Dwarf Fortress succession game


New member
Feb 17, 2009
no i found out. I somehow activated the "dwarves stay inside" standing order -_-
it's better now, everyone darted towards the exit to do stuff.
they're even picking up plants now, but it doesn't seem to add food. The kitchen is producing meals anyway, so i hope that we won't starve too soon. Also it would be great to have some traders bring us meat, but i guess we'll have to cope with hunger for now.

We are not really starving, but we're damn close to it...

edit: other than this stuff, there's been nothing worth screenshooting. I'll probably end my turn today, so stay tuned... Provided of course that we don't starve before the end of autumn...


New member
Feb 17, 2009
9th malachite, 102

HArsh times require harsh measures. Today, exhausted by hunger, we had to slaughter the cow and the horse. To stay on the safe side (and get my personal revenge) some puppies were thrown into the meatgrinder, too.
Now everyone has had a decent meal, but the stocks are again practically empty, except for seeds. I'll have to find a solution real fast.

On a completely unrelated matter, we managed to setup a perimeter of stonefall traps and cage traps, foreseeing possible troublemakers coming along with the caravans.


4th Limestone, 102

I hope he spits out something useful...

He claimed one of our craftsdwarf workshops...

And begun his secret construction... I'll wait and see his sketches, if he gets inconclusive i shall seal him into the workshop and let him rot for his psychotic nature.

On a side note, after switching the crops from unuseful pig tail to edible mushrooms, our first batch of plump helmets has finally grown. We can start eating something now... Phew...

11th limestone, 102
A dwarven caravan have arrived. We were just beginning to exit the situation we were in, but with the help of the traders it might be settled down for good.
Our (now legendary!) craftsdwarf gave birth to this:


The trading got us three cows which we will probably be able to use for reproduction, seed bags (we have seeds lying all around the food stockpiles!) and an anvil plus some metal bars in case we need something made of metal, urgently. IT cost us just some barrels of crap, we still have plenty of crap lying around so for the trading side of things we are definitely going well. I hoped to see more meat on the caravans but whatever. see you next year, mates.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Soon after, a goblin thief showed up, chasing a kitten around. After a few seconds of chasing, he got tired and left the area completely. Whatever o_o

Now noone is hungry. The farms are concentrating on plump helmets, since they're the only edible crop i managed to grow. Everyone went back to their lives, and with autumn coming (and winter), i shall concentrate on indoors. The hall and quarters are being smoothed and polished, all in all this has been an interesting year.
I shall start working on my tomb. You can never know, and with time running out for my rule, it could be a cool last project.


New member
Mar 27, 2008
Keep in mind that I'm that skilled. So if everything goes bonkers, we reclaim no matter what, right?


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Well if anyone manages to really screw up, we can revert or try to reclaim, which could be difficult but fun nonetheless. I'll try to secure stockpiles and defences before leaving though, you should be safe for the beginning at least.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
21st sandstone, 102
a new migrant wave have arrived. Luckily, it was just six dwarves. I ordered new rooms to be dug right away, i want those guys to stay happy and start working as soon as possible.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
I suppose that i got so few because of the lack of food and production slowing down in the pas seasons... don't worry during your turn you'll get hundreds of immigrants xD


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Autumn has been uneventful, stuff going on pretty smoothly, stockpiles are growing steadily and there are no big jobs going on, except for the smoothing of the Hedonic Hall, the cooking of food (at least it returns seeds and plump helmet spawns so we do not risk to run out of seeds) and the constant production of trade goods from the craftsdwarf workshops. I'll proceed through winter and write a summary of the fortress so the next ruler can get the big picture right away. I should end my turn tonight, and upload it for Omnidum to take over. Remember that you should use the may green's version of the game for compatibility reasons.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
I love the floors, I never thought of building floors over the actual floor. They are pretty. I also love the little office for the bookkeeper XD


New member
Feb 17, 2009
the poor guy only exits his office to pickup food and sleep xD he's cute.
i'm almost done...


