Whatever you may think of Duke Nukem Forever- or L.A. Noire, for that matter- I think this is still sad to hear. In some very real ways, T2 did the right thing by their customers, tried to do some of the things we're always saying we want- they tried to rescue a beloved franchise from bungled handling (Duke), they emphasized story and tried to push technology in new ways (Noire). And now they're getting shafted for it- hooray, more brown, unadventurous sequels for everyone.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who was hoping that despite all of 3DRealms' bullshit they actually had done some work that last decade rather than just playing catch-up and changing engines every few years, farting around with their web site and whoring out their franchises to people who could actually, y'know, make games. But it seems that Gearbox really had their work cut out for them- they tried to shock a corpse to life, and it showed.
The market doesn't have any ways of saying, "No, not quite, but we appreciate that you're going the right direction!" Especially in this industry, it's becoming black-and-white, hit-and-miss, with nothing in between.