Dwarf Fortress succession game


New member
Mar 27, 2008
26th of Granite, 103:
The paper about cancelling are piling up everywhere...
I've forbidden the hauling of practically everything outside.
We've lost 5 dwarves as of now, but we killed them all, except from a single goblin who got captured in a cage.

3rd of Slate, 103:
I have been ordering a giant burial chamber to be made to the unfortunate dwarves that "accidentily" died. It's been coming along greatly. I also noticed we were out of mechanisms for new traps, so that'll be made now.

9th of Slate, 103:
I have found another aluminium vein poking out of a wall.

12th of Slate, 103:
We've run out of barrels, sadly. We are also drowning in seeds, almost. Toggled to cook them too. I wonder how pig tail tastes?

22nd of Slate, 103:
Spontaneous miasma cloud in entrance. I wonder how it got there.

28th of Slate, 103:
I've been hearing more and more complaints from the captured goblin, about being next to a bear and a cow. Everyone's just ignoring 'im.

2nd of Felsite, 103:
I've been getting more and more complaints of the tightness in the entrance, so I've ordered spaces to be dug out to ease the traffic.

8th of Felsite, 103:

Posession. Why couldn't it be anything more useful like a fey mood?

10th of Felsite, 103:
He took two bones and some wood. I wonder what the ghost wants to make?

11th of Felsite, 103:
Migrants. My guess would be over ten people. Time to make more rooms.

13th of Felsite, 103:

The first item this fortress has had from a mood that was useful!


New member
Mar 27, 2008
17th of Felsite, 103:
I've been unassigning the removal of the leatherworks, because I've noticed some people have been missing clothes. So to make all the leather we have useful, I'm going to make clothes of it.

1st of Hematite, 103:
It's summer. Things are going smoothly, and everything is going surprisingly good.

After some needle mining, we found some yellow zircon and hematite and microcline.


New member
Mar 27, 2008
15th of Hematite, 103:
YES! Humans have come! They are such wonderful people. I have bought lots of meat for the dwarves, and also some more cloth and some iron bolts and arrows and bars for the forge. How great.

16th of Hematite, 103:
surprisingly, our wood stocks are running low. Cutting will ensue.

17th of Hematite, 103:
I have requested more leather, food, wood, bars and potash.

18th of Hematite, 103:
Ingish Rithzursul has been elected mayor instead of this "Uncertain" guy, whoever they both are.

Meanwhile, an ambush:

Three persons has so far died.

20th of Hematite, 103:
Why the hell does a snatcher always run in the arse of an ambush?! It makes me rage!

22nd of Hematite, 103:
Yesh, the bodycount in this ambush was... 5 or 6 dwarves, and a single goblin pikeman got away. Gitdangeet.

26th of Hematite, 103:
The newly elected mayor has imposed a ban on the export of scepters. How wonderful. Why aren't we allowed to trade crap for something useful???


New member
Mar 27, 2008
10th of Malachite, 103:
The miners found Claro opals. Lucky us, finding new gems. If only we could find some of those legendary pearls.

7th of Galena, 103:
Ingish, the mayor, has given birth to the first baby in The Bloody Great Waste of Time.

21st of Galena, 103:
Engraving project almost done, renaming the dining hall to the "Early History Book of The Bloody Great Waste of Time" when done.

1st of Limestone, 103:
Autumn has come, and two quarters of the year has passed. Can't time hurry up a bit??


New member
Mar 27, 2008
2nd of Limestone, 103:
I have assigned some of the many stray dogs we have to be trained into war dogs, for more security.

6th of Limestone, 103:
A child has been posessed. Maybe it will be a legendary engraving of it's father being killed?

7th of Limestone, 103:
No, he claimed a craftsdwarf workshop. It's funny to see a child shove his way through everyone.

8th of Limestone, 103:
Nooo! Don't take our precious little supply of gems! He currently stole two gems, yellow zircon and claro opals.

13th of Limestone, 103:
Holy... great news on both sides. First, dwarves came. Then, the child finished the thing it was working on, a scepter made of orpiment.

18th of Limestone, 103:
Something wierd just happened... First, a perfectly normal caravan with their everyday goblin ambush on their arses. Then the next thing is that they pack up their stuff and made like a tree and got the fuck out of here. It was there I noticed the destroyed caravan among other stuff we salvaged from it, like two human corpses and an elf.

20th of Limestone, 103:
And now, for something completely different: We have no plump helmet spawn. How 'bout that?

24th of Limestone, 103:

...Well, you can't be too careful, right?


