Elder Scrolls Online's First Microtransaction Is a Horse


New member
Jan 29, 2014
The only thing keeping me from TES:O Before now was the sub fee, and the fact that the Bosmer ears look like melted prosthetics. But now? Something else to add to the list! Yaaay!

Seriously, though. The introduction of a shop this early tells me that TES:O Might be going the way of TSW (Buy + Sub for the first few months, then Buy + No sub + cash shop after that) Which, personally, wouldn't be a bad thing. If that were the case then I'd buy the game and probably just ignore the shop.

If, however, they intend to keep the sub fee? I give this game a lifespan of about one, or one and a half years - tops - before it comes crashing down. Which is a shame, because it's actually quite an enjoyable game with some nifty features in it. But I digress...
Dec 2, 2013
Cognimancer said:
why walk when you can ride?
Well played.

The triple dip cash grab nonsense has already killed what interest I had in Elder Scrolls Online, but seriously what is the point of wasting time trying to be World of Warcraft? We have World of Warcraft, can't beat World of Warcraft at being World of Warcraft now can you?


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Cognimancer said:
Be careful, Bethesda. You're dangerously close to your Horse Armor days, and nobody wants to revisit those memories.
Bethesda sure as hell does! They made a fortune off that damned horse armor. even they couldn't figure out why. It was like they installed a "print money" button on the server console.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Ok so... You CAN get a horse without spending cash but it's a grind, and is something you pretty much need since the world is supposed to be really big... That's not even a "convenience" option, that's just being a c*nt
romxxii said:
It's Oblivion's Horse Armor DLC all over again. Memories.
Except that in Oblivion horses were free... ish. No... I didn't steal one, don't talk about it.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
so you can buy a horse in game .... nothing to see here its just a bunch of qq about people getting things without major impact early. I remember old time wow players complaining about noobs getting mounts early as well and its all stupid.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Remus said:
Hey look, I stepped in an Escapist ESO thread again. Guess I better don the riot gear because people are gonna rage about something. Best guess is this horse might run you $5. It's a plain white beginner mount, not a fancy fairy dragon that changes every color of the rainbow. There is no mount restriction in ESO - if you have a horse, you can ride a horse. So all those people getting the special eds get a free beginner mount, not a fast mount, just a little faster than just sprinting. Take a minute to go look at the WoW store, I'll wait
Ok, done? What we have here is a bat for $25, a horse for $25, a goat for $25, a lion thing for $25 and a dragon for $10 (which btw is only $10 because it's from the last expac). I'd rather not go through the pets because there are soooo many.

What this horse presents players is an in-between option for those who want a mount at the start but don't want to pay the full price for the deluxe edition. It's the not-normal-but-not-deluxe option, that is all. WoW has and will continue to do far worse. Just look at the level to 90 option for their latest cash grab, and yet I see nobody, NOBODY complaining about that as much as they seem intent to defacate on this game. If you don't like it, don't play it. I won't miss you. But don't pretend that having a cheap starter mount ready to go out of the gate is somehow a giant affront to some misplaced sense of morality.
Yeaaaah... those are vanity pets.. they dont give you any real advantage, never have in WoW.

Meanwhile especialy if you want to do PvP early a mount will be a huge bonus. You can get around quicker then on foot and thus can react faster. Given its only a matter of time till everyone eventually has mounts but this shows that Zenimax is more then willing to sell real advantages ingame for real cash.

Not only that but WoW was cash shop free for many many many years and only very slowly added stuff to the cash shop only reacting to player demands and not forcing the cash shop onto people. You cant even access the cash shop from inside the game client if i remember correctly.

Sorry but first deliver a good game and let it run for a year or two and THEN you can open up a cash shop if you are running subscriptions. This? This feels like the game design was intentionally compromised to sell you stuff through the cash shop, the inflated mount prises for ingame money bought mounts kinda give that away.

Sorry but you cannot compare a game that almost ran over a decade with an upstart by the numbers mmo that wants to tripple dip your wallet before it goes f2p.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I don't get it. I thought these days would be easier for games to get out there and start well (especially with a popular name), so why does it cost so much?

I played Lineage 2 when it started and it basically was an experiment at the time with many changes on improving promised. You just downloaded it for free and you also got a free month of play time as well, and that carried on for 4 years! That's till the owners changed and fucked everything up. But how was Lineage 2 able to last so long for so cheap? They had to do constant updates and clean the servers every week, and it's no different now so why?


