EA Announces New Medal of Honor


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Akai Shizuku said:
Over_Krill said:
Akai Shizuku said:
I never cared about the MoH series, and I doubt this is going to change my mind.

It's obvious they're just ripping off of CoD.

EDIT: Either you play as a different character ("the enemy's" side, for instance) or I will continue to not care.
EA, 2005 - Battlefield 2
Activision and Infinity Ward, 2007 - Call of Duty modern warfare

How are they ripping off COD when EA did a modern warfare game first i know who is ripping off who and its not EA
MoH still sucks major balls compared to CoD.
It might but you can't say they ripping off CoD


Queen of France
Mar 14, 2009
I wasn't interested till DICE were doing the multiplayer.

I'll buy it.
Furburt said:
Oh this is just pathetic. They completely rip off Call Of Duty already to the nth degree, and now this? Seriously, this is worse than Chinese WoW clones.
Medal of Honor has been around longer than Call of Duty.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Dear game developers,
you managed to suck the WWII scenarios bone dry in the frame of just a few years. It's understandable why hardly any big name developer wants to do WWII anymore. But have you guys ever considered trying to get OFF that threadmill and not make the same mistake over and over again? It's like you're jumping ship, but not to dry land, but to a different boat, and all together. You ever considered this one might sink too in a not-doo-distant future?
Seriously, with the current state of affairs, I give the modern war FPS three years until it's done to death. Thanks to EA, it's already showing signs of fatigue: This supposedly all-new MoH seems to copycat Modern Warfare 2 down to even the most obscure details, even the cover art (supposing it's real) looks kinda the same. That's not to say that this new MoH will be a bad thing - it could actually be doing well, hell, it might even do a lot of things better than MW. But it still feels bland.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
"to ensure the game offers "the most authentic modern war experience" possible."

Which naturally includes regenerating health. You know, authentic.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
gRiM_rEaPeRsco said:
the guy on the box art has a big beard, this must mean it will be good
Exactly the same thing i thought xD
"Gosh that's a nice beard right here mister, now I feel compelled to this title by a power of this badass beard"


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Furburt said:
Oh this is just pathetic. They completely rip off Call Of Duty already to the nth degree, and now this? Seriously, this is worse than Chinese WoW clones.
you do know that the medal of honor franchise was out way before the call of duty franchise right?


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Medal of Honor is currently in development for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, and is scheduled for release sometime in 2010.
Joyous. Another shooter set in Iraqistan for me to ignore while I play FFXIII, AC2 and DA:O.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Wow, never saw that coming... :p

I used to love MoH, especially Allied Assault, but this is a tad pathetic. Unless its radically different from MW2 or any games of their ilk (unlikely) then my interest is pretty much nil.

Also, the teaser trailer sucks even more then teasers usually do :(

Danny Ocean said:
Why does everyone seem to forget about this [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battlefield_2], arguably one of the greatest games ever, with one of the most refined squad play experiences, when they discuss war games set in the modern era?

CoD4 wasn't the first, you know.​
I haven't forgotten :)

I still used to play it until recently, its a freakin fantastic game. Roll on BC2 :D

GamingAwesome1 said:
Greaaat..... another boring as fuck brown WW2 game that we are desperately trying to get rid of.

I hated MOH and I'm willing to bet I still will. It's just so.....boring.
Your avatar, coupled with what you just said, actually made me laugh out loud.

Try reading the article next time, unless you like looking like a fool :p


New member
Oct 25, 2009
qbanknight said:
never seen anybody in the armed forces with a grizzly beard like that, but ok
most special forces guys tend to keep their hair styles because it helps them blend in with the civvies more. just my .2 cents. also, if moh can pull it off without making it sluggish like say, European assault. i wont complain. also the weapons have to work right, i'm always a stickler for that.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
VitusPrime said:
finally, were getting out the era of shite that was the common baddie was a nazi
...but now the common baddie will either be Russian or Middle-Eastern.