New member
Mar 27, 2008
26th of Limestone, 103:
Tag-team of snatchers, surprisingly sans the Ambush team.

3rd of Sandstone, 103:
We are out of wooden logs, time to cut down a forest again.

4th of Sandtstone, 103:
How flattered I am. Someone has engraved me surrounded by quarry bushes.

8th of Sandstone, 103:
The clerk, Kodoth, has given birth to a boy. Gratulations, you are the second dwarfette to give birth in The Bloody Great Waste of Time.

10th of Sandstone, 103:
I forgot to mention a week ago the mayor lifted the ban on export of scepters. Guess what? He effing banned them again!!!

11th of Sandstone, 103:
We found another wrecked caravan. Salvaging will ensue.

17th of Sandstone, 103:
Our ranger fell unconscious by a pack of wolves, and he wouldn't live now if a dog hadn't come by and scared them away for a dwarf to drag him back to the city.

19th of Sandstone, 103:
Snatcher. A lone one, at that. He stepped on a stonefall trap and was molested by a recruit.

25th of Sandstone, 103:
Migrants have arrived. So far, one lye maker, craftsdwarf, peasant, 2 woodcrafters, a cow calf, engineer, a kitten, and a metalcrafter. I daresay a useful wave, just not for me.
The population count is now 60.

7th of Timber, 103:
I've been designating plants to be gathered for their seeds for food. They actually taste quite well as a stew.
I also told that Neuro to stop testing the chairs for their sitting quality and do some actual work.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
"Snatcher. A lone one, at that. He stepped on a stonefall trap and was molested by a recruit."

Sounds painful. I'd keep a sharp eye on that recruit.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Omnidum said:
I also told that Neuro to stop testing the chairs for their sitting quality and do some actual work.
I am who i am and i do what i can, mmkay? :p
ACtually i do what you tell me to :p

Otherwise, you're doing quite well, bravo. I'd like to see some more screenies of the fortress but i suppose it hasn't changed really much :)


New member
Mar 27, 2008
9th of Timber, 103:
Olivine have been struck. How lucky.

Shortly thereafter, chromite got discovered. How lucky again.

14th of Timber, 103:
If someone could be arsed with making charcoal, then we would have a short iron industry down at the mining department.

18th of Timber, 103:

THIS is exploratory mining, Neuro!

19th of Timber, 103:
A hunter just died, probably from the wolf gang down south. I'm only taking his axe, the other probably know where he is.

20th of Timber, 103:
Black zircon was struck from the shaft mining, and a little microcline too. Oh and Hornblende, whatever that is.

27th of Timber, 103:
Founds some more yellow zircon. We need jewels for "Moods"

7th of Moonstone, 103:
A tanner got killed by a longnose gar whilst fishing at the river. I am think of putting a danger sign there.

9th of Moonstone, 103:
More yellow zircon has been found.

14th of Moonstone, 103:
Exploratory mining complete, verdict: Layers around 10-12 metres from below the surface has a high concentration of gemstones.

16th of Moonstone, 103:
Ambush, again... I wonder if they're most active at spring and winter?

18th of Moonstone, 103:
Another ambush... The bodycount so far has been 16. More will come, I just know it.

20th of Moonstone, 103:
I've ordered everyone inside, because the bodycount is now 20 and Shorast is always in the lower layers of the fortress or sleeping or eating.

And this time, they are not just goblins.



New member
Mar 27, 2008
n3uro said:
Otherwise, you're doing quite well, bravo. I'd like to see some more screenies of the fortress but i suppose it hasn't changed really much :)
And screenies you shall have!

21st of Moonstone, 103:
Uncertain, the first dwarf here, died a horrible death by a goblin.

This was the place they appeared.


New member
Mar 27, 2008
23rd of Moonstone, 103:
During the initial counting, I only thought Uncertain died. Now after close inspection, both Neuro and Uncertain are going to be pushing up the daisies. Yet, this won't stop a prospering city.

25th of Moonstone, 103:
In the midst of all the turmoil, I have noticed another possessed person. Although this one does not have what he needs, so I'll just assign some guards down there so he does not rip everything apart.

27th of Moonstone, 103:
Everything runs along nicely again after the last days... umm... "Unhappiness".

3rd of Opal, 103:
After going over to hear what that possessed person has to say, I found out that the dwarf needs cloth and thread, which we've just run out of. Go figure.

7th of Opal, 103:
Why is there no shell whatsoever in this place?! It will enrage every other mood that there will come!

8th of Opal, 103:
The whole fortress is buzzing with activity, no one is inactive, everything runs like in oil!