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
iblis666 said:
so you can buy a horse in game .... nothing to see here its just a bunch of qq about people getting things without major impact early. I remember old time wow players complaining about noobs getting mounts early as well and its all stupid.
what is qq? I have a strong feeling it's a new way to antagonize people.

Edit: Ok, it's been answered.

Li Mu

New member
Oct 17, 2011
I think many of you didn't quite read the article properly. It says 'entry level' horse. So basically you will have a horse from the very start and not have to level up and buy one later.

It's a stupid idea anyway. I remember getting my mount in WOW back in vanilla. Getting a mount was a real mark of achievement and levelling. It was cool to have a mount because it also meant that you'd made it to level 40. It was almost a status symbol. Who gives a fuck about a horse when you can just buy one and have it at lvl1?



Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Mr.Mattress said:
Really? I have to buy a Horse after I buy the game? That's ridiculous!

I was thinking about buying it, but I certainly won't now.
Incorrect, horses are available for purchase using in-game currency, albeit it's expensive to get a mount (similar to buying training in WoW, where for a lot of characters they would have to basically be saving up from the beginning to buy one when it became available).

In this particular case it's the direct result of whining on the part of certain players in the beta. The basic idea being that the people getting the Collector's Edition are saved some grinding time, and get a slightly different looking horse to show "hey, I spent money and supported the game". This is why a digital CE upgrade was made available so people could buy the CE advantages later if they didn't want (or couldn't afford) the CE up front. The horse appearing on it's own seems to be a direct response to further whining from people who say "don't want the Imperial Race" or the "Explorer's" benefits and just want the horse, so one with a palette swap was going to be put up for individual purchase.

To be honest, I do not much care for the fact that a game running off of a subscription model has a micro transaction store at all, that strikes me as being a recipe for disaster, and something that shouldn't be considered compatible with the typical game+subscription model, which I largely prefer as an alternative to cash shops for reasons I could explain again but would get well off topic.

To be honest people shouldn't be concerned about the mount, that's pure fluff, and honestly mounts have been coming with Collector's Editions seemingly forever now. "Old Republic Online" had it's CE speeder, different pre-order places gave people different "Siege Mounts" for "Age Of Conan", etc. They should probably be paying more attention to the other benefits:

The two major advantages of pre-ordering the game are access to The Imperial race, and what they call "Explorer's Pack Benefits" which allow you to play any race in any alliance. The competitive/PVP structure for ESO has 3 sides, each with 3 races with some attempt to balance them out, as each race has their own distinct set of racial abilities which they unlock and advance as a character progresses. Deciding you can say play a High Elf (perhaps the best offensive magic race) in The Ebonheart Pact (Argonians, Nords, and Dark Elves) when part of the point seems to be their lack of a dedicated "mage focused" race (Dark Elves are focused on being hybrid types at the best), represents a huge advantage, and one that will probably become more pronounced as guild-based PVP becomes more frequent and various buff-granting territories are captured and held. People with this ability are going to be more valued, and of course throwing a few specialists from one alliance into another can have a much bigger impact on overall balance than you might think. One point of concern I've had with ESO is what seems to be something of a lack of serious endgame or large-scale PVP testing. I have yet to see their raids/PVE endgame, and what PVP seems to be going on is pretty much run of the mill without the real metagame aspect of that being tested. The Imperial race (which our article writer calls "boring") is something only recently available for testing, and as such there hasn't been much large scale comparison of the race to others at the high levels. It seems fairly mundane, and perhaps even a bit "boring" (sword and shield exps boost, extra health unlocks, etc...) until you consider that the final ability is a 10% chance of doing a 4% lifesteal (ie give yourself 4% of your damage as healing) on all melee attacks. That has the potential to either be kind of pathetic, or really, really, broken, it's hard to say because it's not like we've seen large scale public testing (some people might have been able to, somehow, but not like this would need to be testing). It doesn't sound like a lot on it's own, but like all abilities it all depends on what other things you have going on in your build, and depending on how that stacks with later abilities, enchantments, equipment.... you could be looking at something that give the Imperial a decisive advantage over other races, especially if you work this into an already self-healing tank, or use it to augement a siphoning heavy Nightblade build, with the sword and shield gain boost and durability boost the race seems to designed to lean towards the former which arguably means what could very well be the best tanking race in the game is an exclusive.

In short, I do tend to agree that this is a little touchy, especially in a subscription based game. The Horse is arguably just cosmetic, and frankly everyone who plays is doubtlessly going to wind up with a mount. The other perks... not really.

