OK, fine, regardless of the fact that that first argument is totally reversible and depends only on how you see the person, you win. Your intellect is clearly so vastly superior to my own and you're so coolly disconnected and emotionally mature that you don't get upset at movies because of the social situations surrounding them, and I am a mere infant by comparison.Farson89 said:1. You're doing it again.omegawyrm said:1. Way to spectacularly miss the point. Yahtzee is taken quite seriously among many communities in real life and online, and those people therefore think that it's cool to talk about how all modern games suck and are unoriginal ripoffs. I like games, and that makes me upset. And he's at least playing the character of a smug douche and there have been many times Yahtzee has personally insulted me for liking something without seeming the slightest bit ironic about it. He's insulted people who like visual novels, people who like Warhammer 40k, people who read Batman comics, people who like motion controls, and people who like JRPGs, groups that all include me. Bob has never once insulted a group I belong too.
2. And who the hell are you to criticize another person's emotional reactions to their life history? He said he's been emotionally invested in his hobby since he was a kid, and he said he felt like the Scream movie allowed other people a grounds to unfairly cheapen that investment. Maybe you don't get that, but you can't say it's not a valid emotion.
3. And I have nothing to say about the movie, I've not seen it or any of the Scream movies.
First of all, Yahtzee shouldn't be taken all that seriously, we're agreed on that. He's a single guy with an internet connection and a mic and his opinion has no more or less value than anyone else's and anyone who blindly follows his opinion needs to start thinking for themselves. As for his 'insults', don't you understand the term tongue in cheek? I've never detected a single ounce of spite or malice from a Yahtzee video, he's playing up those insults for laughs, you aren't meant to take them seriously. I've been a part of those groups too, he's repeatedly savaged games and series I like and every time he's 'insulted' me I've known to take it as the joke it clearly is. Defending Bob because he hasn't yet called out you personally is one hell of a case of double standards. SO it's not okay for Yahtzee to make a joke at your expense but Bob can tell huge groups of other people to fuck off? There was real spite in this review and it was unpleasant to sit through, it's something that's been building for a while but it really came out in this video. He's perfectly entitled to hate Scream but not to be a huge dounche for no reason.
2. Again, I'm emotionally invested in things too. DO you know how annoying it was as a long time Batman fan to have to listen to everybody's un-informed opinions about the Joker after The Dark Knight came out? The same happened with 300, I'm a big ancient history buff and suddenly everyone was an expert on the Spartans despite actually knowing nothing. And you know what? I could still enjoy those films because I'm not an overgrown child, getting upset at the films themselves is pointless. I can make that judgement because I've gone through the same thing multiple times without throwing a fit.
3. Not what I was asking, I was asking if Bob had made any real points of value in his review and he didn't. I'm annoyed at him because I know he's better than this. He can produce negative reviews while making valid points and not act like an ass.
Ah, you don't have a leg to stand on so you're pulling out and being snarky, nice. You'll note that I never called YOUR intelligence or maturity into question nor did I imply that I'm smarter than anyone here. I simply suggested that it isn't mature to get upset at a movie for bringing your personal interest into the mainstream and it's easy to brush it off, if I can do it why can't Bob? If you genuinely do get upset when that kind of thing happens there's something wrong with you.omegawyrm said:OK, fine, regardless of the fact that that first argument is totally reversible and depends only on how you see the person, you win. Your intellect is clearly so vastly superior to my own and you're so coolly disconnected and emotionally mature that you don't get upset at movies because of the social situations surrounding them, and I am a mere infant by comparison.
I will make no further comments to rebut your superior opinions or interpretations, sorry to have wasted your time.
I have to agree; Yahtzee isn't so much irritating any more so much as he is boring me. Even if he WAS producing a comedy show (which he isn't, let's be honest) his humor has gotten stale and tired. He just seems to be falling back on the same jokes over and over again that, dare I say, come off as bigoted, hypocritical, and self-righteous at times. Like his Other M review where he has the GALL to act like he's being fair to women...AND THEN MAKES A MENSTRUATION JOKE. The only people Bob mocks are the assholes, the bigots, the hypocrites, and the holier-than-thou. Which, oddly enough, all seem to comprise MY GENERATION. God my generation SUCKSomegawyrm said:Way to spectacularly miss the point. Yahtzee is taken quite seriously among many communities in real life and online, and those people therefore think that it's cool to talk about how all modern games suck and are unoriginal ripoffs. I like games, and that makes me upset. And he's at least playing the character of a smug douche and there have been many times Yahtzee has personally insulted me for liking something without seeming the slightest bit ironic about it. He's insulted people who like visual novels, people who like Warhammer 40k, people who read Batman comics, people who like motion controls, and people who like JRPGs, groups that all include me. Bob has never once insulted a group I belong too.
And who the hell are you to criticize another person's emotional reactions to their life history? He said he's been emotionally invested in his hobby since he was a kid, and he said he felt like the Scream movie allowed other people a grounds to unfairly cheapen that investment. Maybe you don't get that, but you can't say it's not a valid emotion.
And I have nothing to say about the movie, I've not seen it or any of the Scream movies.
Wow, you're so smug I can actually feel it.Farson89 said:Ah, you don't have a leg to stand on so you're pulling out and being snarky, nice. You'll note that I never called YOUR intelligence or maturity into question nor did I imply that I'm smarter than anyone here. I simply suggested that it isn't mature to get upset at a movie for bringing your personal interest into the mainstream and it's easy to brush it off, if I can do it why can't Bob? If you genuinely do get upset when that kind of thing happens there's something wrong with you.
But if you're so set on defending him at this point that you'll happily misrepresent what I've said then more power to you. I'm sure Bob will now ask you to be his best friend forever in return for your sterling efforts.
If anything it's ironic that I never accused you of being immature and in the post you say that I did, you act immature. But whatever feel free to act as if sticking your fingers in your ears is a sign of maturity.
I'm a bit tired of Bob's personal pet peeves creeping into all his reviews. He could do a hell of a lot better if he just kept it to the pros and cons of the film instead of ranting about how his "talent" became useless after Scream (Newsflash, Bob: it was useless before too). I only watch his reviews on occasion when the film either looks interesting or I foolishly decide to see what he thinks about something I'm familiar with. Sure, I never really liked Scream or its sequels in any way, but I don't get all bent out of shape about it.gibboss28 said:Yeah, I think I'm done listening to ya.
This is basically what I've been saying but better worded, if there was a 'like' button on this forum I would use it.Stall said:Snippity-ip.