Not much changes.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
IckleMissMayhem said:
Andy Chalk said:
Medal of Honor is currently in development for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, and is scheduled for release sometime in 2010.
Joyous. Another shooter set in Iraqistan for me to ignore while I play FFXIII, AC2 and DA:O.
Haha, those are all on my list. Including some others, namely Mass Effect 2...

captain wow

New member
Apr 3, 2009
JohnReaper said:
First real shooter I played was Medal of Honor for the playstation i still rember the demo like it was yesterday

This game will hlep the players learn German with phrases such as

translation is

sigh COD and MOH is great and yea COD got the jump on Modern warfare gaming but MOH will most likely take MW2 and shove it up COD's rear end

Thats why you don't mess with veterans

You got that Activision

Fact: Call of duty was released in 2003
MOH was released *dramatic gasp* in 1999 yes thats right MOH was the first game to ever bring ww2 in to such refinment for a shooter
Dude what about Wolfenstein? That did WW2 (well Nazi's anyway) way before MOH. And what about Rise of the Triads? Wait, forget that one, I might just be the only person outside of the development team that ever played that DOS shareware masterpiece.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
This is gonna have to be a pretty spectacular game to catch my attention. MoH as a series has been caught in the samey mire for a LONG time.

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
First of all, I'll say that I never bought a MW game, and don't plan to, I played COD4 a few times and it was good and all but I never thought it was as good as the old MoHs or Killzone 2 and since I have Rising sun and Killzone 2 I figured theres no point in getting MW. But this might be the only FPS that i'm actually looking forward to other than Killzone 3 and Timesplitters 4

And this next bit goes to anyone who says that this is just a copy of MW:
I learned from Gamespot today that Infinity Ward was set up by ex-Medal of Honor workers(everyone probably already knew that but stick with me) so it seems to me to be mirroring the whole Guitar Hero/Rock Band Thing:
Makers of Original Good titles(Medal of Honor:Frontline+Rising Sun and Guitar hero 1+2) split of and make new series with new inovation(Rock Band and Modern Warfare) and then the orignal series releases similar titles(new Medal of Honor and Guitar Hero: World Tour). So by calling this a copy of CoD, your also calling Guitar Hero a copy of Rock Band.

Hopefully though, this long wait we've gone through for this new MoH will be worth the wait, unlike the GH games which come out like rabbits and have little or no differences. Chances are though, because it is being released later than MW, there may be improvements, so it could be a lot better. The developers appear to be re-inventing the series, which could mean either; looking back at past games to see what made them good, or starting from scratch. Both options would be avoiding the mistakes of the recent MoH releases

EDIT: I ought to mention that all the Good MoHs has really good historical opening levels(D-Day, Pearl Harbour) so the new one better have one two, considering its afganistan, I don't really know what it could be

Korey Von Doom

New member
May 18, 2008
I think the trailer looks really good, alot more real than Modern Warfare. Though too much real in games makes them boring, but I'm sure they will find a good balance.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I am amazed at how many people would take time out of their day to bash the game into the ground based simply on its concept, knowing so little about actual gameplay or anything. Give this game dedicated servers, and the ability to lean, and it should be the best selling game of all time, right? All those people (millions) that want to shoot their buddies up in a modern setting will be rushing out to buy this if it does, right? So we can show IW how we feel about their product?

Or will people just bash it for trying to "rip off" MW2? People should see this as an opportunity to maybe have some critical demands met, or at least light a fire under IW's asses to fix their game.
Sep 9, 2007
captain wow said:
JohnReaper said:
First real shooter I played was Medal of Honor for the playstation i still rember the demo like it was yesterday

This game will hlep the players learn German with phrases such as

translation is

sigh COD and MOH is great and yea COD got the jump on Modern warfare gaming but MOH will most likely take MW2 and shove it up COD's rear end

Thats why you don't mess with veterans

You got that Activision

Fact: Call of duty was released in 2003
MOH was released *dramatic gasp* in 1999 yes thats right MOH was the first game to ever bring ww2 in to such refinment for a shooter
Dude what about Wolfenstein? That did WW2 (well Nazi's anyway) way before MOH. And what about Rise of the Triads? Wait, forget that one, I might just be the only person outside of the development team that ever played that DOS shareware masterpiece.
But... RoTT was set on San Nicolas Island, not in Germany and you were fighting a cult, not Nazis. Its original intention was to be a sequel to Wolfenstein, but that's not how it turned out, however. *Still has the CD for Rise of The Triad: Dark War*

*EDIT* I was just reading the wikipedia entry for RoTT and apparently Apogee are going to look at doing a reboot for RoTT. I don't know any more about it (apparently there will be news coming "soon"), but if it comes to PC I am so ****ing buying it.