EA: "Battlefield 3 is designed to take Call of Duty down."


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
JourneyThroughHell said:
MiracleOfSound said:
If they spent that money optimising it to run at 60FPS... then they might have a chance against COD.
Controls, man. It's all about the tight controls.

Oh, and having a singleplayer that DOESN'T SUCK would help, not that they seem to have a problem with that, judging by the trailers.
Yeah it looks cool doesn't it?

And you're right, they'll have to make the controls more fluid (so that you and Colin can laugh hysterically as you skillfully manouvre and humiliate me :D


New member
Sep 21, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
Yeah it looks cool doesn't it?

And you're right, they'll have to make the controls more fluid (so that you and Colin can laugh hysterically as you skillfully manouvre and humiliate me :D
Oh, and the knifing. Please don't do Commando so I can actually shoot people.

Colin is Blade, I swear.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
JourneyThroughHell said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Yeah it looks cool doesn't it?

And you're right, they'll have to make the controls more fluid (so that you and Colin can laugh hysterically as you skillfully manouvre and humiliate me :D
Oh, and the knifing. Please don't do Commando so I can actually shoot people.

Colin is Blade, I swear.
I. Hate. Him. When. He. Knifes. Me.

The annoying, mocking, laugh.... ARGH!


New member
Sep 21, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
I. Hate. Him. When. He. Knifes. Me.

The annoying, mocking, laugh.... ARGH!
Well, at least you could take revenge on him with enless RC-Cars via Hardline.

Did I mention Miracle does that? And he has the AUDACITY to complain about Black Ops.

The Apothecarry

New member
Mar 6, 2011
I have to ask what the next Call of Duty game is even going to be about. You'd think that Treyarch and Infinity Ward would've run out of wars to use by now.

I'll also be honest and say that Battlefield has never really grabbed me as good shooter. I'm not saying it's a terrible game at all, but between me and the game I feel like some element of intensity is missing.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
There's one problem with this that I can see...

Many people will look at Battlefield 3, possibly even conclude that it is better than CoD based on a variety of things (ads, friends, forums etc) and STILL buy CoD because it's what they've always done.

Although besides the fanbase, I don't actually despise CoD

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
By making another modern war game. Neat.

And either way, it isn't going to do shit. Might be a good game, but unless it comes with free orgasms, it doesn't have a chance.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Will EA ever stop attempting to "take down" Call of Duty? Has the industry changed so much? Remember the days when quality was more important than taking down your competition? Seriously guys, focus on making a GOOD GAME. If it IS good then people will buy it. The only reason most "modern" shooters fail so much is because they attempt to copy Call of Duty's formula and cater to Call of Duty fans. What they forget is that Call of Duty fans are just that, CALL OF DUTY fans. Cater to a different audience, this ones taken.

Azrael the Cat

New member
Dec 13, 2008
HankMan said:
The only thing EA ever took down was Pandemic
*still bitter*
The only thing? What about Origin Studios, Westwood, Maxis, and Bullfrog, amongst many many others? There's a whole wikipedia page listing all the studios that EA has acquired and then shut after killing their IPs by turning lovingly crafted games into sequel-per-year production-line rushjobs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_acquisitions_by_Electronic_Arts. Out of the 4 I just listed, you got a serious contender for greatest ever crpg developer, a serious contender for greatest RTS-developer, and the hands-down two best sim+strategy developers. And in each case it was just a few years and a handful of games before they were killed off and their IPs turned to casual shovelware.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Pffft! You kids with your BFs and CoDs.

Real men play ArmA 2. :p

AIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! That's just plain crazy.
May have to invest in ARMA2 then...

OT: BF3 won't exactly have to try that hard, considering that Call of Duty has been pretty stale IMO since CoD WaW.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Axolotl said:
gigastar said:
Isnt that what they said with the Medal of Honor reboot?
And Battlefield Bad Company 2 and I'm sure several other games.

The key point they're missing is that you can't beat a franchise by copying it. CoD didn't take the FPS crown from another modern day FPS it took it from Halo, the main reason people loved CoD4 (apart from the tight gameplay and very well-done story) was because it WASN'T the same as previous big FPS series, it wasn't WW2 and it wasn't in space this made it fresh. None of the Halo clones ever came close to beating Halo and no FPS set in the modern day will beat CoD.
I agree with you in general, but I would like to point out that Battlefield 2 was about Modern warfare - and it came 2 years before Cod4 Modern Warfare.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
EA, you'd better not be fucking copying CoD - Bad Company was sweet, hampered only by my persistent connection difficulties. Stepping up the same would be a win in my book, but if you go and just duplicate the market leader I'm gonna be soooo disappointed :/

Remember MoH? Your last 'CoD Killer'? Yeah, just stop comparing with other games and stand proud with the IP you've got :/

Jesse Billingsley

New member
Mar 21, 2011
Floppertje said:
Axolotl said:
Well, you have to admire EA's persistance at least. If at first you don't succeed try again and again until the sun explodes. I'm sure they'll learn eventually.
you think? this IS EA we're talking about. so... yay, another realistic military shoot. cause we don't have enough of those yet.
And how many realistic shooters do we have that are good? Last time I played operation Flashpoint I pulled the game out after the first mission and played COD


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Battlefield tries to copy cod in so many ways, heck when you start a mission it does the same zoom in on the map thing that cod does. But the game was still fun and I think Battlefield 3 should be good though I liked BF2


404Th Ravens. No.04
Nov 19, 2009
I do hope BF3 dethrone COD, but keep in mind they are two different game... One being a tactical FPS, the other being more like Counter Strike.

Still,I do not like how EA is being such a bully with their marketing... Ah well, they BETTER make BF3 a truly good game, otherwise ... well, it would be embarrassing for EA, and imagine the number of RAGE it will generate should it fail.