Does life get better?


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Thisbedutch said:
Canid117 said:
ScoopMeister said:
Since I'm not aquainted with High School, how old does being in year 10 make you?
Assuming he is in tenth grade that would make him a sophmore. People in that grade tend to be 15 or so.
In the UK year 10 is the second to last year of high school - so about 15.
In the US 10th grade is the second year of High School. It goes Freshman, Sophmore, Junior, Senior.


Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
it gets better, then it gets worse. then it gets better again, and then worse, and so on until you die. after that only the dead know


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Depends on where you start and what you make of it... if you ask an upper-crust ivy-leaguer whether life gets better, the answer is generally yes. If you ask someone living in an inner-city slum who went to an overpopulated school where no one could afford to care about them, the answer is generally no.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
So much better man. I had the brimmest time (greatest time) in highschool, I fucking loved it about 75% of the time, some times it was only ok.

But yes, life gets amazing when you grow up. The other day I was say there on the couch at lunch time, on a Thursday, with heck-a cash in my wallet, playing DA:O, eating pies which I'd cut open and filled with cheese, drinking a rum and coke, and thought to myself, fuck life is good.
You will hopefully grow up with a couple of great mates, get a decent job, meet a nice girl/guy (or stay with your highschool sweet heart) or even a lot of them, and simply rock out.

I will admit, it can be boring when you have to do like 15 loads of washing and about 20 dishes after you've just finished all your exams because you let the house descend into chaos while studying (if you go to uni). But over all, the bonus of having money, being able to do fun shit (vote, go out, buy alcohol, meet people who share your interests rather than people who've been jammed into maths with you even though they hate it) far outweigh the down sides of looking after yourself. Better yet, live at home and pay heck-a board money to the parents (because it will always be cheaper than moving out).


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Life is what you make it. You know that stupid old adage, 'if life gives you lemons, make lemonade'? Well, it's pretty much true, if you look at it as saying you can make any situation turn out to your advantage in some way, shape or form; and if you manage to do so, then yeah, generally life is pretty good


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
My depressing maxim goes thus:

If you had a great time in highschool prepare for adulthood to be sucky, if you had a sucky time in highschool prepare for adulthood to be great.

Not really backed up by anything other than the fact that the guys who had a great time in highschool, got all girls and were really popular go on to be a plumber and the guys who knuckled down and ignored all those distractions go on to be doctors.

Fiz_The_Toaster said:
It depends on how you deal with it to be perfectly honest with you. And you know what they say about lemons right?

God I love Cave's quotes. By far the best one is:

"Science isn't about why! It's about 'why not?'!"

That's become my new maxim every time I go into the lab.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
Life gets better if you make it. It doesn't get better if you make it, as well.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
I just have to say Thanks to you all.
Even the depressive people.
Because it's really cheered me up, and flung my worries out the window.
Hell, my eyes are watering (Though that has more to do with memories, I guess).
You've met the standards I have on this website, that it's full of nice people, willing to help and give advice.
Gods, why am I being like this... I have no idea.
But seriously. You've all helped more than you know. Honestly.
Thanks again. A lot.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Canid117 said:
ScoopMeister said:
Since I'm not aquainted with High School, how old does being in year 10 make you?
Assuming he is in tenth grade that would make him a sophmore. People in that grade tend to be 15 or so.
ScoopMeister said:
Canid117 said:
ScoopMeister said:
Since I'm not aquainted with High School, how old does being in year 10 make you?
Assuming he is in tenth grade that would make him a sophmore. People in that grade tend to be 15 or so.
Thank you very much. System's very different here in England.
Well, the OP is English too, which means Year 10 UK standard. Which means he's either 14 or 15. Basically, Year 7 is when you start out age 11, and you add the years from there.

Anyway, on-topic, life does get better, but it also gets a bit harder. When you're older you have bills to pay, rent to pay (because let's face it, there's no way you'll get a mortgage and be on the property ladder until at least age 25 unless you're exceptionally lucky or hard-working), a job or a university course to do, and so on. I'm 20 now, living in northern England, and I have an ongoing degree, a part-time job, and have to keep track of finances, bills, rent, my wages, and a social life. Which means that my life is fairly complicated, and when I leave uni at the end of this year and find a full-time job, it'll be tougher still. But is it all worth it? Is it all fun? Hell yes. I'm teaching myself Japanese and have some great friends, a great hobby (film-making), and I may hate my degree but I rest happy knowing it's almost over and I can do something creative and worthwhile when I graduate. The only thing that would make my life better right now is if I had a girlfriend (but there's still plenty of time :D).

So yes, OP, you may be happy now, and that's brilliant, but you can also rest happy and assured in the knowledge that although things will get tougher over the next few years, life will also be a lot better than it is now :D.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Yes. Then it gets worse. After that, there's a distinct possibility of it getting better again, only for it to revert back to its previous state. Ad nauseam.
Enjoy your life now, if it's good. All that matters.


Duel shield wielder
Jul 8, 2010
It can do, not consistently, but you generally go through fazes of having it pretty good and not so good. Nothing stays the same forever.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Well you've got to go downhill before things get better right? Haha, just kidding you, no believe me it gets better.


New member
May 18, 2009
Well to be honest everyone will have their ups and their downs, when you're in college or just getting out things become a little stressful, like where are you going to live where are you going to get an income, what major are you going to go for how much will it cost and yadayadayada.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
An important thing to remember is that life will change. ALOT.

When I left college(UK) at 18 and went into a job I got a bit melancholy for a while, what with having to work longer with less pay and less holidays whilst all my friends disappeared to uni and crazy parties. But then I got promoted into doing what I enjoy(ish) and started using the wages and flexible holidays to do interesting stuff (Touring europe for a week on a motorbike without prebooking anything, salvaging a trashed fifty for a top gear style challenge.

Find something you like and do it. Friends, girls and jobs come and go but as long as you can do that you will be fine.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
Life is full of bumps and valleys. You have to figure out your own way to manage it. The more you have it in control, the better your life will be. If you treat your dream girl right and she sticks with you through thick and thin, then your devotion to each other will make life seem better and better. As long as you do what you can to grasp that better tomorrow and never give up, it will not seem like it's downhill even when it is. Just hold the line.

EDIT: I really need to be more careful when quoting.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
There are no guarantees in life.


Aug 27, 2010
Better is subjective. Different, yes. Personally, I'd say no. Late teens are some damn good years. But there are advantages to everything.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
I am quite the existentialist, so I would say that life is as good as you make it out to be. By adjusting your standards you can adjsut your happiness. This is why even if you hate brussels sprouts with a passion and will almost puke when you eat it, it's gonna taste like the best thing ever if it's the first thing you've eaten in a week.