E3: Nintendo's New Console Is: The Wii U


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I'm looking forward to this personally, I seem to be alone in that.

It has simple controls for the portable screen bit, in addition to appearing to also have the regular Wii remote, and it also has HD graphics the same as or at least near to the PS3 and 360. I don't consider this as big a gimmick as the Wii, and the Wii was still fun despite the pointless waggling, and we know that Nintendo can think of new ways to use two screens, they've done it before. In addition, it has much better third party support than the Wii as well.

I think the reason people as disappointed is that we didn't hear about any launch titles to make use of the controller screen bit, but I heard Smash Bros mentioned, so colour me interested on this console.

I forgot

New member
Jul 7, 2010
mikozero said:
mikozero said:
ignore the controller

my take on this is that the WiiU seems to be an extended version of the Wii (hence the backwards compatablity) with the ablity to match (and probably surpass a little) the 360 and PS3.

think a 7.5 generation console rather than an 8th generation one

both sony and MS think they can get 4-5 more years out their current consoles because they have tried to turn them into "better Wiis" to appeal to casual market the Wii captured the whole length of which now they are going to up against a newer (and probably slightly better) machine. they are no where near producing new machines and at the end of that time they have to make new consoles.

then Nintendo comes in and drops the bomb of their real 8th generation machine last to market...

in in terms of console generations last to market usually wins (because you can "out tech" all the ones already committed)

basically Nintendo just managed to sell 2 different consoles in one generation
copy pasted comment from another thread.
The comment you copied is just plain wrong. Last to market never won because notice how the N64, Gamecube and ps3 were all last to market and despite being technically superior, were the worst in sales and number of valuable games.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Oh my God!
The prices for new separate controllers will skyrocket straight past heaven and then up into hell...


New member
May 31, 2011
Radoh said:
WiiU? I was hoping for so much more than the Wii U. What's after that one then? The WiiUii?
Tbh, given the Nintendo's streak of naming, WiiU is kinda the closest one to being slightly original, N.E.S. Nintendo's Entertainment System, SNES, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo 64 the 64 bit Nintendo console, Gamecube, A cube shaped console that plays games...Though tbh at least you can't get confused =\


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Interesting. The Wii I have is set up into the TV in the family room, which is where my family watches TV. So often times, I get kicked off so they can watch a show. This can work really well for all of us.

I probably won't get it at launch though.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
I guess Nintendo thought adding every pointless gimic EVER to their new console would appeal to everyone =_=. I still want a refund for my Wii. Please guys, dont fall for it the same way we all fell for the wii's gimic.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
We all knew that the Wii was a stupid name, so Nintendo decided to prove to us that they could out do that stupid name with a stupider name... introducing the Wii U.
An even better name... Wii Y. Cause then it would tell us Y Wii need another Wii!
[See what I did there?]


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
I like how they named the console after the sound all the Nintendo fanboys are making after this announcement.



New member
Oct 16, 2010
gotta see more but i'm quite intrigued
the only problem will probably be that the 3rd person hardcore titles just won't work as good with the controller as i think
i mean with games like battlefield or darksiders you gotta have another pair of shoulder triggers...or not?
then again for 3rd party games i got my ps3 and pc

i'm looking forward to what's to come


New member
Apr 22, 2011
I'm still curious about its graphic software capabilities after I saw the Link being drawn on the controller in the video.


New member
May 19, 2011
So, the controller is a Enlarged DS touch screen. Okay. Might be a big hard to hold, but it's not finshed yet.

The name is the WiiU. Um, sure*?

The main console is just an upgrade of the previous one. Well, that's pretty much how making a new console works these days, so yeah.

Really, though, the game line up will be what decides this for me. Hell, I might wait until Wii support drives down before thinking about getting this.

Also, cannot get the image of an inverted Etch a Sketch out of head.

*Read: Please be a working name seriosuly that is a stupid name.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Wow, this... looks awful.

You know what I've always felt was a weakness in gaming? How small the controllers were. The original xbox controller was a good start, but this, this is progress.

That, and the one thing gaming has missed, the Dreamcast's VMU, because nothing increases playability liking having to shift focus from a screen to a smaller screen.

And light gun games, I've missed those but since the guns got so realistic it lost the allure what I'm really looking froward to is a giant barcode scanner gun.

William Ossiss

New member
Apr 8, 2010
that isn't a console. that, my good people, is a fucking peripheral. and a damned expensive looking one at that.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
More proper games on a Nintendo console? Great!
New controller? erm...not so sure it doesn't exactly look comfortable for extended use, although I'd need to actually have a go of it before judging the controller.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Holy hell that is one massive controller (from the looks of things). They have also succeeded in outdoing themselves on the horrible names front. Now, onto the console...

Its a very smart move to have many, hopefully good (Which core titles generally are.) titles right at launch. Poor support at the start can easily spell doom for a console. (But this IS nintendo so...) I also hope the graphically capabilities are better then the rumors, at the very least in terms of ram with the current gen consoles lack much of severally. And the obligatory backwards compatibility is good also.

Overall, I am interested.