Dwarf Fortress succession game


New member
Jan 26, 2009
4th Limestone

The human merchants have had a lot to put up with recently, and now one of their dead mules is stinking up the place.

I wonder how long it will be until they snap. Not too long I hope, because the entire fort has just run out of wood and we could just be doing with all their supplies.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
13th Limestone

Solon, a fisherdwarf, has been ambushed by a goblin wrestler by the pond.

I hope something interesting comes of this, things have been rather boring recently. The wood situation is improving.

It transpires that there are a few more attendees to this ambush than I had realised.

One is the richly-dressed lasher Goden Udbomrek, who should hopefully make a good test subject for the new fort military.

And then...!

They strike on multiple simultaneous fronts! Bastards! Forget the children, just go for the eyes!


New member
Jan 26, 2009
14th Limestone

The goblin invaders seem to be too slow to actually catch any of us, which is quite amusing.

Too dumb as well, for they ran down the hill into a mire of stonefall traps and crushed themselves to death. It is not over yet.

This sudden goblin presence does not bode well. I can only hope our soldiers are as brave and powerful as any threat that might be approaching us.

Urgh, merchants now!?

Now is not the time you awful bilge-swallowing donkeys, get and hawk your wares somewhere else!


New member
Jan 26, 2009
15th Limestone

Well, the traps and the dogs made short work of that "invasion", but it seems that our military is, to a considerable degree, injured from training. The commander and at least one other soldier are currently lying unconscious in bed.

Some re-ordering may be in order in short order!


New member
Jan 26, 2009
18th Limestone

And yet, they attack!

It is a larger group this time, of three wrestlers and three marksgoblins. What is most intriguing is the sudden appearance of a mysterious bowdwarf by the name of Besmar Itonrulush.

I am dismayed to find that he appears to be on the attacking side! Which breed of dwarf is this who would make his home high atop a goblin tower?

Furthermore, it has finally occured to me that my secondary moat is utterly useless because enemies can just use the hill's slope to walk around it.

I'm considering raising the inner drawbridge, but it appears that a previous overseer saw fit to chain a couple of dogs to it. I think I shall give the order all the same, but I am bracing myself - the last thing I want at a time like this is to die of laughter.

Aided by the chained wardogs, Uvash Budamvabok the Swordsdwarf has come to do mortal battle with one invader on the bridge... but what's our Dungeon Master up to?

He pulled the lever! Unfortunately, the warriors managed to scramble off the bridge just in time:

The goblin wrestler has been shot and killed, but that treacherous goblin-humping Besmar the Bowdwarf has come to take his place! Die, *****!


New member
Jan 26, 2009
19th Limestone

Well, Besmar is as good as dead, crushed into a mangled clump of sinews by another stonetrap.

Our wardogs took heavy damage from the marksgoblins' support fire and will probably never fight again, while our sword-swinging hero Uvash...

...is running as fast as his stinking feet can carry him.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
22nd Limestone

It all seems to be over, for now. One swordsdwarf named Solon was shot down along with the dogs, but to my knowledge there were no other casualties on our side. Anything useful found on the invaders has been taken... ooh, a batman leather bag.

My next priority is definitely removing the entire slope from around the moat so that it becomes even remotely potent. I often wonder if my constant passing out isn't a mere symptom of some far worse damage to my brain.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
15th Sandstone: Mid-Autumn

Must be all the death and suffering. I wish they'd chosen a better time, there are important levers to be hooked up. The secondary drawbridge is now retractable via a second lever beside the original drawbridge lever, but more important to me is yet another lever that is crucial to my plans and has yet to be even touched by the fumbling hands of my mechanics.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
17th Sandstone

Does that explain why he's wandering alone in the mines when there are five thousand tasks waiting to be done? Urgh.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
21st Sandstone

Wood stocks are finally stabilising again, thank gods. A few ballista arrows have been knocked up from wood - I imagine those may be more useful for practice than much else, and we have more to worry about at the moment than dealing with trainee siege operators, but that is now a possibility at least.

A new living area specifically for nobles is being dug out to the West of our main entrance. I've also advised further extension of the moat on the West side to ensure that invaders cannot simply rollick over the mountain from that direction and jump down past all our defences.

While considering this, however, I came to realise by far our greatest weakness: were goblins or their ilk to approach from the North, they could easily drop into the area beyond even our main drawbridge!

I intend to have this dealt with immediately, as far as is possible. I hope our focus on defending from Southern attacks does not eventually prove to be our undoing.

As for our possessed maniac, he seems to need leather, which I am quite sure we are plum out of.

I'll have some of our myriad livestock killed off, or we might have to search for any decent marksdwarves we have left to try to get a few kills hauled in. A lunatic stoneworker rampaging blindly inside a densely-populated fort would be a sight for sore eyes, mind you.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
27th Sandstone

Finally, animals are being volunteered for skin donation.

I'm having a door nonchalantly built in front of our skin-hungry stoneworker... just to help him concentrate, of course.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
2nd Timber: Late Autumn

Aha! Finally, the lever controlling the trade depot watertrap's crucial hatch is connected.

Many of our captive merchants have adamantly resisted insanity; apparently they are made of stronger stuff than I can understand. They have spent almost five months together in total darkness, but I wonder if they can hold their breaths for as long? We shall see.

My plan is to have the left wall by the hatch taken down by whichever blindly enthusiastic builder wants the job, while simultaneously ordering the hatch lever to be pulled. If luck is with us, the builder will survive. Either way, I want man on my dinner plate before the year is out.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
3rd Timber

Well, it appears that of all people, our Dungeon Master Vucar has risen to the task! This will make things interesting.

Pull it! Pull it!

ZOMG run!

At last, my beautiful Waterfall of Death is in action!

All that remains is to build another solid wall by the hatch, this time on the RIGHT side, to ensure that future flooding is impossible.



New member
Jan 26, 2009
14th Timber

My trade depot is filling up nicely, and seems to be going well in general:

Massive effort is being put into our passive defences, as you can see. Fortifications, walls, extended moats, grates and suchlike are all being put in place, and I am even considering the construction of a siege machine or two.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
25th Timber

...this is impossible.

Despite the trade depot being completely filled with water, the merchants absolutely refuse to drown. Can't I at least make them rust or something!? The bastards are even swimming in it!

Yes, enjoy your swim you invincible prick.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
27th Timber

YES! Even if I can't starve, fumigate or drown you, I can still ANNOY you to death! Fear my passive-aggressive wrath!


New member
Jan 26, 2009
1st Moonstone: Early Winter

Winter is here, and if the sudden mental collapse of the merchants is any omen to go by, it shall be a good one.

I have had the hatch above the depot closed (sealing three merchant bowmen into the bowels of the watertrap). Soon the floodgates will be opened, and the military will be called in to pick off what remains of our mad, water-logged friends. Plenty of supplies for us this Winter, I dare say!