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Just as i thought i would have a relatively calm winter, our colleague started going around with a really strange look on his face.

Soon after he picked up some logs and begun a mysterious construction (oooooh.)

All the while, outside a fierce battle ensued as we:


spotted some kobolds and proceeded to let loose the WARDOGS arrr
Who promptly took the other way, probably actracted by some miasma going on at the lower floor.

thank god our military responded quickly.





New member
Feb 17, 2009
Our possessed guy finished his awesome (not) artifact:



The attack of boring. Ahahah. Well at least it can be traded for a lot of shit apparently. Good job, you aren't even legendary now. You got possessed, so no abnormous skills gained. Good job. Prick.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Fuck. I was about to end the year, bragging that no dwarf lost his life under my reign, when:


his fault for wandering that far into the valley. His belongings are declared forbidden, he shall rot and be devoured by the vicious water beasts that dwell yonder river.
Fuck him.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Looks like our dwarves are preparing for new year's eve. They have thrown a party some days before the end of the year, and are mustering at the hedonic hall... lovely. :p

Edit. Looks like the dwarf who organized the party was our former leader, Uncertain. :p way to go dude, trying to take away my labour force.... :p

edit2: it's officially year 103. I'm saving and closing down, unfortunately i'm about to leave my house so when i'm back (some hours) i'll write up an end year report with some useful stuff for omni. Phew, been a hard ride!


New member
Feb 17, 2009
i just managed to lose my wall of text. Rewriting everything. Jeeeeeeeez.

Here comes my yearly report!

-Stocks and dwarves


We're going well, imho. Our food pile is growing steadily: plants are plump helmets and stuff gathered outside, meat is provided by a single hunter pretty much killing everything in sight and dragging it to the butcher. Wealth produced should bring quite some immigrants, be prepared. We have a legendary bookkeeper and a legendary craftsdwarf, that's not too bad. Also, no real military have been organized, but we have some crossbows, some bone bolts, and a SHITLOAD of obsidian swords, so there's no concern. We happen to lack proper barracks and storage for weapon, though. Also i didn't bother to build a justice department, so there's no sheriff,no deputy, and no cellblocks whatsoever. We have five wardogs, though.
Ah, the kitchen is going full throttle on preparing meals, so the seeds are constantly returned to the stocks. Plants are still stocking up, so consider building a second kitchen.
Drinks are decreasing slowly, so consider reactivating the still sometime soon.



Nothing substantially changed, planted some floor to get rid of stone, and two statues for beauty. There's an outer ring of stonefall traps, a barrier of cagetraps, and another barrier of stonefalls, just in case. The road is just for beauty too, i decided to keep it anyway... Oh, there's also the drawbridge, obviously, whose control lever you can see in the entrance, at the top of the screen.
Refuse stockpile is filling up slowly, consider setting up crafting operations to take advantage of it.

-Main hall and quarters


Here too, nothing radical: enlarged the living quarters, the well is always there, unused but there, the hedonic hall is finally finished. The bookkeeper's office is a bit dull, up to you whether to beautify it a little or not. Farms are going well, it's all plump helmets, with a lot of dedicated workers. Kennel has orders for dog training but noone will do it, take care of it if you wish. The red "d" in the hall is a cage, with dogs. War dogs and normal dogs and puppies. If intruders break in, unleash the dogs, activate the military an lock the doors... it will be a formidable gorefest. There's also a lever, i'll explain later.

-Second Floor
I didn't shoot it, but it's just the stockpiles. I haven't had the heart to enlarge the area, it worked pretty well anyway. There are three food sections, three for furniture, mechanisms, coffins (there's a fuckton), etc., and one for trade good which is filling up fast. Also there's a wood area which is permanently restocked, since uncertain managed to cut down the whole fucking forest out there and there's wood for the next six or seven years, eh.

