Does life get better?


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
No, because in 2012, the world is going to end.

Just kidding.

Seriously speaking, life CAN get better, but you have to work at it.

Communist partisan

New member
Jan 24, 2009
I've been in constant shit and than it's been better shit hits the fan sooner or later, just a fact.

You can only take it like a man and live with it.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Of course it gets worse from here on out. Life is a series of grinding dissapointments.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Life stays the same it's we who change. we mature age and grow, and our perception of things changes. So no life does not get better, it's always the same.


New member
Jun 10, 2010

Life is like a roller coaster. You will be have good and bad happen to you. You will have give joy and have joy given to you. You will hurt others and be hurt by others.

The only constant is change.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
It goes wherever you make it go.

Honestly, I'm 26 and my life has never been better. But you do have a golden opportunity right now in the form of extremely limited responsibility, which you'd be silly not to enjoy to some extent.

But don't get thinking 'it's all downhill from here'. Some things will undoubtedly get worse, but then there's a lot of experiences you haven't had yet and some will be awesome. :)


New member
May 2, 2010
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
Thanks, Christian. Anyway in answer to your question no life steadily gets worse and worse until you finally work up the courage to just end it all.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
I'm mid 20's, British, and I know your feeling. Life doesn't get better, but it doesn't get worse. It does, however, change a lot. Enjoy what you have no, in no way take it for granted, but also make peace with the idea that it will end. Many people spend their adulthood trying to recreate, or experience for the first time (if they missed it) the feelings you have now, and the fact they can't just makes them miserable.

Enjoy the girl, but remember it might not last. Enjoy the school times, the comradeship, and the feeling of being untouchable, but appreciate that when you leave, and continue on to whatever you choose to, everything WILL change. People will leave, some will die. You'll meet new ones, and you'll loose some of the best ones. You get to move out, live your own life, and be free (in a way you can't comprehend now), but with that gains you an enormous responsibility. You'll get a job, and it may be fun, it may not. Bad things will inevitably happen, but so will good things.

Right now, I'm going through a rough patch. I have a job, but it's not very good. I don't have my own place to live in and am decidedly single, for the longest time since I was around your age. However, the weather brings out the best in people, that smell in the air, dicking about with friends old and new, being happy, and knowing that other people are happy as well (which makes a big difference, trust me). Yeah, things aren't better, but they aren't worse. They're just different. Enjoy every moment you have.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Count Igor said:
I just have to say Thanks to you all.
Even the depressive people.
Because it's really cheered me up, and flung my worries out the window.
Hell, my eyes are watering (Though that has more to do with memories, I guess).
You've met the standards I have on this website, that it's full of nice people, willing to help and give advice.
Gods, why am I being like this... I have no idea.
But seriously. You've all helped more than you know. Honestly.
Thanks again. A lot.
This is why this is the best website I have ever been on.
Escapist, FUCK YEAH!


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Change is a force of nature, nothing will stay the same forever, enjoy the view while it lasts, and do not struggle to keep a hold of things that are by their nature transitory. Besides, the best experiences are the hardest earned my friend.

I've been on top of the world and what I thought was rock bottom, always love is the single most powerful emotion there is. Turned inward it can give you great power, and shared you can find great happiness.

But when shit fucks up and falls apart don't dwell on the past, start building the future. You only get each moment once, so don't sit around, do something. Life will get harder no doubt, it always does.

When you get to grips with it and really embrace change, you start seeing opportunity everywhere, and everything is just taking chances, it's exciting, you'll feel on top of the world.

If you do your best, that is all you can do. As you go through life try and become a better person and nothing will truly stop you. Life is what you make it, and what it makes you.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
no one can really answer this question for you. your life may get better or worse there is no way to know what the future for you will be like or if you will even have a future at all. just be kind to other people, and learn how to find joy where others see none, and things should be okay even if external negatives abound.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
It all goes downhill from there I'm afraid. You have the pressures of the world to look forward to...


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Life is what you make it. It can get wayy better, or way worse based on your decisions. I wouldn't say there is any specific peak, but after retrospection you will know what is the best part of your life was (meaning after the fact). This doesn't mean that you can't be aware of the best part of your life it just means that you wont know it is for sure until future events unfold.

robot slipper

New member
Dec 29, 2010
There are times in your life which are golden, like that memory that you have described. I have one distinct memory of when I was first told by someone that I looked "beautiful". That moment, and how I felt, will stay in my heart forever no matter what happens.

Life will continue up an down on a ridiculously unfair rollarcoaster, but remember the good times when you are at the bottom, that will give you hope.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Objectively life will always improve thanks to progress in technology, but subjectively, you enjoy life more in younger years. It's a natural mechanism to make you enjoy exploring the world and learning new skills at a young age that lets you live a happy childhood and makes you think your life kinda sorta sucks more the older you get. That of course only applies if nothing but this one effect would apply.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
Well im two years older than you and i can say yes it does. You deal with the heartbreak of losing X person and find it again for a really different feeling entirely. Its weird, its never the same magic but its a sort of comfort. Its nice, but in a different way. A levels are HARD. I swear to god i was hailed in the lower years as a genius and now? Im nothing. My lazyness has earned me only harsh dissapointment. Apart from that yeah. Same old same old.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
The bad news is after a day like that, life will probably get worse, maybe a lot. Good news is after that it will probably get beter. Or maybe not.

Thing is, from time to time you feel these moments. You should just enjoy em then and not worry that it will end. That's like worrying you're gonna die. You will eventually, might as well not worry, right?