Dwarf Fortress succession game


New member
Jan 26, 2009
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=845 [http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=845]

There's the save. If it crashes out while trying to load, the solution is probably above.


New member
Feb 5, 2009

I fixed the first problem

I no longer get the message: Missing creature definition: CAT_Mouth

(If anyone else wants to know, you can fix the bug using this method:

Unfortunately, I now get this message: FATAL ERROR: Missing Reaction Definition

Does anyone know anything about this? I'll look over the page for the tileset you use and see if I can't figure out the problem.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
i guess we just have to switch to may green's "graphic" df... that's the one i normally use so it's cool for me.
I'll get the file and start playing it tonight, will probably be done tomorrow evening or the day after tomorrow. Expect updates ;)


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Omnidum said:
Did you put the mouth in the cat's raws?

Edit: did the river freeze over?
Ahh, in fact we did. "FATAL ERROR: Missing Reaction Definition" seems to appear when some files are modded and others are not, or something? I'm not certain that this is fixable.

It did not. I was kind of hoping it would, because then I could have justified the whole river/well thing and also giggled with glee at the thousands of dead carp.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
After some hours of looking around the fortress, i noticed that not a single inch had been dug for the new bedrooms. Looking for the cause of all this, i learned that all our miner dwarves were busy detailing floors, walls, and generally doing completely unuseful jobs, while their comrades were sleeping on stone.
How disappointing. I guess i'll take some time to overhaul the labour schedules for our workers.

On a side note, the amount of scheduled engraving and detailing is frightening, i'll put a halt to these processes since while our dwarves are busy drawing stuff on the walls, our stockpiles look like a bloody mess and our workshop system gives me an headache everytime i try to understand anything about it.

In the meantime, our beloved liaison is running around pestering my workers, blocking doors etc.
I guess i'll have to kick him out somehow, in the near future.

Also, the incredible amount of workshops left me momentarily stunned, my short-term objective now becoming sorting out the messy stockpiles and production chains.

At least, not a single carp has been sighted into the fortress, which means that my predecessor had indeed had a good idea with the channel and grate thing, and the food and drink stockpiles look promising indeed. I hope we can manage to consolidate them even more with the arrival of some traders in the near future.

But enough writing ang journaling, i'll get myself at work and sort out at least the work schedules... for now.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
5th granite, 102 - 10th granite, 102

The miners struck another damp stone while digging out the new quarters. Panic ensued, they got ordered to fucking SMASH THOSE PICKS ON THE ROCK it would all go well. Quarters were finished relatively soon after. Now we have a place for the myriad of beds i found in the piles.

Also i noticed a fucking flock of puppies running around the fortress. I'm upset about this, i ordered the construction of a cage for their confinement until they grow up. I don't want my dwarfs to get too affectionate to those bastards, they're going to die against some fierce goblin at the first sign of trouble.

On a slightly more positive note, i reassigned jobs to all our brave workers. Now everyone has at most Two things he can do, which at least lifted the persistent headache i have had lately. Now, i'll look after the quarters and take care of stockpiles and workshops.

Later, i decided i had had enough of the rock littering our passages, so i designated some areas just outside the bridge as a temporary rock storage location. The mason and the craftsdwarf should help with freeing us of the damn rocks, while pouring out totally unuseful stuff we will probably be able to sell for food.

The huge stone moving operation left the workshops empty for a bit, allowing me to replan everything in a hopefully more efficient way.
I'll keep you posted.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
If only I were still overseer, I'd mention something useful. I assume it's not okay to give hints/inside info about the fortress. Beh.

I suppose it's probably more fun this way XD


New member
Feb 17, 2009
well hints are certainly welcome, it'll be up to the current player to apply them or ignore them altogether :p after all, you're going to play the fortress again sometime soon, so, to me, it's ok to give info or considerations.
might be something about stuff you have done that i don't understand, consider that i'm relatively new to this game so comment away.

