Doctor Who Ratings Rise in the US, Fall in the UK


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
TheFederation said:
well, the last season wasn't really popular in the UK, and now they're moving it to america, so i think we feel a bit betrayed

there's one thing i absoloutely didn't understand about the episode, and that is that at the end of the last series, amy and rory were WITH THE DOCTOR and now in the one they were back at home, HOW DOES THAT WORK
Oh yeah, in the Christmas Special The Doctor brought Amy and Rory on a honeymoon and presumably afterwards he dropped them back on Earth to set up a house and whatnot, then 2 months later they, Riversong and The Doctor(aged 909) were given letters to go to Nevada by The Doctor(aged 1106) to watch him die and then the rest of the episode kicks off.
P.S. - Girl in the Astronaut suit, Amy's Daughter, calling it right now.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Josh12345 said:
TheFederation said:
well, the last season wasn't really popular in the UK, and now they're moving it to america, so i think we feel a bit betrayed

there's one thing i absoloutely didn't understand about the episode, and that is that at the end of the last series, amy and rory were WITH THE DOCTOR and now in the one they were back at home, HOW DOES THAT WORK
Oh yeah, in the Christmas Special The Doctor brought Amy and Rory on a honeymoon and presumably afterwards he dropped them back on Earth to set up a house and whatnot, then 2 months later they, Riversong and The Doctor(aged 909) were given letters to go to Nevada by The Doctor(aged 1106) to watch him die and then the rest of the episode kicks off.
P.S. - Girl in the Astronaut suit, Amy's Daughter, calling it right now.
yeah, that's probably what happend. but if river song is right (and she is) that destroying the astronaut creates a paradox, THEN WHY DID THE DOCTOR SHOW THEM HIS DEATH SO HE WOULD CREATE A PARADOX. also, is noone else completely not surprised the doctor wasn't really dead, because they were totally going to end the series at episode one.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
That's because uni students (a lá, moi) can't afford a TV licence. You've lost a fuckload of viewers there. :p


New member
Dec 31, 2007
JDKJ said:
More extremist than the Brits and the BNP? Doesn't the "N" in "BNP" stand for "nationalist?" At least the Yanks don't have a major political party proudly founded on the principles of racism and xenophobia.
Just wanted to correct this: Yes, the British National Party are a racist and xenophobic party, but they are not a major political party yet. They have yet to claim a single seat in the House of Commons, and while they may have aspirations in this regard, much of the populace consider them abhorrent because of their racism and xenophobia - as well as other aspects of discrimination. They exist because we allow for a multi-party system and any number of candidates on any number of platforms, under the principles of free speech and free assembly.

Compare this to the Tea Party, who are part of the Republicans/GOP that is a major national party in the US Senate. Whether any Tea Party-ers are actually in the Senate, is a matter for debate, but strong racist, nationalist, principles are more present in the US political system than the UK political system. Whether these principles are representative of the population as a whole, however, is also a matter for debate.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I liked this episode very mucho and I assume alot of people would watch it on iPlayer. I don't understand why people are opposed to Dr Who trying to be grim.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
I don't really like the Stephen Moffat iteration of the just seems like he can't write dialogue, the story lines and concepts I like but when they speak they sound like Stephen King characters (BTW I love the King but he can't do dialogue), the ending with the slo-mo and the NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bit was the worst thing I've ever seen ever.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
forsinain42 said:

It was on at 6pm.

Doctor Who shouldn't be used by the BBC to prop up it's shit Saturday night lineup. It should be the centre, the gleaming jewel of the BBC.

Here are the 15 minute breakdowns.

17:30 ?.. 1.6 (13.0%)
17:45 ?.. 2.2 (16.4%)
18:00 ?.. 6.0 (35.3%)
18:15 ?.. 6.6 (37.1%)
18:30 ?.. 7.0 (37.5%)
18:45 ?.. 3.2 (18.5%)
19:00 ?.. 3.4 (19.4%)

See that jump? That's Doctor Who.

Now the 5 minutes...


Note 2 things. One is that a 15 minute delay could have nabbed about 0.7 million more views and second note the drop off. People aren't just watching Who because its on. They are watching it because its Who!

Now what did the 11th Hour get on it's first night?

8.0m ..... (38.4%)

See that? About a single % less. It just shows that so many fewer people were watching TV. 1.5 million people didn't abandon Who, they abandoned ALL TV!

Not only that but it was the highest rated non-soap/reality show on during the whole week!
It did well. Ignore the media.
That's some pretty sweet analysis - but are those numbers official? [citation needed], heh ;)


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Daveman said:
now somebody fire Russel T Davies and we might have something decent to work with).
Russel left the same time David Tennant did so why are mentioning at him?

OT: could be the weather, could be the stories are getting a bit daft. The whole Doctor-Amy-Rory love triangle was old after two episodes and now theres a:

Pregnancy, :O who's the daddy? the timelord nobodies seen in months or the mannequin?

If i wanted drama like that i'd watch Eastnders not Doctor Who


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Gah, that Christmas special annoyed me. Not for the shark, I was okay with that, it was the fact that the guy comes in physical contact his past-self which we were already informed that YOU SHOULD NEVER DO THAT.

Captcha: Retype above.

What the hell?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Haven't watched Doctor Who since the end of David Tennant, and even then I thought it was awful. Great first 2 seasons, then it all went downhill.

I like Matt Smith, I'm sure he's a cool guy, but his Doctor is just Tennant 1.5. He's not interesting at all. I'll watch it again when they get someone else it.

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
I thought the episode was great, also at first I didn't like Matt Smith but then I gave him a chance and now I love him (he's still hard to look at though)

Anyone know when the next episode premieres? I don't want to miss it.

Leftnt Sharpe

Nick Furry
Apr 2, 2009
Needs more UNIT, Doctor Who episodes with UNIT are like SG-1 episodes with the Asgard, they add 50% more awesome. The thing that really gripes me about Doctor Who though is the use of 'Helpless Peril' as a plot device and all the bloody running. Just because the characters are helpless morons it doesn't make the aliens/monsters/creatures/whatever scary.