
Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
This was some weak E3.
Now i'm really missing the old ones, yes, the cringy presentations and break shows included. Atleast there was a lot of stuff to riff on.

MS "won" this, by scoring basicly a B-. Nintendo closely after despite not even having to try either.

My "Hypest Revelation" list goes like this:
1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
2. Elden Ring
3. Metroid: Dread

Honorable mention goes to "Atomic Heart" that also looked interesting.

That's all.
MS ''won'' by just flexing it's unlimited money. They don't have to start building in-house studios or establish relations with second or third party developers again they can just buy one of the biggest publishers wholesale. It's like taking a huge, greedy slice from a cake that was already getting smaller.

I agree it was a weak showing. But that has become kind of standard with E3. Pretty much every high profile game was already announced. DQ anniversary or summer game fest or whatever it was called was more exciting. Team Ninja's take on Final Fantasy atleast provided a good laugh.


Elite Member
May 28, 2020
United States
Everytime I look at the art style, it reminds me of the Disney afternoon/Saturday morning block from the 90s. Tale Spin, Chip n Dale, and Darkwing Duck.
Yeah that boat sailed for me in the mid-'00s. I can't see that art style without implicitly understanding I'm a handful of frames away from seeing extreme yiffage at any given moment.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It's a common style for homosexual furry porn.

I still only see Disney afternoon, so whatever works for you. Now if the artist(s) worked on furry porn in the past, that's their business and I don't care. If not, then that's well you deep dived in for too long.

Yeah that boat sailed for me in the mid-'00s. I can't see that art style without implicitly understanding I'm a handful of frames away from seeing extreme yiffage at any given moment.
That's on you.

This reminds me of those yaoi furry fans that latched on to Battletoads (mainly the arcade game), because of unintetional homoeroticism from most of the male characters who are hell bent for leather. The 90s case of being extreme, edgy, and macho attracted types of fans Rare never would have suspected flowing to this series. I find it hilarious.
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Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!

I still only see Disney afternoon, so whatever works for you. Now if the artist(s) worked on furry porn in the past, that's their business and I don't care. If not, then that's well you deep dived in for too long.

That's on you.

This reminds me of those yaoi furry fans that latched on to Battletoads (mainly the arcade game), because of unintetional homoeroicism from most of the male characters who are hell bent for leather. The 90s case of being extreme, edgy, and macho attracted types of fans Rare never would have suspected flowing to this series. I find it hilarious
Ah good. Some people have a problem with that and I thought I should at least bring it up in case it made anyone uncomfortable (Please note, I mean the porn aspect) since the game might stray into that territory.

To clarify slightly further, I'm not personally interested in this particular type of porn but I'm aware of its existence.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Ya'll remember Scalebound?
I have not forgotten.

As far as I'm concerned, Nintendo did the best, but they didn't "win" or "save" anything. What did they save? Your precious time? To feel or justify it was not a waste or worth the wait? So what? I'm glad the Switch is getting even more games, don't get me wrong, but they did not save anything. They've been doing what they've normally been doing.

Here's Dunkey.

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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I have not forgotten.

As far as I'm concerned, Nintendo did the best, but they didn't "win" or "save" anything. What did they save? Your precious time? To feel or justify it was not a waste or worth the wait? So what? I'm glad the Switch is getting even more games, don't get me wrong, but they did not save anything. They've been doing what they've normally been doing.
I mean "winning" and "saving" are just arbituary really. And I get why some people hate calling it that. But there is also nothing wrong with looking forward to things either, so i kind of like to join the crowd with this one.

Eventually E3 will be gone and we will miss it.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
In other news, EA released the trailer for Madden 22

To no one's surprise, it looks the same as madden 21, and madden 20....and madden 19..... and madden 18..... and every previous madden games

There's something so appropriate about TikTok music being in a madden trailer. Maybe it's because both are trying desperately to stay relevant...

No? Just me? okay....

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
In other news, EA released the trailer for Madden 22
I wonder if they remembered to change the year on the in-game textures this time?

(For those not in the know, Madden 2020 had a banner reading "Madden '19" left in one of the stadiums, lending credence to allegations that EA had just straight-up reissued the same game with texture replacements and some bells and whistles.)


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
I wonder if they remembered to change the year on the in-game textures this time?

(For those not in the know, Madden 2020 had a banner reading "Madden '19" left in one of the stadiums, lending credence to allegations that EA had just straight-up reissued the same game with texture replacements and some bells and whistles.)
Would it really be surprising if they didn't?
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
They are still doing Russia lol for the new battlefield. I swear it's the year 2200, and after the Russians have a reduced population, and are basically a rump state likely controlled by China, they will still be doing Russia.
Because making the Chinese the bad guys would hurt sales in China and we can't have that.

Occasionally they're try to tap dance around it by making the bad guys North Korea, except a North Korea that isn't fucking starving and using 50 year old equipment that probably can't run for more then an hour because it runs on vibrarium or something(AKA NOT-CHINA). Because nobody cares if NK is mad and China can pretend they're not the bad guy.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
They are still doing Russia lol for the new battlefield. I swear it's the year 2200, and after the Russians have a reduced population, and are basically a rump state likely controlled by China, they will still be doing Russia.

Here some ideas...

US civil war, EU civil war, South American inter-state war, and of course aliens.

Because making the Chinese the bad guys would hurt sales in China and we can't have that.

Occasionally they're try to tap dance around it by making the bad guys North Korea, except a North Korea that isn't fucking starving and using 50 year old equipment that probably can't run for more then an hour because it runs on vibrarium or something(AKA NOT-CHINA). Because nobody cares if NK is mad and China can pretend they're not the bad guy.