(also, the somewhat harsh tone used about your previous efforts is obviously "roleplayed", i by no means believe to be a skilled player so to me you did a great job so far! :) )

i'll post some updates relatively soon, i've been busy today between an exam, the train trip back home from university, girlfriend, etc. probably tonight i should reach at least autumn if not end my turn entirely, but with the writing involved, is more realistic to say that i'll probably finish tomorrow.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
(edit: using imageshack's toolbar gives this sloppy result, that you have to open each image and click it again to see it realsize. but for the sake of timesaving and readability alike, i'll keep this method)

12th Granite, 102
BLAST! A raccoon infiltrated the fortress and stole one of our most valuable goods.


A bolt. Well, since our hunter somehow drowned somewhere around the mountain, i hope the raccoon finds the crossbow too, and manages to shoot himself.

Speaking of which, after some days i managed to find the location of the accident, i'll get the miners to dig the pond dry after they're done with the quarters, so we can recover the remains of our fellow woodcutter.


We're just beginning to recover his stuff, when:


Hooray! Pointy-ears spotted at the horizon. I'll check the lever just in case we get a trading screwup like the other year. Might just trap them in for the heck of it though. We'll see. We're calling the broker to the depot now.


Just as we were about to start trading, an evil cobold thief showed up. The elves had no guards or other escorts with them, so i had to make a quick call to arms.
The result was a hastier than ever retreat of the kobold in face of armed opposition, fleeing the scene soon after. Better luck next time, freak.

Well, i got a bit disappointed by the elven caravan. All they carried was a whole lot of unuseful raw cloth, berries, some toys, and amulets. The only useful items i could find were a marmot in a cage, a cage, some ropes, and the berries. I gave them some swords and we were set. Meh, i was expecting food and useful stuff, not cloth and marmots. Whatever. Get going now, damn elves, out of my sight.

Sighing for the lack of interesting trade, but somehow relieved by the plentiful stocks of both drink and food, i proceeded to get back into the fortress to take care of business, including the retrieval of our departed woodcutter's belongings and carcass, and the reworking of the production chain.

Ill keep you updated!


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Well, to the top-right of the bridge there appears to be a stone in a corner. This stone is in fact a garbage dump, and that tile should in fact contain masses of stone if you use 'k' to look at it. I have been dumping any unwanted stone etc on this tile.

If you would like to mark an object for dumping in the garbage, you can either 'k' onto it and press 'd' to toggle a dump order, or you can select a large area to toggle instead, for which I think the key sequence is 'd', 'g' or something. It's something like "Edit building/item properties" on the Designations menu anyway.

Also, as far as I know, those aren't puppies, they're war dogs! XD

Edit: I forgot to mention the point of the garbage dump thing. It is basically an infinite single-tile storage facility for temporarily unwanted goods, so it would prevent the stone stockpile from being filled up eventually. You can reclaim stuff from the garbage dump later if you choose to.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
of course there are wardogs, but there's also a host of puppies around the fort :p
about the garbage dump, i personally consider it to be an exploit of sorts and try to avoid it if possible, it's just a personal opinion though so i respect your choice, i just will try to get along without abusing it. ;)


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Ahh, that does make sense. I wondered about the logic behind the infinite-stack thing. Hmmz.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
I decided to get a nice obsidian floor in the area just out of the door, and two nice statues guarding the entrance. That's the most artistic and grandeur i can get for now, but it's better than nothing.

Our farm, in the meantime, is growing nice and steady, i see no risk of getting low on food this year. Whew. (not that i was ever worried about it, with the huge amount of dogs wandering around the fortress... yummy.)

I realized that there's a bit too much work to do for 13 dwarves, so i'll try and keep the job schedule to a minimum, to try and waste the least amount of workforce.
I really hope that an immigrant wave comes about in short time, or i'll probably start growing additional arms to suffice.

I also had an incredibly cunning idea for a "last resort" kind of defence, just in case we get annoyed by anything bigger than a kobold. The details are currently top secret, but it involves a pond in the upper level. And floodgates. And collateral damage, probably.
Stay tuned.

Speaking of defences, i decided that once my fellow workers sort out the huge stuff moving that seems to have to be done, i'll see to the creation of a trap encirclement around our main entrance, mainly stone falls and cagetraps.

It'll be funny to see small animals, cobolds, and other stuff getting smashed right at our doorsteps. Hah.

8th slate, 102
This will be the day we take back our honor, for we have finally freed our comrade's corpse from it's wet prison.

