non grey-area morals, like "Killing a person who's not done or going to do you or someone else any major harm and doesn't wish to die is evil, you shouldn't do it, and should be punished if you do", or "Rape is evil, you shouldn't do it, and should be punished if you do". I've yet to meet anyone like that, though.
Nov 28, 2007
I don't hate people, period (other than my former stepdad, long story that should have ended with him imprisoned).

That said, I have no issue with people disagreeing with me in a respectful manner and having a civilized discussion about it. What I do have an issue with is people implicitly or explicitly insulting me for disagreeing with them. As an example, there have been a few times where I have been informed that by enjoying Mass Effect 3, I am supporting mediocrity in video games, and therefore when I can't find a unique game, I have to blame myself for enjoying homogeneous crap like Mass Effect 3.

Statements like that bother me, as well as opinions that are made through willful ignorance.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I won't hate them in most common day circumstances (i.e thinking a movie like Transformers is entertaining or that they like Call of Duty) in those cases I will just shrug it off but if they have views that are along the lines of racist then I might.