Escape to the Movies: Scre4m


New member
Mar 8, 2011
Lol, so Bob gives us an insight to his nerdy past.

He likes to think he's a big movie buff, but I've never seen an episode of Escape to the Movies that lead me to believe that Bob is knowledgeable about films at all.

I like how he can shit all over the people who made Scream, but produces absolute trash like "the big picture" and "escape to the movies".

He's unfunny and obnoxious. I can imagine in real life he'd be really loud mouthed and just talks about stuff no one cares about.

cricket chirps

New member
Apr 15, 2009
omegawyrm said:
I hate you guys. Yahtzee gets endless praise week after week, for being a petulant, hipster, jerk, or at least acting like one, but when Bob, who gives far more positive than negative reviews, says he doesn't like a movie and puts out front and center his personal reason for disliking the series, suddenly he's "the most biased, worthless, and egocentric person ever".

And Bob, please don't let the dickish reaction to your story stop you from sharing your personal feelings about a film or series with us again. I think I understood what you were saying, because a similar thing happened to me in high school when Napoleon Dynamite came out, and I hate that movie for it. Same for Fanboys. It also helps that neither of them are funny in the slightest or understand what nerd-dom is about.
This guy deserves props. Props given.

OT: sorry for the double post

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
TheEggplant said:
canadamus_prime said:
TheEggplant said:
canadamus_prime said:
You know, it just occurred to me that Scream would be so much better if the characters, since they are so genre savy, actually subverted the usual horror/slasher movie tropes, by beating the shit out of ghostface when he shows up.
They do. They just don't win. The knife always gets them in the end.
Not that I've ever seen, all they ever seem to do is run around screaming like idiots, or cowering in a corner somewhere.
No offense but when was the last time you viewed one of the flicks, because...

At the beginning of the first movie Drew Barrymore beats Ghostface with the phone and makes a run across the yard only to be over taken. From then on whenever Neve Campbell is one-on-one with Ghostface she goes Jamie Lee and always escapes. Rose McGowan uses full beer bottles and tries to get out the pet door only to get stuck and broken. The end game finds Neve Campbell playing her own game of ?what's your favorite scary movie? then sticking Skeet Ulrich with an umbrella. She then puts Matthew Lillard's head through a T.V. just in time for Courteney Cox to plant a bullet in Skeet's brain.
The second one Jada Pinkett and Omar Epps are surprised but it happens in a public place and the phone game is eschewed. Sarah Michelle Geller puts up a fight and attempts to escape upstairs but is caught and thrown off the second story balcony. Courteney Cox and David Arquette both survive an extended chase and fight with Ghostface in the A/V building. The end has Neve fight Laurie Metcalf until it looks like she might actually lose only for Liev Schreiber to show up and save her with the gun.
Granted the third movie had lot more running around, but it wasn't penned by Kevin Williamson and chose to focus more on the voice change game. Because of this Liev Schreiber and Kelly Rutherford make a pretty good go at survival only to have mistrust get them in the end. The same voice change device leads Jenny McCarthy into the prop room where she tries to use the various implement for defense to no positive effect. The end finds Neve and Scott Foley beating the holy hell out of each other before Patrick Dempsey puts and end to it.

If you're thinking of the old movies Scream is troping then yes most of the victims just whimpered and waited to die. The Scream films really played with what was expected though and would follow or change the rules to suit the plot.
Ok granted, but I'm still unimpressed. When I said "beat the shit out of him" I didn't mean just knock him off balance and run away, I meant beat him to unconsciousness, bind him then get the fucking cops.


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Nurb said:
Marter said:
It's hard to "consider his words wisely" when he tells people that if they like The Expendables, they are, and I quote, "probably the worst kind of person".
He might have done that as a joke. Yahtzee insults his audience all the time in his rants.
Not a defense. Zero Punctuation is a comedy show, whereas this one is meant to be a somewhat serious review show.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
The 90s ruled. Great music, great cartoons, Nickelodeon in it's prime, awesome movies (first Scream included), birthplace of the internet, as well as the golden age of video games. I might feel somewhat biased simply because it's the decade I grew up with, but to say it sucked is a little harsh. What the 1980's were any better?

