Do you watch TV? all?

Cursed Frogurt

New member
Aug 17, 2010
I own a nice 55 inch TV and have yet to plug in the free cable (I'm living above another family) since I moved into my own place back in October.

TV just doesn't interest me anymore. The only show that can still make me laugh is South Park, and you can watch any episode (included brand new ones) on TV can't compete with Netflix and my Simpsons and Seinfeld DVDs.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Rarely, I don't even have cable plugged in my own TV. I watch the occasional movie (rather not because of those bloody commercials) and tennis match downstairs, and watch along when my parents are watching something and they insist I come down, other than that not much.

When I do though, for example when eating breakfast or something, I flip channels between Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and National Geographic Channel. When I really want to watch a show though I'll do so on my computer, I don't like to watch stuff at a fixed time.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Pretty much just Doctor Who, Top Gear, maybe Mock The Week, occasional news headlines, and "whatever's on at my grandmothers" or "whatever my mother has turned on when i'm in the same room".

Too much shite and too little time.

Also ITV has effectively ceased to exist for me, as has most other commercial TV...


New member
May 27, 2011
Personally I've grown to hate TV! There's never really anything on of interest to me, there's a lot of crap on, a lot of the advertisements are annoying, I hate it how a lot of popular/mainstream rubbish feels like it's forced down your throat, my family (particularly my dad) can't seem to live without it, which irritates me...

There may be the odd program/movie I'll watch - The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, a classic British sitcom - but usually, I prefer to watch my shows on DVD or online. And nowadays I rent movies from LOVEFiLM instead...


New member
May 26, 2008
I haven't watched tv in 7 years. I can honestly say theres nothing worth watching on tv for me. It all feels so dumbed down and stupid. For example a lot of my friends like Lost, I tried watching a dvd a friend loaned to me for a bit but I just sat there thinking "Why the fuck would anyone enjoy this crap?" and I felt the same when I watched Heroes and pretty much anything else.
DOnt even get me started on reality tv. If I could burn down the studios reality tv shows are made by I would.

On the flip side I do still watch some shows but which are freely available on the internet via their official channels like "Have I got news for you", "QI" and so on.

But in the end the only reason I even have a TV at all is simply to play my PS3. Thats it. If I didnt have a console I wouldn't own a tv.

Unless television makers stop dumbing down their creations to suck in the most gullable and most easily entertained morons on the planet then we're going to have an even thicker generation growing up to make even more retarded tv. And thus the spiral of moronity (Yes I know it's not a word ^_^) will continue that started with creationists. >_>

Not that I really have a high opinion of the human race to begin with and it's hard to see how much more stupid the race can become but hey! We can hope that the human race still has the potential to sink itself even lower than now right? ^_^


New member
Oct 13, 2010
I don't watch television, and it's mainly for the reasons that the OP discussed. I can't stand all of the commercials thrown at me during the course of a show (especially how many of them seem to have the same smarmy 'folksy' music--you know, when the repetitive guitar, the occasional xylophone beat, etc). There also just isn't that much good television on these days. Most of the shows I actually do like are comedies, and 'smart' ones at that, such as the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
I put on the TV when I can't sleep.

Otherwise, I much prefer downloading the shows I like so I can watch them when it suits me. So, uh. Sorta? Not really?

Basically ads suck arse and so does at least 95% of the shit they air on TV, so screw 'em. I'm going around them and never looking back.

Oh, and pay TV... Fuck you so very much for putting ads in your content.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I hear ya I dont watch any tv anymore the few shows I do watch I just stream on my comp


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Don't have any good channels, so i rarely watch anything. It's mostly just on for the background noise.
Though from time to time i do watch The Simpsons, Family guy and American Dad. Yes, blame me for liking those.


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
I don't watch a lot of TV, mostly Dexter, The Big Bang Theory and Bones. And a few Québec shows. I don't actually have TV at home, I just watch everything on the Internet.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I haven't really watched TV since I moved out of my parents house 12 years ago.
Sometimes, I'll watch Discovery, National Geographic or Animal Planet with my girlfriend but rarely. I do watch Ross Kemp on Gangs rather often though.

The computer and the TV is in the same room anyway, so I can just as well communicate with her while she's watching her animal cops shows or whatever.

Mister Benoit

New member
Sep 19, 2008
I haven't had "Cable" or "Satellite" for almost 6 years now. I'm more active and if I ever want to watch something I just download it and watch it when I want to.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
I don't watch much myself, but it is usually on at home from someone else. Our satellite dish has been out the last few days and it has been pretty nice. I'm out of school so I have been playing my new 360 some more.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
I don't own a TV since... hm... at least for seven years now, i guess.

I DO watch some shows and a LOT of movies. But only on DVD or by stream / download.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
If I was living alone I probably wouldn't even have any sort of channels, I'd just connect my home cinema to the computer and stream anything I wanted to watch on the flatscreen TV as opposed to my monitor.

Damn women and their maintenance fees