EA Announces New Medal of Honor


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Weelll at this rate I wonder which one will be the first one to do future wars, or even go back to WW1-2


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Disaster Button said:
SuperMse said:
2005- The Battlefield series is updated from a World War 2 setting to a more modern era. That game is called Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, and has upgradable and customizable classes.

2007- The Call of Duty series is updated from a World War 2 setting to a more modern era. That game is called Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and has upgradable and customizable classes.

2009- The Medal of Honor series is announced to be receiving an update from a World War 2 setting to a more modern era, with multiplayer developed by the same guys who make the Battlefield series.

Am I the only one noticing a pattern?
Oh my god I see it! All the numbers add up to 23!
N....no they don't 12, not counting the 2005, 2007 and 2009 other wise its 60....6023....Oh GOD....Guess it does hmm


New member
Apr 8, 2008
So we take Metal gear to medal of honor?
Careful I smell a slide back 7 years ago to brain dead shooters...
Yet they all relied on bullet time for a gimmick.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Like hell, this is set in Afghanistan and is modern warfare, and all of a sudden it's a copy? How many times was modern warfare done before CoD 4 and MW2? How many times will it be done after?

At best I call this a role reversal considering CoD practically "copied" MoH.
orangebandguy said:
There's no way out Patterson!

Memories of a better era, I lost interest entirely after Rising Sun, which was terrible.

It's a shame since MOH was one of my first ever games.
Hmmm, 3 gun emplacements with 40 Germans. We need to blow them up with satchel charges, but anyone who approaches will be ripped to shreds....


Ahh good times.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Danny Ocean said:
Furburt said:
Danny Ocean said:
CoD4 wasn't the first, you know.
Heck, Delta Force came out in 1998.
Oh, I remember that game now. They also made a Modern-era game to go with the film Black Hawk Down. I recall it being really rather hard.
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down? Yeah.


I preferred the original though. And Global Operations (shameless name drop for no reason).

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
Medal of Honor Modern Warfare

I've never played a MOH game always liked CoD

I await the horrid driving levels that come with these games....


Jul 31, 2008
Hmm. Interesting. I enjoyed the old MoH games. I really hope they do it right. Activision could use another big name directly competing with them on the modern warfare shooter front. Mabye it'll help knock that smug look of their faces. Hopefully EA won't decide to screw over PC gamers like Activision and Infinity Ward did too.


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
Even if it does turn off to be a slight rip off of Modern Warfare, long as it turns out fun and playable then I really don't care and shall pick it up. Glad to hear MoH isn't dead yet.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
With nothing but the cover art(?) and an announcement to go on... I'm excited.

I do enjoy a FPS that deals with modern military - and to set it in Afghanistan... Has any other game done that yet? I'm not sure. But I'm going to keep an eye on this, for sure.

Baron Khaine

New member
Jun 24, 2009
*waits patiently for a future warfare game to come out*

Oh, and I don't mean Battlefield style.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
SuperMse said:
2005- The Battlefield series is updated from a World War 2 setting to a more modern era. That game is called Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, and has upgradable and customizable classes.

2007- The Call of Duty series is updated from a World War 2 setting to a more modern era. That game is called Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and has upgradable and customizable classes.

2009- The Medal of Honor series is announced to be receiving an update from a World War 2 setting to a more modern era, with multiplayer developed by the same guys who make the Battlefield series.

Am I the only one noticing a pattern?
The prophecy of Tom Clancy is being fulfilled! Next I predict TES will "rebbot" to a modern setting.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Akai Shizuku said:
I never cared about the MoH series, and I doubt this is going to change my mind.

It's obvious they're just ripping off of CoD.

EDIT: Either you play as a different character ("the enemy's" side, for instance) or I will continue to not care.
EA, 2005 - Battlefield 2
Activision and Infinity Ward, 2007 - Call of Duty modern warfare

How are they ripping off COD when EA did a modern warfare game first i know who is ripping off who and its not EA

Akai Shizuku

New member
Jul 24, 2009
Over_Krill said:
Akai Shizuku said:
I never cared about the MoH series, and I doubt this is going to change my mind.

It's obvious they're just ripping off of CoD.

EDIT: Either you play as a different character ("the enemy's" side, for instance) or I will continue to not care.
EA, 2005 - Battlefield 2
Activision and Infinity Ward, 2007 - Call of Duty modern warfare

How are they ripping off COD when EA did a modern warfare game first i know who is ripping off who and its not EA
MoH still sucks major balls compared to CoD.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Right first off... MODERN WAR is not original to MODERN WARFARE funnily enough. There have been as many Modern War games out as there have been WW2 games... and i'm only thinking of fps's here. It's rediculous that Call of Duty gets such high appraisel yet anyone who sits down and actually observes what they are doing would see its just a standard shooter that lives off the success of every other bloody shooter. You run around and shoot crap... definately not that original. I'm not saying CoD is bad, i'm just saying its not the trend setter some people think it is.

And before i get an earfull regarding the "innovations" of their multiplayer, remember, EA was first on the "Modern Warfare with serious multiplayer" band wagon long before CoD:MW... Don't tell me you all forgot battlefield 2 (which is tons better actually imho).

Secondly EA are not a noble company and will proceed to suck the essence out of any platform/genre/small child that they see as profitable. However, they have had a good track record lately and have been striving towards originality or at least a fresh take on certain all too well known formulas. So i say let them leech off of the bewildiring successes of MW, who knows they might actually pull it off. Short of Stubborness from the fanbase i doubt it would be too hard to take a step above Modern Warfare 2 (it's not that mind blowing really).


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Took them long enough to catch onto the "Modern Warfare" craze--not that they'll do it as well as Activision, I'll wager.