Dwarf Fortress succession game


New member
Jan 26, 2009
12th Felsite

This guy managed to break out of the guts of the water trap just in the nick of time. I suppose I'm relieved.

I hope it doesn't overflow from the depot and start flooding that slope. I can imagine quite a few of my feckless fellows meeting a slippery grave.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
13th Felsite

Ah. Looks like my original trap design worked perfectly after all:

Well, this is awkward. It would be far more profitable not to flood the depot now. I wonder if I can pull off a quick last-minute deathtrap sequence aversion. Build, you dirt-caked hobbits, build!


New member
Jan 26, 2009
18th Felsite

My brave army rush selflessly to do battle with the mad donkey!

My God, they won!

Ha, well, I don't suppose the elven outpost liaison will be rushing to meet me any time soon.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
20th Felsite

My dwarves drag the former belongings of the horrifically mutilated off to my stockpiles with a hearty guffaw and a twinkle in either eye. Just one for the album.

Meanwhile, this guy is quite incredibly still alive. We may be able to save him yet.

I guess I'll give him permission to break down that wall and open the hatch after the... oh, but no. Come to think of it, if we open the hatch it will never be safe to close it again, otherwise flooding will be inevitable.

...a tragic sacrifice. *stifles laughter*


New member
Jan 26, 2009
21st Felsite

Drink update:

The drink stockpiles are increasing steadily despite the new immigrant wave, and food stocks remain stable.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
2nd Hematite: Early Summer

He seems to be getting a bit uncomfortable. Perhaps I haven't unleashed quite as raging a tumult as the trap's original creator had in mind.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
13th Hematite

Another caravan has arrived, although this time it is human.

I was strongly considering mercy, but I changed my mind when I found my broker covered in blood and conducting a meeting in full plate mail. He's a talented dwarf.

Ah well, it could be worse. I wonder what's going to happen to the axewielder nonchalantly standing atop the floodgates, pretending he hasn't noticed anything unusual:



New member
Jan 26, 2009
16th Hematite

Oh, the axewielder seems to have fallen off. That bodes well.

I have planned a second, rather humbler tomb for myself at the peak of the mountain. I imagine it should be complete before too long.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
8th Malachite: Mid-Summer

Heheheheh, always gives me a chuckle.

He's still hanging on! ...hm.

Ahh! A talented swimmer, eh!? Why am I not surprised by this point?


New member
Jan 26, 2009
9th Malachite

I spat my elfburger all over the journal when I was informed of this; apologies for any rotting flesh that may have reached the reader. I've given orders for a copy of the above picture to be engraved inside the main entrance, as a reminder to my people that being a moron doesn't work.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
12th Malachite

"The merchants from Helbehal have embarked on their journey." Godspeed!

In other news, as we can see here, Zon Gisekkib the mighty hunter appears to have sustained brain damage at some point and routinely passes out in the middle of packs of wolves as a result.

Rovod the Guard doesn't appear to be in good stead either. All this sparring is rather intense; I've even found myself bedridden recently, and I'm somewhat worried that I may have to find us a new Captain of the Guard.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
23rd Malachite

Ooh, Zon actually managed to kill something despite her chronic narcolepsy. Rather impressive.

Yet more migrants have arrived, perhaps seven this time, which brings our total population to a grand 65.

Our fortress is a becoming a bustling hive of activity. Now seems a good time to show off a few minor progressions, namely a proper barracks with an archery range en suite and the extension of the various scattered ponds in an effort to create a second, larger moat encompassing a wider and more practical area:

I plan to have a small bridge built over the Eastern side of this project so that we can safely close off the South with yet another section of moat, thus creating a single trap-ridden path to and from the fort across multiple moats. You may notice a small door in the centre of the above locale; this allows easy secondary access for dwarves, and hopefully should remain secure against enemy attack.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
25th Malachite

Ingish Rithzursul has given birth to a boy on the workshop floor. Apparently being in labour has not deterred her from her work, of which I approve with a raised brow.

I do wonder if the copious amounts of alcohol we constantly consume aren't the cause of our children's regular "possessions", but I suppose we seem to profit from it either way.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
2nd Galena: Late Summer

Yet again!?

For Zag Stickfish's sake, woman! We have enough! Feel privileged if I don't set the wardogs on your stagnant, gaping uterus! Urgh.

Hrmmm. I'm not sure I approve of our military having petulent sprogs and then losing them everywhere. I may have to mandate a ban on kids.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
4th Galena

Finally. With twenty kills under her belt, the curious huntress Zon Gisekkib meets a grisly end. After many exhaustive hours, a small search party returned to report having found a pile of her to the far North.

I shouldn't wonder if she is destined to appear in many profound engravings in future years; she was one of the most hilariously underqualified yet stubbornly adequate dwarves I have yet encountered, which is saying quite a lot.



New member
Jan 26, 2009
5th Galena

This note left by my bedside made me laugh so hard I coughed up blood.

Unhappy, you say? After I trapped his entire caravan in a 10-metre-square windowless cell in the hope that they be driven to lunacy and eat each other alive? How fast was he running? Regardless, I certainly hope he enjoys the long and arduous journey back home on foot, without supplies and completely unprotected. Every day shall be a new adventure, a step further into the wondrous world of gangrene! For his sake I hope someone wished him luck.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
7th Galena

My health steadfastly refuses to improve, and it looks as though I may be practically crippled for at least the foreseeable future. I have decided, therefore, to abdicate my position as Captain of the Guard to the hardy and capable Olon Logemsheced.

As for his "requirements", he and the rest of them can bugger off in whichever direction they like.

I also recently noticed that our joint broker, fortress guard member and legendary bookkeeper Kosoth has died of major injuries during sparring. Apparently I failed to realise this was happening at the time, but she is one dwarf I will miss, irreplacable on many fronts. I'm glad we have a steady stream of immigrants and newborns (including Kosoth's own) to replace those wounded and killed in training, otherwise I might observe that the casualties were not worth their own trouble.

All in all, however, our ranks have become vastly more competent and should actually be able to handle themselves fairly well in a real battle, which is fortunate; I dare say our international relations could have been somewhat better-attended to during the past few months.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
1st Limestone: Early Autumn

All things considered, I think things are going rather well this year.

Of our population of 64, 16 are involved in military pursuits - 10 are soldiers and 6 comprise the Fortress Guard.

A few non-events took place recently: someone's baby drowned, and the merchants are just beginning to slip into the frothing delerium for which I have waited so patiently.

The new moat/bridge project is basically complete, although the new bridge is not yet linked to any levers and so cannot be retracted. I still need to come up with a good location for the lever.

Our storage level has been significantly expanded, and I have undone a previous overseer's attempts to remove the lovely walls that help me see where anything is supposed to go:

On the work floor, rooms have inevitably been reorganised to some extent, and I am proud to unveil a fancy new siege workshop on the Eastern side.

Best of all, perhaps, is the security I feel in having all but the finishing touches in place for my second tomb, high atop the mountain:

Many have died these first six months, and doubtless many more shall follow. With a stout heart and hardy soul, I refuse to regret; as my past decisions destroyed them, so my future actions shall brand their names into the greatest annals of myth and legend! By Armok, the dead shall live on!