Facebook patents the word "Face"


New member
Feb 22, 2009
It's Tim Langdell all over again.
This also ruins my family motto:

"Anything but the face!"


New member
Dec 20, 2009
you pathetic gits! they've actually well, we all know what they did but THEY REALLY DID THAT?!? oh god, the world is so sad sometimes, excuse me i'm gonna go and cry...


sorry about that, my word is "meganommable" it means delicious, except more delicious


New member
Aug 19, 2008
But what about the Facebook of sex :O
Now the porn industry has to make a new site for streaming porn advertisements >_<


New member
Dec 20, 2009
FallenTraveler said:
Daverson said:
Why not just patent the word patent, then you can sue anyone who patents anything for patent infringement! It's the perfect system! =D
Genius. Absolute genius.

I do wonder what apple will do about facetime... they're kind of screwed eh?
and of course, people in films can no longer have "face-offs"


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Alright well, I'm gonna patent "Get" as in "Get the fuck out facebook, suck in some helium and go shoot yourself with shotguns."


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Freedom of speech anyone?

How can you own a word!
I hate companies doing this shit.
It's a body-part for crying out load!

Kids no-longer get to learn that word now?


New member
May 24, 2010
Wardnath said:
face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face face
I hope I don't get banned for that.

Anyway, I think I'd copyright "epic". Or "fail". Or both.
I doubt you'll get banned for that.

If anything, this will stop the Facebook owners from getting this patent:

Boneasse said:
However, other than this criteria, Facebook has to prove that they have a product bound to the word "Face" where the name 'Facebook' is not enough. They will have to apply for a "Statement of Use" [http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&entry=78980756], where they prove that they use the word ('face') in business correlations - within six months of having been granted the copyright.
EDIT: Now, I'm even more proud of the fact that I don't support Facebook, and that I do not have an account.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Boneasse said:
If you want to use the word 'face' in the US, you will, in the future, have to be aware of the context in which you use it. If it is in connection with tele-communication, chat and texting between computers in a social or entertainment-network, you might have to think twice.

Facebook has applied to gain copyright of the word 'Face' and they have now recieved a green light from the United States Patent Office (USPTO). All the social networking service needs to do, is pay a fee within three months.

However, other than this criteria, Facebook has to prove that they have a product bound to the word "Face" where the name 'Facebook' is not enough. They will have to apply for a "Statement of Use" [http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&entry=78980756], where they prove that they use the word ('face') in business correlations - within six months of having been granted the copyright.

If they do that, however, there shouldn't be anything else stopping from actually owning a word.

So, how's that for a kick in the head, eh? Someone has actually been granted copyright over a word.

I thought it was crazy when apple tried to apply for the word 'Pod', but actually patenting a word as normal as face just seems crazy.

On a different note; if you could patent any word in the English dictionary, what would it be?
What is your source for this? This sounds more like they're trying to trademark it, which is very different than copyright.


New member
Jul 16, 2008
BloodSquirrel said:
Boneasse said:
If you want to use the word 'face' in the US, you will, in the future, have to be aware of the context in which you use it. If it is in connection with tele-communication, chat and texting between computers in a social or entertainment-network, you might have to think twice.

Facebook has applied to gain copyright of the word 'Face' and they have now recieved a green light from the United States Patent Office (USPTO). All the social networking service needs to do, is pay a fee within three months.

However, other than this criteria, Facebook has to prove that they have a product bound to the word "Face" where the name 'Facebook' is not enough. They will have to apply for a "Statement of Use" [http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&entry=78980756], where they prove that they use the word ('face') in business correlations - within six months of having been granted the copyright.

If they do that, however, there shouldn't be anything else stopping from actually owning a word.

So, how's that for a kick in the head, eh? Someone has actually been granted copyright over a word.

I thought it was crazy when apple tried to apply for the word 'Pod', but actually patenting a word as normal as face just seems crazy.

On a different note; if you could patent any word in the English dictionary, what would it be?
What is your source for this? This sounds more like they're trying to trademark it, which is very different than copyright.
It might be trademark and not copyright. I translated it from a danish news source and I might have gotten the translation wrong, in my conveying of the news. Anyway, here's a source in english: http://slashdot.org/story/10/11/24/2040247/Facebook-To-Own-the-Word-Face

Since it was trademark and not copyright, I'll be editing my original post :)


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Terminate421 said:
I guess Ill attempt to patent the letter "a" or "A" then
Hah, I'll go one better. I'll patent the letter 'E'... the most commonly used letter in the alphabet!!!!! It makes as much sense as what Facebook's doing, and guarantees me plenty of money in royalties or whatever almost every time someone speaks at all!


New member
Feb 11, 2010
It would probably be a good idea for The Escapist to patent the words "the", "escape", "escapist", and "escapee".