EA: "Battlefield 3 is designed to take Call of Duty down."


New member
Feb 26, 2009
although BF3 will obviously be the better game, as BF always has been, the pre-teen boys, football players, and other "gamers" who play nothing but CoD are not going to care. they probably dont even know what Battlefield is, and dont want to.



New member
Oct 29, 2010
Is it just me or does this seem like a bad idea? EA look what you did to the new Medal of Honour, some might say it was good but most say it was bad and not what they were expecting. Please don't ruin battlefield becuase we don't want CoD to be the only adequate shooter out there. Okay there are other great shooters but I'm trying to make a point here! (and I mean in multiplayer for the most part)


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Saucycardog said:

And with over $100 million in marketing, I think they could at least come close to getting COD.
No they wont. And they never will. Imagine if you will someone said "I think augi will finally kill of Piggott with thier new car" youd think they were an idiot. You dont "kill off" a different flavor of something just because one is more popular. "If strawberry gets more popular chocolate WILL BE KILLED!!!!!" is also a dumb statement of the same calibre.

Vault boy Eddie

New member
Feb 18, 2009
Fenreil said:
In sales? Almost definitely not.

In terms of quality? They've got that in the fucking bag.
Unfortunately this. Too many lemmings will buy MW3, knowing it'll be the exact same setup as Black Ops. I for one am getting Battlefield, i'll play the other one from a friend that'll surely get it.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
I like CoD.
I want to play Battlefield.

Do these two statements bother you Battlefield fans THAT much? If Battlefield 3 completely kills CoD, which is albeit very very unlikely and it's entire community comes over to Battlefield, will it really be that bad? I mean, I know CoD's community can be narrowed down into 3 groups, namely 10 year old squeaky kids with bad manners and complete assholes with nothing better to do than abuse anyone that dares so much as breath down their mics and then of course, the nice people that just want to have a good time but really, if CoD's community doesn't make the game implode on itself then it's not really gonna do the same to Battlefield is it?

Please, Battlefielders... Stop it with the "Waaaa DO NOT WANT" attitude. We're all gamers here and we should have the freedom to play what we want.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
But this won't work, because people don't buy CoD because of its quality of a game. They buy it because it's CoD; because they bought the last one and the one before it and because all their friends are going to get it and because the ten billion OMG MODERN WARFARE 2 Facebook groups set up by Activision have put everyone into the mindset that CoD Is A Part Of Everyday Life. That's not going to change until someone else spends the GDP of a medium-sized country on advertising.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
TriggerOnly said:
In my opinion Call of Duty is on its last legs. Call of duty black ops multilayer is just really bad.

Most of the PCgamers that I know play Battlefield bad company 2 over CoD:BO, its the closest thing we have to a modern Battlefield. Every one I know that plays PC Fps is hyped up about BF3, the possibility of another battlefield 2 with more solid game play and boom boom walls.

Will it pass CoD, I think no. Will it be better then Cod I say YES!

And for PC gamers I think its are next best shooter : D

Edit. Can every one stop saying your not going to beat Cod at its own game. CoD games and Battlefield games are Nothing alike. Battle field = mates working together in 1/2 groups, big maps, Armor and aircraft, team work. Call of duty = unlocks, small tight maps, Rambo 32/3 barging rights, unexplained boner at kill cam.
I agree, at least with the fact that the two games aren't alike. They are both FPS's, but their focus is different.
Battlefield is about working together with team mates to win. I've had it pointed out to me that with the way COD works, you either have a good game, i.e you're on your best killstreak ever and you're winning, or your worst, where you die constantly.
In COD, only one person can be having fun at a time, and that's the guy winning. Plus, COD awards points for kills. Bttlefield awards points for achieving objectives, etc.
Also, even for their last game, COD's engine doesn't seem to have gone anywhere. At all.
While Battlefield is constantly improving their's, graphically and otherwise.
Both games have a different focus. However, in saying that, EA is trying to make their FPS combat more realistic with squad based combat and specialisations and the like. Activision doesn't seem to have learned or really changed anything about COD, especially for Black Ops. Most of the people I know have stopped playing COD after they played Battlefield.
Activision isn't going to stop making COD games because they get so overhyped by fanboys that they pretty much make their sales before it's even released. They don't need to improve on anything because people just buy it anyway. It depends on what you prefer. If you like team based combat, etc, Battlefield is better. If you like being a one man army, play COD.
IMO, Battlefield seems to be the better game, if only for better graphics, realism, physics engine, attention to detail, and accuracy (military wise.)
Take your pick. But Battlefield is definitely different to COD. And I hope it stays that way.


