blubseabass said:
The whole Sims 4 thing has made me sad to no end. Not because of EA. Ow no. Because of gamers.
I have nothing to do with EA or the development of the Sims, and I've been a great fan of it since the Sims 1. The hate TS4 gets is absolutely insane. I've played it 30 hours just this weekend and I can't wait to go home from work to play it again. I love it, and I especially love the new features.
Now you don't have to like the game. Go ahead and do not like it. You probably didn't like it before you played it to begin with. Fun is in the eye of the beholder. But what I absolutely despise is that Maxis/EA obviously took a gamble with their game, trying to improve the core at the cost of arguably stuff that is not the most important in the Sims, and all they get is hate. That is just unfair. The Sims 4 was born dead. The Sims 3 was the biggest addition a game could make. It could have never succeeded. We are so god damn focused on loss, that we kill ourselves and our industry by demanding everything. Because we gamers always want fucking everything on a fucking silver plate and are such decadent pieces of shit that if 2 or 3 features from a previous iteration don't make it in the new iteration, we spew out or conservative hate all over those who are really trying to move the game forward. Absolutely despicable.
It's NOTHING like the SimCity, where the game just didn't work at launch. It's way more like Civilization 5 vs Civilization 4.
If you don't want to play a new game, go play the old one you conservative decadent pig. Stay away with your pig arms from my developers that are trying to find fantastic new ways to improve my favorite franchises.
Yes, I'm furious.
Original post is about how EA would not make any more Sims if enough people stay away from Sims 4.
Blueseabass, apparent fan of series, tells people to stay away from his precious game and not touch it with our filthy pig hands.
What the hell am I reading here? I could go on to the claims about Maxis "bold" move to try new waters with Sims 4 but there is only so much time I am willing to sacrifice to efforts I fully well know to be futile.
OT: I don't Envy mister Gurus job. But the post that prompted the "no sale, no future" comment pretty much nails the bare minimum that should have been in Sims 4:
Here's what I'd like in the base game--pretty please?:
1. More than 8 careers, including typical sim careers such as the medical profession and business careers.
2. Please make actual babies, instead of objects that are tied to their bassinets.
3. Please include basic life stages including toddlers.
4. Please include CASt.
5. A complete open world without loading screens - unless you include a load screen to a separate neighborhood.
6. Please include varying heights in all age groups.
7. Please update the graphics to compete with Sims 3, and make it obvious that this is truly a 'Next Generation Game'; it doesn't have to be GTA V graphics, just something slightly better than TS3 and not so darn cartoonish. Please?
8. Please ensure there are minimal routing errors in the open world. If modders can do this, EA game devs should be able to do this. No?
9. Please ensure there is minimal clipping.
10. Please include basics such as swimming pools in the base game.
11. Please charge a reasonable amount for this. $70 is fine, because a base game like this would be worlds better than TS4.
12. Please include a family tree.
13. Please include realistic transportation--not teleporting."
Sad thing is, I first I glanced through it and thought "Ok, i'll include the most obvious necessary ones, I wont post whole 13 point list.", then I go trough the list, and facepalm as I realize they all really need to be included. Says something about Sims 4 as it is. Still, I am hoping the coming DLC will at least on some level fix this, which is also implied in some of Guru's comments.