As for the Scream franchise, I have a hard time understanding how you hate a "meta before it was cool to be meta" film like the first Scream, yet embrace a much lazier movie like Paul that features many of the same type of humor.


Excess Ain't Rebellion
Jul 26, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
TheEggplant said:
canadamus_prime said:
TheEggplant said:
canadamus_prime said:
You know, it just occurred to me that Scream would be so much better if the characters, since they are so genre savy, actually subverted the usual horror/slasher movie tropes, by beating the shit out of ghostface when he shows up.
They do. They just don't win. The knife always gets them in the end.
Not that I've ever seen, all they ever seem to do is run around screaming like idiots, or cowering in a corner somewhere.
No offense but when was the last time you viewed one of the flicks, because...

At the beginning of the first movie Drew Barrymore beats Ghostface with the phone and makes a run across the yard only to be over taken. From then on whenever Neve Campbell is one-on-one with Ghostface she goes Jamie Lee and always escapes. Rose McGowan uses full beer bottles and tries to get out the pet door only to get stuck and broken. The end game finds Neve Campbell playing her own game of ?what's your favorite scary movie? then sticking Skeet Ulrich with an umbrella. She then puts Matthew Lillard's head through a T.V. just in time for Courteney Cox to plant a bullet in Skeet's brain.
The second one Jada Pinkett and Omar Epps are surprised but it happens in a public place and the phone game is eschewed. Sarah Michelle Geller puts up a fight and attempts to escape upstairs but is caught and thrown off the second story balcony. Courteney Cox and David Arquette both survive an extended chase and fight with Ghostface in the A/V building. The end has Neve fight Laurie Metcalf until it looks like she might actually lose only for Liev Schreiber to show up and save her with the gun.
Granted the third movie had lot more running around, but it wasn't penned by Kevin Williamson and chose to focus more on the voice change game. Because of this Liev Schreiber and Kelly Rutherford make a pretty good go at survival only to have mistrust get them in the end. The same voice change device leads Jenny McCarthy into the prop room where she tries to use the various implement for defense to no positive effect. The end finds Neve and Scott Foley beating the holy hell out of each other before Patrick Dempsey puts and end to it.

If you're thinking of the old movies Scream is troping then yes most of the victims just whimpered and waited to die. The Scream films really played with what was expected though and would follow or change the rules to suit the plot.
Ok granted, but I'm still unimpressed. When I said "beat the shit out of him" I didn't mean just knock him off balance and run away, I meant beat him to unconsciousness, bind him then get the fucking cops.
Understood, but as I mentioned earlier the Scream films are about playing with the genre, not subverting it. The killers in those films were superhuman until the end when their face was revealed. To do something else would have been making a new type of film.


New member
Oct 9, 2010
Was that Hayden Panettiere? With any luck, this will kill her career, too, so we can stop seeing her.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
I don't usually have a problem with Bob's incredible bias towards things, but today's episode really just pissed me off. I think it was just his explanation at the start, which to me sounded like "waaaaaaah waaaaaaah I used to be a happy little snowflake, and then Scream came out and all the popular kids could do the same things as me. SCREAM SUCKS! Waaaah."

Starting a review with crap like that renders anything he had to say afterward completely pointless, IMO.

As, for the movie itself, dont care. never seen any of them before, don't plan to see this one.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
omegawyrm said:
I hate you guys. Yahtzee gets endless praise week after week, for being a petulant, hipster, jerk, or at least acting like one, but when Bob, who gives far more positive than negative reviews, says he doesn't like a movie and puts out front and center his personal reason for disliking the series, suddenly he's "the most biased, worthless, and egocentric person ever".