They are also giving CE buyers an EXP booster item, Rings Of Mara, which are designed for small groups. The idea is you give one of the rings to another player you group with, and both of you get more exps while you play. If there is a cut off to how long this functions (like with The Secret World's exps booster items from their pre-orders) it hasn't been mentioned so I'm guessing "no". Given that this is a game where skills level up and it seems like it can mean as much as "leveling" this here could represent another really big deal.

That said I did pre-order ESO, I don't like a lot of things it's doing, but I'm frankly getting burned out with a lot of other MMOs, and from what I've seen in beta this might keep me going while I wait for something better to come out. The other big MMO I had my eye on was "Wildstar" (had problems with their beta running right though, and never got answers from their support).

At any rate ESO will get it's chance to 'wow' me after Beta, it's actually fairly decent, but has some serious drawbacks and more bugs this far into beta than most MMOs (this is comparative, I do a lot of betas, I expect bugs). It could be a blockbuster potentially but that would depend heavily on these plans for "constant, development and new content" which it seems almost every MMO promises but few deliver.

The major point of this rant is that yes, Bethesda *does* seem to be getting pretty greedy, and rapidly approaching a "worst case" with it's business model. It's just that people are looking at the wrong things, the horse is nothing, to be honest I'm kind of shocked so many people whined about that compared to the other things which have far more of a tangible, in-game effect, one of which seems custom designed to pretty much blow factional game balance out of the water.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I never understood MMOs, especially subscription based.
Monthly fees tied with quests designed to take as much time as possible without pissing the player off=We're riding you for every penny we can.
Then expansions, which, blows my mind people buy on top of a game buy and a monthly fee.
Then microtransactions

How much money does one need to blow on 1 game before it's too much? I mean I know MMO players and I don't even think they know why they're playing.

The answers I get are moot, "The community" and "it helps maintain the servers" and "They're always putting out new stuff"
I just dont' see the advantage to paying into a game like that monthly ontop of other things vs buying 1 self contained game where you play, enjoy, move on.

But whatever people are into I guess, I just don't get the appeal.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
The sad thing is that this game actually sounds like a lot of fun and I'm a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls series. However, this game's business model is constantly making me more and more certain that I'll never get it.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Elfgore said:
Are you telling me I have to pay real money to get a mount in the game? If that is the case, fuck zenimax. Because that is just messed up. It's almost like they want to ruin their IP with this game.

And this isn't dangerously close to horse armor, it has surpassed it. A mount is a must have in most MMOs, I'm assuming this game isn't any different.
Yup. Questing was doable, but good luck getting around in the PvP zone without a mount. If you'd die while sieging, the average corpserun was 10 minutes on foot.

I really had high hopes for ESO's mechanics, but it boggles the mind why they went for such a step cost of entry when they really need players a lot more than players need them.


New member
Jul 20, 2013
I love all this outrage at ESO like they are doing something new and vile. This is exactly the crap that WOW does. And the reason they are trying is millions of wow players were an still are willing to pay. This is solely those players fault. They set the standard and now we are stuck with it.

Screw mmo's just give me skyrim 2. Other players just ruin the experience most of the time anyway.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
I think most people are pissed about this not quite because of what exactly is being sold, but that a game which already has a controversial sub fee and box price has an item shop. Now there are infinite ways to do monetization, and all three could be a viable way of doing it. The problem is it continues to make Zenimax Online Studios seem more and more greedy. When half the people are waving torches screaming of already being exploited, it isn't a good idea to start proclaiming more taxes in their faces. Even if there is honest intention behind this, to a populous that is already largely skeptical about a sub fee, it just can't be seen positively.

WoW is doing the same thing, they just don't have anything to prove. They've got an MMO bigger and more packed with content than any other MMO, and while you can argue they're not exactly noble with their monetization, they built an ocean of content before they had a microshop. A new MMO that hasn't really blown away people in the beta coming into the race with the prices of a nearly 10 year old emperor of MMO's, in an age where its somewhat hard to even justify WoW's sub fee, its just off putting as a fan and potential consumer


New member
Jan 22, 2008
This won't work out for them. either you go microtransactions or you go subscriptions. you can't have both because one will drive the audience for the other away. anyone willing to pay $15 a month for an mmo these days is going to ***** endlessly about ANY microtransactions even if they are flawlessly implemented and in no way annoying. which is such a rare thing it's almost unicorn territory. listen closely and you can hear another mmo dying.