Technically the Chinese are part of the other side in Battlefield 2142 so being a prequel 2042 might well have them too.

Also there is no real Bad Guy / Good Guy sides in 2142 it's two giant economic blocks fighting over what's left and what resources they can get.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
The problem with Other M was it was made to increase the franchise's market share in Japan. Metroid had never been as popular in Japan as it had been in in the West, as Metroid's blend of Western sci-fi cultural inspiration and darker themes historically haven't played well with Japanese audiences. Ergo, Other M was written by Sakamoto specifically to appeal to them.

The character traits attributed to Samus in Other M -- stoicism, strict adherence to hierarchy and protocol, exacting social awareness -- are traits of a strong and heroic character. In the West, they're not; rather the opposite. And when Sakamoto placed himself in charge of voice casting, voice directing, and localization, he didn't account for that and translated the game as opposed to localize it. And, Nintendo and Team Ninja ended up with what happened as a result.

That's not a gender thing, that's Western audiences interpreting bad localization through the lens of gender, because gender relations have been on the forefront of Western political discourse for over a century.
Its always a flawed marketing strategy that doesn't work. People outside of Japan and a minority in Japan like Metroid for certain aspects of it, so alienating those players by undermining all these aspects in the hopes of attracting a new crowd is a very foolish gamble. Because if it fails you're left with no players at all.

Other M took place in an era where a lot of prominent Japanese franchises started undermining their own games in an attempt to westernize despite this not at all being what the audience wanted. Its no surprise that many Japanese series such as Resident Evil or Final Fantasy have their most controversial and maligned titles in that era, and that the ps4 generation was generally seen as a return to form for Japanese title after a long decline.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Its always a flawed marketing strategy that doesn't work. People outside of Japan and a minority in Japan like Metroid for certain aspects of it, so alienating those players by undermining all these aspects in the hopes of attracting a new crowd is a very foolish gamble. Because if it fails you're left with no players at all.

Other M took place in an era where a lot of prominent Japanese franchises started undermining their own games in an attempt to westernize despite this not at all being what the audience wanted. Its no surprise that many Japanese series such as Resident Evil or Final Fantasy have their most controversial and maligned titles in that era, and that the ps4 generation was generally seen as a return to form for Japanese title after a long decline.
Thank you. A million percent hard yes! Someone else finally gets it.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
For the little things, I liked the new Metal Slug Tactics game.
So after years of just mowing the enemy down, NOW they think about tactics?

Love the art style of wizard with guns,
Guns? You mean those metal wands that muggles use to kill each other?

The Avatar reveal was just weird. It seems like a game that was made decades too late.
There's no shortage of properties that have been adapted well after the release date of their source material.

Does anyone still care about James Cameron's Avatar? Did anyone really care at the time? Does anyone care about the sequel that's supposedly in the works?

If it was an Avatar game starring Aang I think at least some people would be very hyped for this game, but I have no idea what audience this Avatar game is for.
Avatar was the highest grossing film of all time, so yes, people cared. Going by traffic, people clearly do still care.

On a somewhat related note, can we just agree that revealing a new IP with a pre-rendered cinematic trailer is a complete waste of time?
Not really. Plenty of games have made their debuts with cinematic trailers, and do so well.

Halo Infinite's story looks cool, not that I'll ever play it. The Chief finally has a chance to be an actual character, now that he has to play the mentor to some rookie AI. I appreciated how he stopped to check on all the marines that died.
John's never not been a character. Even going just by the games, the level of characterization generally incre

They putting Tekken characters in Smash now. Alright then.
Still whoring out Smash then? :(

Ooooooo so Fusion was real good but its also the point where they started trying to have more story and introducing... sigh Adam which eventually let down the path to other M. So I'm not sure about this...
I don't think Fusion can be held accountable for that.

Samus is one of those characters whos backstory should never really be explicit, just hinted at. She works much better with it being mysterious.
Even if I agreed, it's way too late for that - the manga lay out her backstory explicitly.

What, what are you talking about? Pretty much everyone hated the story in that game, who the hell was defending it?
I'll happily defend Other M (to an extent).

It's not a good game, but it's not a bad one either, nor is it the worst Metroid game I played (that would be Hunters).

They are still doing Russia lol for the new battlefield. I swear it's the year 2200, and after the Russians have a reduced population, and are basically a rump state likely controlled by China, they will still be doing Russia.

Here some ideas...

US civil war, EU civil war, South American inter-state war, and of course aliens.
Russia's in the sweet spot for antagonists. It's not China (so no insecure CCP to piss off), the Russian people are "white" (so you don't get claims of racism), and Russia remains at odds with the US today.

That said, the claim that by 2042, the US and Russia are the only viable states left...really? I mean, nothing about 2042's backstory makes sense, but that's a whole other box of grenades.

As for aliens...yeah, good luck. Remember the backlash to Infinite Warfare? That didn't even need aliens to make people's heads explode.

Technically the Chinese are part of the other side in Battlefield 2142 so being a prequel 2042 might well have them too.
I'd like to think so, but this is DICE. They can't write a Battlefield story to save their lives (outside Bad Company, sort of).

I mean, even by the standards of 2042 to 2142, we have to accept that:

-The world went through global heating, then reverted to an ice age.

-The EU collapsed because Germany did (why Germany? It's a stable country), but by 2142, the EU has its successor fighting the PAC.

-China is apparently gone by 2042, but by 2142, it's part of the PAC.

I suspect that DICE doesn't care, and to be frank, a lot of Battlefield's playerbase probably don't care either. Story's never been a strength of Battlefield, even when the stories weren't absolute dog-shite.
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