Dwarf Fortress succession game


New member
Jan 26, 2009
19th Hematite, Early Summer

Well, this is tragic. Zas, our once-budding marksman, is dead. Having examined the locale in question, he appears to have managed to slip into the single tiniest pond in the Windy Realm...

...get his bulging midriff stuck in said sluice...

...and drown.

What a moron. We brought all those bolts for nothing. What was he trying to hunt, anyway? His dead mother?

I suppose we needn't worry about a coffin, seeing as we can't even get to his waterlogged corpse. It's not something I could deal with anyway, seeing as I never knew Zas as well as I might have, and know not of his religious beliefs. I, of course, am a devout follower of Zag Stickfish:



New member
Feb 17, 2009
Great stuff there, i like the layout, the carps and stone littering everywhere i like them a bit less. But keep 'em coming!


New member
Jan 26, 2009
7th Galena, Late Summer

Things are going well!

Now that the Hedonic Hall has a solid door for every entranceway, I plan to push any gumptious miners into the task of mining the damp rock at which they peer and murmur with glazed gazes over mugs of wine and ale. This irrational fear has gone on long enough, and my Hall shall be complete!

In other news, my mini-moat lives, and my bridge has recently been connected to a lever just inside the fortress gate. We have bedrooms, finally, and the Hedonic Hall is beginning to take shape. This next season would best be spent preparing for Winter, I think, and for that I have a cunning plan.

In the meanwhile, bridge goes up...

...bridge comes down.



New member
Apr 10, 2008
Congratulations, nice looking fort!

Although I hope some of your successors are a bit less competent. These succession threads are funniest when some nutter decides to flood the entire fort to wipe out a small group of kobold thieves or is similarly insane.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Whiskyjakk said:
Congratulations, nice looking fort!

Although I hope some of your successors are a bit less competent. These succession threads are funniest when some nutter decides to flood the entire fort to wipe out a small group of kobold thieves or is similarly insane.
Nah, it's always best when the game takes care of sending the dorfs into a spiral of madness, tantrums, gloom, fire, and death.

Which it usually does.


New member
Mar 27, 2008
Does the river freeze? If so, I shall make the Tower of Icy Babylon! And I can't take screenshots, unfortunately. So I will just post words about what happens when my time comes.

Edit, scratch that, I would only get the foundation done.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
*pant* *pant*

I'm back.

Comp troubles.

Sorry, gang.

I'll sign up on the new list, if that's cool with you. (I could see why it's not)


New member
Apr 22, 2008
Eh? A new list? Why do these things always happen while I'm asleep?

Sign me up at the end there.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Omnidum said:
Does the river freeze? If so, I shall make the Tower of Icy Babylon! And I can't take screenshots, unfortunately. So I will just post words about what happens when my time comes.

Edit, scratch that, I would only get the foundation done.
I wonder if you could do that.

Turn temperature off, so ice doesn't melt, build a huge tower of the stuff, then turn temperature back on....

(Incidentally, the "default" temperature of items that don't have a defined temperature in Dwarf Fortress is somewhere around that of the surface of the sun, so that if Toady forgets something when creating new materials, he finds out when he tests it because it causes a localised apocalypse)


New member
Mar 27, 2008
GloatingSwine said:
I wonder if you could do that.

Turn temperature off, so ice doesn't melt, build a huge tower of the stuff, then turn temperature back on....

(Incidentally, the "default" temperature of items that don't have a defined temperature in Dwarf Fortress is somewhere around that of the surface of the sun, so that if Toady forgets something when creating new materials, he finds out when he tests it because it causes a localised apocalypse)
The ice only melts if you haven't build anything with it. I had a two-story tower stand until summer.

Edit: Hey, I know! We mark a year by building another floor on the ice tower each winter!


New member
Feb 17, 2009
So the turnlist became:

-Uncertain <-
-Lim Arcadia


New member
Jan 26, 2009
19th Galena

Here follows my plan to deal with those freakish carp:

A slim tunnel is to be dug leading directly from the freak-infested river to the fifth floor of our fort. Before the last stone is removed, a vertical grate shall be placed at the mouth of the tunnel, which should keep all such dire beasties in their place while allowing fresh water to flow into our fort from the river. Thus, we shall have a safe and secure supply of drinking water ere the river freeze.