WE shall get him buried with all ceremonies, i will have him buried just outside the bridge, so that his body will continue to be a metaphorical "foundation" of our fort, just as he had been while he was still alive. No dwarf will be able to enter his home in these mountains, without first having to step in front of our beloved Zas.


The general feeling of sadness for remembering our mate's disappearance, was so dense, that the guys spontaneously threw a party.
Whatever floats your boat, dude.


11th slate, 102

Well well, i guess that we got our share of luck this time. Soon after we dug out and dried the damn pond of doom, we found just Zas' stuff, not the body. I guess he has been dragged about by some petty creature. I'll get a statue erected just outside the bridge anyway.

On the other hand, MIGRANTS! LOTS OF THEM!


A (hear hear) potash maker, an untrained and uninteresting peasant, a child (Curses.), another child (WHO NEEDS CHILDREN forchrissakes), a bloody THRESHER (just a plain FFFFUUUUUU- here), even a specialized and trained mighty fish dissector. After a brief pause, arrived a stonecrafter, another woodcutter (hey, i might have lost a corpse but here comes a shiny new wood rapist!), another petty peasant, a woodcrafter, another peasant, a much wanted woodworker, a metal crafter (makes me wonder if we have smeltable material in this area, i guess i'll add some exploratory digs to our miners' schedule), yet another peasant and another child, excuse me, two children, a bone carver, a woodworker, another peasant, a brewer (i might be wrong but this guy's gonna see his popularity rise soon
enough). Also came along two puppies (NO MORE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD), a fish cleaner, a butcher, another peasant, a carpenter, a metalsmith-metalcrafter hybrid, not really good at any of the two arts.

A grand total of 25 immigrants.
I just finished building quarters for the last of the newcomers, i guess i'll just go high density and stuff beds in a cave as barracks to put these new guys here until i decide our miners can spare time to give them shelter.

The peasants gained instantly the exclusive luxury role of HAULERS OF EVERYTHING. I then proceeded to reassign jobs as needed.
This is going to be an interesting year. And we're just in mid spring. Whew.

(i noticed i'm using much time to write and a bit less to play, so from now on i'll try to be less verbose and limit myself to important stuff.)


New member
Feb 17, 2009
The situation is getting a bit complicated. I need to get a careful inspection of the stocks and supplies, and have designated a new office to be the study of a newly appointed bookkeeper. This is a temporary figure, and will only be summoned for stock records updates. Plus the nobles (in reality it's just me and uncertain, and since he's not needing anything it's down just to me) are asking for an office anyway, so i'll give them no reason to grumble and give em a damn hole to work into.

In the meantime, i realised that building floors in newly dug out areas will get rid of the resulting stone really fast, and is a cheap mean of rising the value of the room. Yay.

Also, speaking of nobles, now our fortress can support a sheriff.
I guess i don't want to even think about starting up this kind of stuff. I've got enough work to do just trying to take care of my workshops. Eeh.

I finally managed to stuff all the roaming dogs in a cage near the entrance. In case of trouble it's easier to have the war dogs all in one place for quick reaction, too.

1st hematite 102

Summer has come, and with it, a shocking revelation.
The huge food stockpile we had, is actually made of... Seeds.
Our farms don't manage to produce enough to actually save something from eating, so all that is left is seeds. I've ordered the muskox and the marmot i bought from the elves to be slaughtered for meat, in order to vary the diet a bit. I sincerely hope merchants show up soon to relieve us from this unacceptable food monotony.

22nd hematite, 102
our preliminary tunnels down at the fourth floor look promising. WE uncovered veins of orpiment and cinnabar, and just some minutes ago i heard that stibnite was struck too. I guess i'll have to get the miners to explain me what this means.

Looks like it was greater news than i thought. Looks that we might be able to get metals of some sorts from the raw cinnabar ores. It might lead us to greater trade goods, better weapons, or just shiny trinkets all over the place. We'll see, there's a bit much stuff going on lately and i'm beginning to lose track of some things...

At least, the food supplies (pardon, SEED supplies) are stable. But that's it- they're stable. If more immigrants show up, we're gonna have a situation here.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
I might have found a solution, we'll see what happens.
In the meantime, can someone explain why dwarves won't harvest plants? The designations and labor settings are setup right..