13th of Opal, 103:
Because no one is inactive, it also means that I have no help in burning charcoal, and those stocks are getting slimmer by the hour.

19th of Opal, 103:
I've been beginning to notice that people are dumping their damaged clothes in the tombs of Neuro and Uncertain, and I wonder why. They haven't exactly been bad rulers, they just haven't had the right challenges.

(Switch Neuro's name and Uncertain's name around. I forgot to doublecheck.)


New member
Mar 27, 2008
2nd of Obsidian, 103:
We have struck Pyrolusite. Something tells me to keep it away from fire.

5th of Obsidian, 103:
The possessed guy got stricken by melancholia because he were missing shell and thread. Poor guy.

10th of Obsidian, 103:
After seeing some quivers we scavenged from the ambushers, the mayor got a liking to them and immediately made a ban on exports of them. At least we can sell crap scepters again.

Meanwhile, a giant friggin miamsa cloud in the History Book.

13th of Obsidian, 103:
We ran out of charcoal. Again. Must make more charcoal, must make more charcoal must make more charcoal...

22nd of Obsidian, 103:
That melancholian guy is still running around complaining about what he didn't get.

24th of Obsidian, 103:
Blah, six does nothing in here. Maybe I can egt help with the charcoal making.

26th of Obsidian, 103:
Someone has thrown a shoe into my tomb! RAGE!

And then spring arrived...


New member
Mar 27, 2008
I've only added more rooms, more furnaces and forges and smelters, my project was the exploratory shaft mining at -10/-12, not hard to overlook.

Have fun at The Bloody Great Waste o' Time!

Edit: Cinnabar is not smeltable.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
1st of Granite: Year 104

After many stupid decisions, (through no fault of my own) I have somehow wound up in control of a fortress who's previous leaders have mostly been reported dead. Interesting. I shall endevour to better this fortress as it still seems very able to pull numberous riches from the mountain.

As I arrived, this first impression dulled.

On the outside, I immediately saw a tremendos pile of bones from all types of creatures littering the front of the fortress. a cursory glance revealed human and goblin bones. I thought to myself that perhaps the best policy was to use these to create bone crafts, rather then just setting them out on the front lawn.


In addition, a fresh, but not too fresh goblin corpse laid aside the main road, which appeared to be surrounded by stonefall traps. Moving closer to the fortress, I find an Incredable number of stonefall traps, some cage traps, a drawbridge, and two recruits stationed outside as well. Clearly they are defensively minded. I also noticed something above the enterance that appeared to be a channel of some type. But I digress.

Upon entering the fortress I was suprised to find a fine dining hall, some bedrooms (although small) and even a well. I noticed a lever that I gathered controlled the drawbridge. I approached someone and asked about the food stores. I found that they had pleanty of food and assumed my role as leader of this fortress.


I shall have to review the functions of some of the levers here.

Apart from the initial observation, nothing seems to be horribly wrong here, so I'll take command now.


New member
Mar 27, 2008
Just wait 'till you see the Grave of the Unknown. Also, please finish the final adornings to the road, those ambushes are vicious, they appear in groups of 1-4 gangs.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
1st of Granite
One of the war dogs have given birth to puppies.
I have also, as my first act in office, Designated the building of my tomb.
Another puppy.

2nd of Granite
I designated an office for myself and future overseers to be dug out.

4th of Granite
The mayor was angry because he didn't have enough stuff, so I dug him out an office and had the dwarves start work on his requests.

6th of Granite
Designated some exploratory mining in the lower area, on account of our miners being not busy

7th of Granite
Designated the mayors brand new Dining room and bedroom behind the office, so he'll never have to leave there.

8th of Granite
A damn child organized a party. doesn't seem to be much of a problem though, and its good for morale


New member
Feb 5, 2009
12th of Granite
Drinks are dwindleing, so I've assigned the still to be put back into production.
I've also discovered that we own nearly 105 obsidian short swords, so I've designed a few weapon traps at the enterance that should deal with any goblins that get frisky.

14th of Granite
An engraver has created a whole bunch of masterwork engravings, but I don't know where he's doing it at...
And immedately after, elves arrive. Hopefuly my dealings with them will go better then previous.

18th of Granite
The elves didn't really have much. Got some cloth though.


New member
Mar 27, 2008
Hey, Listen!

The place the Engraver is doing his job is at the housing square, I wanted to see what he would engrave, but alas, I had no more time.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
28th of Granite
Another Child makes a party.

1st of Slate
A melancholic weaver finally kicked the bucket...right in the middle of the bedroom area.