Escape to the Movies: Scre4m


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I actually like the scream movies, though each one is less good then the previous one and I'm going to see it with some friends on Monday night. The only really bad thing about the scream moves is that the started those horrible Scary/Whatever Movies.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Good review, insightful commentary on self-parody, a little less "butthurt nerd" next time.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
ya know. For a guy who loves video games especially Nintendo ones I would think you'd be a little more appreciative of that particular decade. As it stands the 90s was like the moment where cartoons just hit the zenith. Although you weren't a kid so maybe it wasn't very fun for an adult like yourself.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
The first Scream is a masterpiece, and the only horror to work within the genre while pointing out the cliches while not delving into camp. It's funny that this movie ruined Bob's glory of butting into conversations of people on line at Blockbuster or something.


New member
Nov 23, 2007
Hey Bob, if your "special talent" could be taken away by one movie, then maybe it wasn't much of a talent in the first place.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Having just seen Scream 4 only a few hours ago, I can safely say that Bob was totally off the nose with this one. Im sure he didn't like it, but the reasons why he said it was a bad movie aren't actually either there or as big as he makes it out to be. I still think that its a movie that works well when seen with friends, as its definitely the type of movie thats fun to watch and fun to talk about afterwards. If you haven't seen any Scream movie before and aren't sure or if you have seen any Scream movie before and hated it, I suppose try and find some clips online to see if its worth your time. If not, no big deal, as you didn't have to spend any money. But if like me you find it enjoyable then probably get some friends with you and go see it, I'm sure they'll enjoy it too.

Also, I swore myself I wasn't going to do this, but its been bugging me all day. Bob's "Skill" that apparently was stolen from him. Seeing as how Bob has made comments in previous vids in both here and Game Overthinker about how people have to embrace the fact that mainstream crowds like geek stuff now (he made a comment about those hating the Wii for bringing in more family oreinted mini-gamers are either douchebags or insecure), it seems clear that Bob isn't upset about more people being interested in something, hes worried about the "wrong people" getting interested. Look, jocks are annoying, I know, but doesn't having them be interested in your interests sort of a good thing? If they understand it more, than it means they have little ground to stand on in regards for justification as to why they purposefully piss you off or bully you. Even if that doesn't happen, they'll find themselves in a community now that frowns upon that kind of behaviour and will perhaps help them realize they don't have to change their preferences but rather their attitude towards others. The more popular something becomes, the more likely you're going to have to interact with people you normally dislike. Trying to avoid that will only make it worse, as it will convince those that you dislike that the medium you so cherise perhaps just isn't made for everyone and is perhaps not as objectively good as you like to think it is.

Redd the Sock

New member
Apr 14, 2010
Was anyone really expecting it to be good?

The first one was amusing, but got badly held back in what it was trying to be. It wanted to be a self aware horror movie, but was more a horror themed episode of Matlock. No supernatural. No creativwe kills. The villans' a guy in a cloak with a knife that could be given a beatdown by Jackie Chan on a coffee break. Nothing psychological. A few minutes of point out sluts die and saying I'll be right back is a deathwish doesn't help overcome the rest.

Still, at least they didn't lower my IQ by several points like the time I watch Scary Movie.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
There's gotta be a point where smug, self-awareness to your genre and its most cliche tropes turns into smug, self-aware, insufferable smartassedness.

Scream probably crossed that line and went straight off the cliff.


New member
May 28, 2008
I salute you for being able to sit through the whole movie, Bob. Just the commercials alone make me want to burn a small town.


Excess Ain't Rebellion
Jul 26, 2008
Redd the Sock said:
Was anyone really expecting it to be good?

The first one was amusing, but got badly held back in what it was trying to be. It wanted to be a self aware horror movie, but was more a horror themed episode of Matlock. No supernatural. No creativwe kills. The villans' a guy in a cloak with a knife that could be given a beatdown by Jackie Chan on a coffee break. Nothing psychological. A few minutes of point out sluts die and saying I'll be right back is a deathwish doesn't help overcome the rest.

Still, at least they didn't lower my IQ by several points like the time I watch Scary Movie.
What you are describing is not in any way the slasher flicks from the late 70s - mid 80s. If it isn't your bag that's cool, but Scream would not be what it set out to be if it had done any of those things.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I've heard mixed things about Scream 4: The Murdering... I sort of liked the first one, and the second one had some cool moments, never saw the third though. I'll probably netflix this some day in the future, but really, no movies have interested me at all since Hanna.

Oh yeah, everyone... go see Hanna

PS: Bob, the 90's rocked... they were waaaaaaaay better than the 80's (except for Saturday morning cartoons, but they had better cartoons any other day of the weak.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Man am I glad I only watched the first Scream on TV and then changed channels after watching it for 10 minutes. So freaking boring!


New member
Aug 1, 2008
"***** ***** ***** ***** whine whine whine ***** whine" - Movie Bob

I'm sorry that people picked on you for your qualities as a movie-nerd (qualities to be very proud of, imo)... but I suggest that you get over yourself.

I enjoyed the first Scream and it's self references, but do I agree that the subsequent ones sucked.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
ProtoChimp said:
teebeeohh said:
where does all the hate for the 90s come from?
is it because people who were born in the early 80s just went through puberty in the 90s and that universally sucks or something?
YES IT FUCKING WAS! Sorry I'm just spiteful because I WAS BORN IN THE 90'S YOU DICKS!
Hey I was born early 90s and I can attest that the 90s did suck for movies and TV shows, mostly owing to a way-too-early adoption of digital effects in fantasy films, and comedies and sitcoms basically turning into what everything Bob just said about the Scream franchise and why it sucked.

And The Simpsons premiered in 1989 so I think that's safe...


New member
Nov 23, 2009
I hate you guys. Yahtzee gets endless praise week after week, for being a petulant, hipster, jerk, or at least acting like one, but when Bob, who gives far more positive than negative reviews, says he doesn't like a movie and puts out front and center his personal reason for disliking the series, suddenly he's "the most biased, worthless, and egocentric person ever".

And Bob, please don't let the dickish reaction to your story stop you from sharing your personal feelings about a film or series with us again. I think I understood what you were saying, because a similar thing happened to me in high school when Napoleon Dynamite came out, and I hate that movie for it. Same for Fanboys. It also helps that neither of them are funny in the slightest or understand what nerd-dom is about.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
Someone sounds a little biased with this review. I am not a big Scream fan, but I could cut the impartiality with a knife.

cricket chirps

New member
Apr 15, 2009
XD hahahahahhahahahha! That was worth watching for ONE reason(because i already made up my mind not to see the movie) and that reason was the credits peice about the crow. xD omg! He BETTER not get the part. Great actor and i actually think ive liked every role he has done but....the crow? That's just not right for him.

On another note YAY a remake of the crow!....please dont suck like the sequals, please dont suck, PLEASE DONT SUCK.