And Bob, please don't let the dickish reaction to your story stop you from sharing your personal feelings about a film or series with us again. I think I understood what you were saying, because a similar thing happened to me in high school when Napoleon Dynamite came out, and I hate that movie for it. Same for Fanboys. It also helps that neither of them are funny in the slightest or understand what nerd-dom is about.
Way to spectacularly miss the point. Yahtzee produces a comedy show in which he plays an exaggerated version of himself and reviews games with his tongue firmly in his cheek, there's not an ounce of genuine malice in any of his videos. He mocks the fans of the genres he doesn't like but he never simply calls them fucking idiots.

Bob on the other hand is becoming more and more of a smug douche who blatantly insults everyone who disagrees with him, including a large portion of his viewers, without a hint of shame or irony. Bob's reaction to differing opinions is to call everyone who disagrees with him stupid and continues to portray any group he isn't a part of as retarded jocks.

For example, Yahtzee doesn't like JRGP's so he doesn't review them, and on the odd occasion he does he mocks the aspects of them he doesn't like. Bob opened this review with a rant about how Scream dared to bring his hobby into the mainstream and take away his special thing. It would be like if Yahtzee started hating on Mario because he was once molested by a guy with a mustache.

If you can find a single valid criticism in this review I'd love to hear it, because I've just watched it again and there's nothing.


New member
May 9, 2010
all nice and well. but why did you pick lucas as your kid picture? to symbolize the problems you had as a kid?
I hate to break it to you but lucas(from mother 3)life is basically hell. he lost his mother his brother and he saw the friendly people of his hometown become becoming mean and then leaving until the town is empty. Comparing that to a kid losing the only thing he really was skillful is like comparing the nuclear bombs hitting Japan to a normal bomb hitting one house and causing one dead yes both of them are sad but the I think we can see which one is biggest tragedy.
and yes i know the irony of comparing the problems of a kid to a bomb is stupid.
are there no other pictures of kids on the web I mean lucas is kind of obscure.
have you played mother 3? If not then do it


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Hmmm The more I read an analyze this it looks like Bob is turning into Frank Miller.

According to one review of Linkara's (I forget which), Frank Miller's work has gradually gone down in quality (read: escape to the movies), but on his blog posts is well-spoken (read: big picture, and intermission).

And I think maybe there could be a reason for this simply that short time = small detail.

In intermission he tends to have a lot more time to explain his reasoning, and in big picture the topics tend to be so specific the details needed can get in.

But escape to the movies? He just lacks the time to put in the details needs to make his arguments stick. Blanket statements, without context or evidence = pissed off group of people. It's pretty much a fundamental rule of debate. Plus since the other side is giving evidence on this forum and Bob...did not. They have a huge jump on him, making him look, well. Like a whiny protester outside of a government building holding a sign and yelling "WE WANT CHANGE" without any detail on what they WANT changed.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
scre four um

gonna have that stuck in my head all day, classy review as always!


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Farson89 said:
omegawyrm said:
I hate you guys. Yahtzee gets endless praise week after week, for being a petulant, hipster, jerk, or at least acting like one, but when Bob, who gives far more positive than negative reviews, says he doesn't like a movie and puts out front and center his personal reason for disliking the series, suddenly he's "the most biased, worthless, and egocentric person ever".

And Bob, please don't let the dickish reaction to your story stop you from sharing your personal feelings about a film or series with us again. I think I understood what you were saying, because a similar thing happened to me in high school when Napoleon Dynamite came out, and I hate that movie for it. Same for Fanboys. It also helps that neither of them are funny in the slightest or understand what nerd-dom is about.
Way to spectacularly miss the point. Yahtzee produces a comedy show in which he plays an exaggerated version of himself and reviews games with his tongue firmly in his cheek, there's not an ounce of genuine malice in any of his videos. He mocks the fans of the genres he doesn't like but he never simply calls them fucking idiots.

Bob on the other hand is becoming more and more of a smug douche who blatantly insults everyone who disagrees with him, including a large portion of his viewers, without a hint of shame or irony. Bob's reaction to differing opinions is to call everyone who disagrees with him stupid and continues to portray any group he isn't a part of as retarded jocks.

