So I want to mostly comment to the last portion of the article where he talks about the success of mana bar. As a chef and indeed some one who enjoys playing games. I wont use the term gamer because while A) I enjoy games, I dont have the time to play them all that much my career doesn't allow for it, let alone my family of two boys and more. and B) If I were to use it I should get slapped after his statements. I think that expansions of the concept are brilliant. However I do think that it is hard to get past the stigma of "Gamer" bar, just due to the nature of who is the loudest most obvious stereotype of the gaming culture. It isn't the 9 - 5 30 something well put together social crowd who wants to go out, get a drink mid week and kill some people with their mates, the stereotype is either the uber (insert umlaut here) nerdy WoW crowd who shuns light and social interaction for grinding away at murlocks for hours on end (prepare for incoming flames) or the jocked out Madden every year for the new roster crowd. There is no mid line for what people view as it. And it is hard to see as a hip crowd to be around, let alone go and have a few beers and perhaps meet some one.
With that in mind. Being in the industry of serving people food and drink every night of my life I wish you the best of luck. To hear that the place is so damn successful that you are already able to think about opening up another is fantastic. Keep it up and know that the first time I hear of Mana Bar opening up in Colorado I will be there on opening night.