Seeds will entomb you if you don't find a solution. I didn't. Good luck xD

-Third floor


Ahhh, the workshops. North you have a still (inactive for now), a mechanic's (use on request, one or two miners and maybe a forge operator have the job iirc), a leatherworks and tanner (iirc) slated for removal. West you have butcher's, farmer's (produces thread from pig tails), a cage and animals area. South you have a carpenter's, a kitchen, and the two "crap-machines", that is, craftsdwarf workshops who spit out tradable crap at an incredible rate. One is currently assigned to bone bolts, though. Be sure to return it to tradable crap as you see fit.

East you have two mason's (working on request), a bowcraft, and another carpenter.

It works quite fine, i'll tell you.

-Fourth floor


Here's our mine. I conducted exploratory digs, and found a smeltable ore of sorts. I proceeded to scout out the vein for you, and setting up a semi autonomous metal production and refining zone: there's a wood furnace for producing charcoal (there are like nine units of charcoal ready in the stockpile for you to smelt stuff), a smelter for producing bars from raw ore, and a metal smith built with an anvil i got from the traders. There should be enough metal to produce a lot of armor and weapons, but i'm not sure about the mineral... experiment, everything should be set. There's also a number of dedicated metal industry workers, ranging from wood burners, to furnace operators (smelters), and a trained metalcrafter.

You might have noticed another tomb near uncertain's. It's mine. Don't touch it. mmkay? :p
Over the fortress, there's a pond... if you look around, you'll see that there's also some walls. I dug an artificial channel, leading from that pond to a spot above our entrance (above the paved area between the rock wall and the bridge). There's a floodgate regulating the flow, and it's control lever is just outside the hedonic hall, westside. I haven't had time or means to try it, but it works like this... you get invaders, you raise the drawbridge and lock the outer door. If noone manages to get in the entrance, cool. If they do, and are now out of the door but locked "in" by the bridge, pull the lever and the water coming from upstairs should at least drag them into the moat. It could fail really hard tho, don't really count on it.

Phew, i'm done.
I hope you have a good time ruling the Bloody Great Waste of time. It was fun to me, we'll see what you can do :)
Here's the save.

Have fun, i'm stepping down, blending with the rest of the dwarves in the fortress. What a bloody great waste of time!


New member
Mar 27, 2008
2nd Granite, 103:
Right, so this Neuro fellow wanted me to be the 2nd leader in command in this place, thinking I would be able to such a thing. Heh, he probably didn't know that I lead a fortress as good as a blind camel. Oh well, might as well make a nice tomb while I'm at it.

6th Granite, 103:
Everything's running great so far, and I ordered them to decorate things with bone.

9th of Granite, 103:
Ordered charcoal to be made. We need some fuel for the forges, to make whatever we need that is metallic.

10th of Granite, 103:
Elves. ELVES of all things... Maybe they have something useful for once, like bewze. We shall see.

13th of Granite, 103:
I can't be arsed with dealing with those pointy-ears. Let someone else do it. I'm going to take a healthy swig of booze.

Some random farmerdwarf named Feb told me that they were travelling clothiers, but they also brought a tame black bear. I wonder how you do that? After that, he said he sold a lot of useless junk for two bins of cloth and the bear. I feel good for swindling those Elves.

14th of Granite, 103:
I noticed some large daggers laying around in the trap, so I designated to melt them. Truly, a marvelous thing, being able to make iron stuff worthy of dwarves.

16th of Granite, 103:
I've found some native aluminium poking out of a wall, ordering to dig now.

17th of Granite, 103:
Oh, the horror! Our miners were attacked by a hoary marmot whilst digging the aluminium out! I knew it was too good to be true.

To be continued. I've been designated to go to bed.


New member
Mar 27, 2008
19th of Granite, 103:
A snatcher. Shorast was in the area, so he took quick care of our uninvited guest.

20th of Granite, 103:
Ugh, ambush and a snatcher. What the hell is luring the goblins here?

25th of Granite, 103:
They managed to kill one of our dwarves that are running around, and I wonder why they aren't running back to the town.
Great, the casualties are now 3 dwarves and two dogs. How I hate goblins.