For example, Yahtzee doesn't like JRGP's so he doesn't review them, and on the odd occasion he does he mocks the aspects of them he doesn't like. Bob opened this review with a rant about how Scream dared to bring his hobby into the mainstream and take away his special thing. It would be like if Yahtzee started hating on Mario because he was once molested by a guy with a mustache.

If you can find a single valid criticism in this review I'd love to hear it, because I've just watched it again and there's nothing.
Way to spectacularly miss the point. Yahtzee is taken quite seriously among many communities in real life and online, and those people therefore think that it's cool to talk about how all modern games suck and are unoriginal ripoffs. I like games, and that makes me upset. And he's at least playing the character of a smug douche and there have been many times Yahtzee has personally insulted me for liking something without seeming the slightest bit ironic about it. He's insulted people who like visual novels, people who like Warhammer 40k, people who read Batman comics, people who like motion controls, and people who like JRPGs, groups that all include me. Bob has never once insulted a group I belong too.

And who the hell are you to criticize another person's emotional reactions to their life history? He said he's been emotionally invested in his hobby since he was a kid, and he said he felt like the Scream movie allowed other people a grounds to unfairly cheapen that investment. Maybe you don't get that, but you can't say it's not a valid emotion.

And I have nothing to say about the movie, I've not seen it or any of the Scream movies.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
... In fairness Bob, it is a douchebag party trick.

I do it too. I proudly boast that I identified the killer in Dexter Season 1 the moment he showed his face on screen. I managed to brag in Biology class that I knew all about Lupus from watching House. The nerdy business of knowing everything about something lends itself to douchebaggery.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
omegawyrm said:
1. Way to spectacularly miss the point. Yahtzee is taken quite seriously among many communities in real life and online, and those people therefore think that it's cool to talk about how all modern games suck and are unoriginal ripoffs. I like games, and that makes me upset. And he's at least playing the character of a smug douche and there have been many times Yahtzee has personally insulted me for liking something without seeming the slightest bit ironic about it. He's insulted people who like visual novels, people who like Warhammer 40k, people who read Batman comics, people who like motion controls, and people who like JRPGs, groups that all include me. Bob has never once insulted a group I belong too.

2. And who the hell are you to criticize another person's emotional reactions to their life history? He said he's been emotionally invested in his hobby since he was a kid, and he said he felt like the Scream movie allowed other people a grounds to unfairly cheapen that investment. Maybe you don't get that, but you can't say it's not a valid emotion.

3. And I have nothing to say about the movie, I've not seen it or any of the Scream movies.
1. You're doing it again.

First of all, Yahtzee shouldn't be taken all that seriously, we're agreed on that. He's a single guy with an internet connection and a mic and his opinion has no more or less value than anyone else's and anyone who blindly follows his opinion needs to start thinking for themselves. As for his 'insults', don't you understand the term tongue in cheek? I've never detected a single ounce of spite or malice from a Yahtzee video, he's playing up those insults for laughs, you aren't meant to take them seriously. I've been a part of those groups too, he's repeatedly savaged games and series I like and every time he's 'insulted' me I've known to take it as the joke it clearly is. Defending Bob because he hasn't yet called out you personally is one hell of a case of double standards. SO it's not okay for Yahtzee to make a joke at your expense but Bob can tell huge groups of other people to fuck off? There was real spite in this review and it was unpleasant to sit through, it's something that's been building for a while but it really came out in this video. He's perfectly entitled to hate Scream but not to be a huge dounche for no reason.

2. Again, I'm emotionally invested in things too. DO you know how annoying it was as a long time Batman fan to have to listen to everybody's un-informed opinions about the Joker after The Dark Knight came out? The same happened with 300, I'm a big ancient history buff and suddenly everyone was an expert on the Spartans despite actually knowing nothing. And you know what? I could still enjoy those films because I'm not an overgrown child, getting upset at the films themselves is pointless. I can make that judgement because I've gone through the same thing multiple times without throwing a fit.

3. Not what I was asking, I was asking if Bob had made any real points of value in his review and he didn't. I'm annoyed at him because I know he's better than this. He can produce negative reviews while making valid points and not act like an ass.