Dwarf Fortress succession game


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Well imho it could be wise to refresh the list (with posts and not by looking at the thread), get 4-5 people in less than a day (possibly) and get the thing started, otherwise we'll sit around for days waiting for everyone to show up...
We'll probably end up starving after some turns, so it's just to get some silly writeup while we test out stuff :)


New member
Jan 26, 2009
That may be a good idea. I am willing to start a fort and I could probably have my year done by tonight, but I am wary of taking over and stealing the first go. I'm unsure of succession etiquette. XD


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Right, it has begun. The writing etc takes longer than I expected, but I think I should be able to get the first year uploaded at some point tomorrow.

I guess whoever's first to claim the second spot will get it.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Omnidum said:
And I think the elephants has been fixed.
They're not the nasty mean slaughtermachines they once were, but they're still fully capable of it.

P.S. I'd like to nab forth if possible


New member
Mar 27, 2008
Lim_Arcadia said:
They're not the nasty mean slaughtermachines they once were, but they're still fully capable of it.

P.S. I'd like to nab forth if possible
Really? I thought wild camels and unicorns and carp were the new kings.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
well in case noone wants to go in second, i guess i can do it.
i tap in for second slot. let us know!

i can't wait to get my hands on your work. YARR


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Day 1

Having spent months searching the Satiny Continent far and wide for a satisfactory spot, our small wagon sets off today along its final itinerary. West, against the wind, we are towed toward a place where mountains peer down through deep woodland to spy those glittering streams filtered black with obsidian. We are told there shall be peat enough to keep us fed through use of farms, and warned that goblin settlements have been spotted to the South. My current thoughts, as leader and overseer of this expedition, are to craft us a weapon each from abundant obsidian, aside from our hunter who is excited to get his hands on a proper bow. We seven pioneers come from markedly seperate backgrounds, and were chosen not for our merits individually, but as a group; with luck, we should between us manage the foundations of the fort with naught but success.

Trying to concentrate on this is excruciating as our belongings rattle away curses in their overlarge box, tethered carelessly to a ramshackle wagon that could pass for the work of an elf. If I can think, I recall ordering five picks and two axes so that basic labour may be dealt with sharply, as well as a hefty bundle of rope and a single bow for our hunter; the rest should consist of nothing but seeds and copious amounts of food and drink. I have no idea how our meagre supplies are capable of such a racket. I also made the damning error of buying five dogs and a cow, none of whom will shut up for two seconds. The noise alone is driving me mad.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Day 9

We appear to have somehow ended up with a single stray cat which I shall murder if it so much as goes near my marmot meat. It sits atop the wagon purring smugly at me as if it knows how much I hate it. Over the past few days I have often spotted it peering out from amongst our stuff, making our supplies its stinking fluffy nest as if it owns them. It also loves my death threats apparently, as it has made me its best friend and would rather nestle on my sleeping face than beneath the front wheel of the wagon as I constantly advise. I am drinking far more alcohol than I had planned. This journey shall be the death of me.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Day 27 (1st Granite, 101, Early Spring)

thank Bloodey armok we arived. I immedatley downd a half-keg of ale. possbly drunk. hate that wagon. MakIng a bed out of it imeddietely.

guuugh, these bastarss won't leave me alone... the fools keep telling me I hav eto name the non-existaent fort. seurouisly, what Is wrong with them!?!!?

need to work on my pepole skills... I just snapped and told them the whole thing was a bloody great waste of time.



New member
Sep 25, 2008
I shall be watching this thread, oh yes.

I demand you make a dungeon entrance to the fort, where poor goblins and kobolds will meet their unfortunate doom at flooded chambers, wrong levers that trigger caveins, stonefalls and spiketraps.. and the usual weapon traps with large serrated disks.



New member
Jan 26, 2009
3rd Granite

Woke up. Blinding headache, but there is plenty where that came from. The others have filled me in on regional details... it seems that in my fervor to find us the perfect location, certain details were overlooked. I refused to believe this until I saw it myself, but the "brook" is in fact a river containing some ungodly breed of mutant carp, each of which is big enough to eat a dwarf alive.

Fishing is cancelled. We have done well otherwise though, as this area is as gorgeous as I had heard. We stand on a sequence of rising plateaus, often gazing hungrily at our mountain's obsidian cap before turning for a few of the accursed river below.

Clearly, our fate lies within.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
20th Granite

Preliminary excavation of the mountain rock is complete; we have corridors, and thank the gods, for it is pouring down at the moment. Three farms are up and running, and I recently suggested that we train the dogs to kill on command. To wield such power gives me chills, although I feel weak in saying such a thing.

Once the most important work is done, we have plans to create what we have termed a Hedonic Hall, wherein we shall be merry together whensoever we are pleased to. Storerooms first, though; with stout labour comes sustenance.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
8th Slate, Mid-Spring

The third floor, which I know as the Work Floor, is complete for now. The second floor remains almost untouched as of yet, but in days to come it shall house our myriad produce and supplies.

Priorities are drink, beds and barrels to put more drink in. Production begins at dawn, whenever that is.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
18th Felsite, Late Spring

Routine update: the second floor is basically complete and so there is plenty of storage space for the time being, yet still we have no beds to sleep on. As much as I love obsidian, it does not make a good place to sleep; it excites me far too much.

The first floor and entrance have undergone a slight refinement. I am trying to organise the digging of a small moat before the main gate for defensive purposes using one of the nearby pools. I plan to have a retractable bridge leading over it and possibly a siege gate somewhere along the line.

The Hedonic Hall is in the early stages of birth, although I must wonder if we should instead be concentrating on having somewhere to sleep before the month is out. A potential issue has arisen in that a small pool has been discovered on the plateau directly above our new hall, and the others are deathly scared that if we continue mining the roof may collapse or something and drown us all. I can understand their concern, but unless we somehow tunnel upward through the ceiling I fail to see any real danger. I may have to have the hall postponed until safer arrangements can be made. Pussies, the lot of them.