EA: "Battlefield 3 is designed to take Call of Duty down."


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Sjakie said:
a couple 100 million $ in marketing?

Couldn't they have made an even better game with that money?

EA should be bitchslapped these days!
It's what sells games, not the game itself. I could put out a shit game and as long as enough people hype it like a clean whore, it will sell. Look at COD, has it innovated in its last few iterations? No, yet every release constantly ranks 9.0+ scores based entirely off hype while similar games get bagged in their reviews for not adding anything new to the game/genre.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
I hope they go back to their roots. BC2 was boring imo. I want BF2 and 2142 all over again. If they just copy paste CoD, I'm going to stick with Americas Army and CoD4 (the only good one imo.)

Edit: There's also Lead and Gold for a short fun time. Battlefield Heroes is pretty fun if a bit too simple.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Game Industry Goal #1: Make an MMORPG that KILLS WoW!
Game Industry Goal #2: Make an FPS that KILLS CoD!


New member
Nov 14, 2010
the difference between this attempt and the medal of honor attempt, is that battlefield has always rocked.
its always uping the engine, it always (when it has one) carries a good story, and the fact that it has destructible environment WITH vehicles such as fighter jets....thats just friggin metal.

besides, even the more logical COD fans are having trouble properly defending the game (i say properly because the ones that will usually argue talk the most ignorant and stupid speak that makes your ears bleed because they tend to have the mind set of 11 year olds.)

and i hope the single player to BF3 is as good as the bad company stories, though im sure it wont be near as funny.

Atmos Duality

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Mar 3, 2010
I'm sorry EA, but you've already blew your chance.
Everyone will remember the first impression you made with the Medal of Honor re-debut, and that failed to unseat Call of Dung. Unless your game revolutionizes the industry (which it won't, I can say with 100% certainty) you will be regarded as mere "posers". Hell no matter how good your game is I think you'd still be regarded as posers.

It's the same mentality that ensured Halo's dominance before CoD4.

Nic Groves

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Apr 6, 2011
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Pffft! You kids with your BFs and CoDs.

Real men play ArmA 2. :p

Or at least play Project Reality for BF2. Which ive become quite fond of.
In my own opinion Battlefield has always beaten CoD. Apart from VCod, Uo, 2 and 4. those will always be my favorites. Battlefield 2 is right up there. but being a young kid playing VCoD...and NOT BEING WHINY. (annoying little shits on the xbox these days) was quite fun.
I wish more kids didnt whine. I mean VCoD didnt have stats. Or Unlocks. It was just straight forward shoot the bad guy. But. It hasnt been beaten in my mind as the best game i've ever played.


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Nov 12, 2009
HerbertTheHamster said:
Does this mean it'll be a consolised piece of shit with killstreaks and 6v6 tiny maps?

This seems to be the ideal for games supposed to "beat" COD.
Actually the PC version is going to have 32v32 player matches. They said in Gameinformer that they are trying to reach more to the PC audience, which I think is a pretty cool move for EA.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Sorry, EA. You're not gonna unseat CoD by beating it at its own game. CoD owns the modern FPS market, like WoW owns the fantasy MMORPG market. WoW clones are a dime a dozen and they don't even make a dent in WoW's market share. Battlefield could be a great, fun, polished shooter, but it's targeting the same audience that CoD already has pinned down. You won't beat CoD, but you could maybe be a distant, distant second.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
halo3rulzer said:
HerbertTheHamster said:
Does this mean it'll be a consolised piece of shit with killstreaks and 6v6 tiny maps?

This seems to be the ideal for games supposed to "beat" COD.
Actually the PC version is going to have 32v32 player matches. They said in Gameinformer that they are trying to reach more to the PC audience, which I think is a pretty cool move for EA.
that's what they said for bad company 2 too though, and what do we have? smaller maps and not really progressed graphics, so the aged console hardware can keep up. dumped down gameplay so it appeals to console players too, especially the younger generations. no going prone, out of buttons on the controlers or what? make my own dedicated server? nope! lan support? nada. the onslaught-mode? not for us pc-lowlifes not. patches? yeaaaah well maybe, but each time with weeks or even months of delay. overpriced dlc? that we got.

i don't have anything against consoles or console players, but i dislike the way they affect the direction gaming is developing in, in all of the above ways.

bc2 is still fun though^^

(great captcha, "concerned coffee." not quite as good as the "university of cocks" the other day though.)


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
I think EA and DICE and WHO EVER is making this game can do it. I bought Bad Company 2 back last summer and I loved it. Vietnam just made it even better. I have confidence.


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Jun 15, 2009
StarStruckStrumpets said:
I have high hopes for Battlefield 3. Do me a favour though, keep COD's playerbase the fuck away. Please.
My thoughts exactly. I don't want Battlefield 3 to steal COD's playerbase because, if it does, no matter how good the game is, the general community will ruin it


New member
Oct 18, 2010
In my opinion Call of Duty is on its last legs. Call of duty black ops multilayer is just really bad.

Most of the PCgamers that I know play Battlefield bad company 2 over CoD:BO, its the closest thing we have to a modern Battlefield. Every one I know that plays PC Fps is hyped up about BF3, the possibility of another battlefield 2 with more solid game play and boom boom walls.

Will it pass CoD, I think no. Will it be better then Cod I say YES!

And for PC gamers I think its are next best shooter : D

Edit. Can every one stop saying your not going to beat Cod at its own game. CoD games and Battlefield games are Nothing alike. Battle field = mates working together in 1/2 groups, big maps, Armor and aircraft, team work. Call of duty = unlocks, small tight maps, Rambo 32/3 barging rights, unexplained boner at kill cam.


Walking Mass Effect Codex
Jun 11, 2010
Oh look, EA is claiming their product will be a killer of the most popular game in that genre.

Where have I heard this before...


New member
Dec 3, 2008
They would win over the PC crowd quite easily if they just made the game properly on the platform. Crytek failed us, by releasing a game with barely any PC options (like you cant even host private servers) and no working anti-cheat. Treyarch produced a game that lags (even on my GTX460) hardcore and was once again limited and lets not go back into the PC rage at MW2. I do really like all 3 of those games though, just one decently designed PC shooter would be nice, not another console port.

Dr. Feelgood

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Jul 13, 2010
Fenreil said:
In sales? Almost definitely not.

In terms of quality? They've got that in the fucking bag.
I couldn't agree with you more. Nothing will stop people from buying Call of Duty games.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Hopefully in their war to take back the crown they dont become the hated Call of Duty enemy


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Honestly BF2 was extremely good, but the battlefield series has been declining in gameplay since then.

I could see a great BF3 which has a ton of success. Afterall the FPS market is large, and if a great AAA title comes out many people will buy it.

On the other hand I could see BF3 continuing the trend and producing a subpar FPS such as the BF:BC series.

So yeah it's possible this time around, but I doubt it. The frostbite engine isn't very smooth, the class system is too rock/paper/sissors and the servers are not good enough. BF3 will need to really touch on those issues if it wants to compete with CoD which has fluid gameplay and a great engine.