New member
Jan 10, 2011
ZeroG131 said:
I hope it doesn't get as "popular" as CoD because the last thing we need are a bunch of little 9 year old shits on it. Sure the PC will be fine, but the guys on consoles are pretty much screwed. God knows, we're gonna have to deal with kids who mistakingly got the game THINKING it was CoD. -_-
Yeah but we only lose a few kids in exchange for a massive glitching and hacking community.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
BiscuitTrouser said:
Saucycardog said:

And with over $100 million in marketing, I think they could at least come close to getting COD.
No they wont. And they never will. Imagine if you will someone said "I think augi will finally kill of Piggott with thier new car" youd think they were an idiot. You dont "kill off" a different flavor of something just because one is more popular. "If strawberry gets more popular chocolate WILL BE KILLED!!!!!" is also a dumb statement of the same calibre.
All I could get from that was you called my statement dumb. Well, people have different opinions dude. No need to call people dumb because of them.

Besides, I'm really interested in Battlefield 3 whether or not it can beat COD. But, I would probably be more excited for BattleFRONT 3.

Why do I care

New member
Jan 13, 2010
Honestly I liked Bad Company 2 more than CoD, but it's about the fans mostly. CoD will probably get better sales while B3 will be more tactical and strategic.

Now if you excuse me, I got to blow up a few buildings with my squad.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Saucycardog said:
BiscuitTrouser said:
Saucycardog said:

And with over $100 million in marketing, I think they could at least come close to getting COD.
No they wont. And they never will. Imagine if you will someone said "I think augi will finally kill of Piggott with thier new car" youd think they were an idiot. You dont "kill off" a different flavor of something just because one is more popular. "If strawberry gets more popular chocolate WILL BE KILLED!!!!!" is also a dumb statement of the same calibre.
All I could get from that was you called my statement dumb. Well, people have different opinions dude. No need to call people dumb because of them.

Besides, I'm really interested in Battlefield 3 whether or not it can beat COD. But, I would probably be more excited for BattleFRONT 3.
Im saying its a common phrase we throw around without actually thinking about the way the industry works. You can never "kill a company" they both occupy different spaces in the market and have large fanbases, just because Y becomes MORE popular than X, that doesnt mean X is suddenly UNpopular. All the people who like X STILL like X and as such it isnt "dead" or "taken down" its just become a close second still with a monolithic fanbase. I wasnt calling it dumb, i was saying that if you use the same statement with other examples it sounds dumb... why do we use it with games? Im not really sure why.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Battlefield 3.

I say the series deserve a comeback, make my day EA.
[sub]Yes I am aware of Bad Company but that's a different style to the previous ones.[/sub]


New member
Apr 15, 2009
tbh, i hope more CoD kiddies play bf3, cuz then i'll get to enjoy another eventful few months of "spot the CoD player!" and lolzing at them, and listening to them ***** and complain about a game w/ real quality. (the previous season concluded many months ago on bfbc2.)


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
If they spent that money optimising it to run at 60FPS... then they might have a chance against COD.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
mighty_wambat said:
100 million that did not go to 64 players on the console.
It's not like you can just squeeze $ into an xbox or ps3 and make it play well with 64 players.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
What, by copying it? Fuck off, EA.

That said, it probably will be better, although not as successful.

Saucycardog said:
Besides, I'm really interested in Battlefield 3 whether or not it can beat COD. But, I would probably be more excited for BattleFRONT 3.
Too true :p If only Pandemic hadn't buggered off and died.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
If they spent that money optimising it to run at 60FPS... then they might have a chance against COD.
Controls, man. It's all about the tight controls.

Oh, and having a singleplayer that DOESN'T SUCK would help, not that they seem to have a problem with that, judging by the trailers.