It would make most sense to use the incoming flow as a part of a well so that finding water is no feat for the workers, but I shall consider that in further depth as my visions clarify.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
21st Galena

The Hedonic Hall is finally dug out completely. I did tell them there was nothing to worry about.

We are also close to completing an external trade depot that uses a seperate entrance to that of the main fort. I'm not certain that we shall have much to offer on this first year, but you can bet either way that no elf shall set foot in a dwarven fort while I have a word to say about it.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
16th Limestone, Early Autumn

A caravan has been spotted on the horizon, and not a moment too late. Our lovely trade depot is complete in the nick of time, although if we can spare any goods at the moment I'll be astonished.

The dead Zas' old bedroom is being converted to house a drinking well, which I think is nicely ironic. The Hedonic Hall is coming along nicely, and everything is simply going to plan. I suppose that the next notable event will be the carp trick, but we shall see.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
3rd Sandstone, Mid-Autumn

I have eaten the bottom of this page, and for that you have my apologies, but it was either this or the trader's face.

To begin with I was pleased to find that we had somehow ended up with a useless steel crossbow, so I looked through the traders' goods and offered to barter the spare weaponry in exchange for food, drink and a few miscellaneous trinkets.

The deal seemed done.

Um, I think not.




That they may lose their way in swamp and slough, that their livestock should escape to eat them alive I would! Their marmot-faced wives shall care not, for they flirt and perform lechery with purring maggots in their absence, and with greater satisfaction. "Drown in blood," I cried to them! Woe betide any who return here in similar form.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
19th Sandstone

Some migrants have arrived!

Seven of them. This is brilliant; perhaps now I can justify ordering myself a tomb.

It is also worth mentioning that my carp trick appears to have gone exactly to plan:

All that remains now is to finish securing materials for the well.

Oh, and the outpost liaison came around to ask me what I wanted them to bring along next year. I ordered just about everything we could possibly need, including anvils and iron bars. It may not matter much either way, as I have something planned for when those fools return. I may not be overseer for much longer, but by gods I shall ensure that my revenge is never out of reach.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
8th Timber, Late Autumn

We have our well!

Things still seem to be going well otherwise. Rather a successful year, so far.



New member
Jan 26, 2009
20th Timber

Here I shall detail plans for my merchant trap.

As is clear, the trap is as simple as the mason who built it: the lever nearby the trade depot lowers three floodgates over the entrance, effectively entombing any unsuspecting victims forever.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
1st Granite, 102, Early Spring

After an entirely uneventful Winter, the time has come for me to leave my position to another. Although little of note occured during these last few months, they merit mention for having been very productive indeed. I have achieved all that I hoped for this year, and plan to thoroughly enjoy the rest of my life in this, our fortress.

My ambitiously elaborate tomb was completed just in time:

Bedrooms for our new immigrants are still being dug out, which I consider a compliment having seen how they toiled to finish my tomb. Our Hedonic Hall is also finished, needing only a few extra chairs for future guests:

Our food stockpiles and supplies are plentiful:

Much work is underway on the Work Floor:

And the carp issue is an issue no more.

All in all, things look rather good for us in the future:

With this I step down, and wish my successor as much success as I.



New member
Jan 26, 2009

Slight problem.

Because I was using this [http://mayday.w.staszic.waw.pl/df.htm] graphical tileset, which apparently also happens to contain some kind of fix for a cat bug, regular DF doesn't want to run my save. I will experiment with the files while I upload the save.

Edit: experiments complete: I don't think I will be able to fix this. :/
You will be able to run my save if you use the tileset version I linked to (which of course can be run completely seperately from and/or simultaneously to regular DF), but if you want regular graphics you may have to mess with the files within the graphical version.

Sorry about this, I should really have tested the save at the START of the year. >_<